Office of Student Affairs
Room SU-201
Fall 2017/Spring 2018
The Club Reinstatement Packet must be completed by the 4th week of the Fall
(Friday, September 15, 2017) and Spring (Friday, February 23, 2018)semesters.
Once completed, the packets are turned into the Office of Student Affairs (SU 201)
where they are audited. If all the information has been provided as requested, the
Club will be approved. Upon approval, your club will receive a confirmation email and a
Club Information Packet will be placed inyour club mailbox in SU 201. Detailed campus club information, policies and procedures can be found in the “Club Guide Book” under the
“Club Information” tab on the OSA webpage:.
Clubs must also follow all Palomar College GoverningBoard Policies & Procedures:
If you have any questions or concerns about the information in the Club Information Packet,
Club Guide Book orReinstatement Packet, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.
REMEMBER –Clubs are not eligible for Inter-Club Council (ICC) points until the Club has been approvedfor the term, by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). The sooner you get the Reinstatement Packet into the Office of Student Affairs, the sooner you can earn ICC points for your club.
ICC participation points can earn your club money at the end of the year!
The staff in the Office of Student Affairs is ready to answer your
questions and assist you with your projects/events
(Form due into the Office of Student Affairs the fourth week of the semester)
Semester/Year: ______
Club/Organizations Name______
President/Chair ______Telephone #:______
Club Contact Email______
Vice President/Chair ______Telephone #:______
Club Advisors
Clubs/Organizationsmust have at least one, full-time faculty or staff advisor and no more than three.
Advisors may not advise more than 3 clubs per semester.
Important Clery Act Information: Due to your role as an advisor of a recognized student organization,
you are considered a “Campus Security Authority” for the College. As such, you shall immediately report
any crimes that you are made aware of to the Palomar College Police Department.
Advisor name (print) (signature)
Advisor name (print) (signature)
Advisor name (print)(signature)
List names of ten (10) current memberstheir Palomar College I.D. numbers.
Club members are required to be current Palomar College students.
Club Meeting Day/Time:______
Meeting Location:______
Individuals responsible for the organization are aware that:
• In all activities, the campus club/organization shall assume full responsibility for abidingby local, state, and federal laws and campus regulations and policies.
• Membership in a club/organization is restricted to current Palomar College students.
• No District funds shall ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or contribution on behalf of the District of any individual employed by or associated with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he/she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of his/her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.(in accordance to BP 3410)
• All information given on this form shall be considered public information unlessotherwise indicated.
• Advisors must attend all meetings/activities/events of the organization for the duration of such.
• All official off-campus club functions require a “Travel Request” to be approved prior to the event.
Please pick up the form from the Office of Student Affairs.
• New clubs/organizations requesting recognition for the first time must submit aConstitution with the New Club Packet.
Club President SignatureDate
Club Advisor SignatureDate
Club meeting date and place ______
Club meeting time ______
Date Received by the OSA______
Date Approved by the OSA______
Palomar College
Associated Student Government
Inter-Club Council Membership Form
The Inter-Club Council (ICC) is made up of one representative from each new or reinstated club on campus. The ICC is the networking council for the clubs. The ICC meetings are now on Fridays during the Fall and Spring semesters in SU 204, from 9:00am – 10:00am. In order to comply with the Associated Students of Palomar College Bylaws, clubs that wish to become members of the ICC must complete this form and return it to the Office of Student Affairs. Becoming an ICC member is a requirement to receiving ICC points throughout the semester.
Clubs should review Article XV of the ASG Bylaws, which details Inter-Club Council membership, leadership positions and much more.
Benefits of belonging to the ICC include:
networking opportunities throughout the campus, ASG monetary request opportunities, ability to participate in the ICC points program, free duplication services with current Activity Card, use of theDiversity Room, use of the SEAL Center, officer training, as well as additional benefits added during thesemester.
This form must be on file in the OSA before benefits are extended to the club.
is a reinstating club at Palomar Collegeand would like to become a member of the Inter-Club Council.
Club President’s Name (Print)Signature
Club Email address
Club Advisor’s Name (Print)Signature
Club Email Address
ICC Representative’s Name (Print)Signature
Email Address
ICC Representative Phone Contact
Club Reinstatement Date______
Account Number______
Name of Club______
Authorized Signatures:
Advisor 1 (print name) (signature)
Advisor 2 (print name) (signature)
Advisor 3 (print name) (signature)
All Advisor’s Email Addresses:______/______
Club President (print name) (signature)
President’s Email______
Club Vice President (print name) (signature)
Vice President’s Email______
Club Secretary (print name) (signature)
Club Treasurer (print name) (signature)
This form must be submitted whenever there is a change in officers.
One advisor’s signature and one officer’s signature is required on all requisitions.
Return when completed to the Office of Student Affairs.
Office of Student Affairs
(Each Advisor listed on club paperwork must submit this form.)
Club Advisors
Clubs/Organizations must have at least one, full-time faculty or staff advisor and no more than three.
Advisors may not advise more than 3 clubs per semester.
As the Advisor to ______
(Club Name)
I am fully aware I serve without pay, receive no release time, no comp time, no overtime, and no workload hours. Club duties, including events and meetings, are strictly voluntary hours. I am also aware I need to attend all official club functions, including club meetings and events, on or off campus, for the duration of each. ***Detailed campus club information, college policies and procedures can be found in the “Club Guide Book” under the “Club Information” tab on the OSA webpage: .
Club Advisor NameClub Advisor SignatureDate
Clery Act Training
Important Clery Act Information: Due to your role as an advisor of a recognized student organization,you are considered a “Campus Security Authority” for the College. As such, you shall immediately reportany crimes that you are made aware of to the Palomar College Police Department.
I, (name) ______have completed Clery Act Training for this academic year. (Training must be completed once per academic year to be current.)
If you have not completed Clery Act Training for this term, please contact Karen Boguta-Reeve ASAP directly, in the Campus Police Department at or x. 3977.
______Advisor Print Name
______Advisor Signature/Date
Date Received by the Office of Student Affairs: ______
OSA Signature: ______Copy Provided to Club Mailbox On: ______
OfficeofStudent Affairs
GeneralConstitution Form
(When clubs update/edit/change their constitution, a hard copy must
be turned in immediately to the Office of Student Affairs / SU-201).
Social, Service, Honorary,Political, or SpecialInterest______
Membership is limited to Palomar Collegestudents only, regardless ofrace,religion, gender, national origin orphysical limitation.
Basisof membership shallbe:
Membership dues shallbe:
$ per (optional)
Section 1Officers areusuallyPresident, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, andInter-Club CouncilRepresentative.
Section 2 Executive Council isoptional, butshould consist of: President, Vice
President, Secretary,and Treasurer.
Section 3 Club elections willbeheld :______
(Remember: reinstatement form mustbe filed no later than thefourth week of the semester.)
Section 1 President
A. Preside over allmeetings
B. Callspecial meetings
C. Carryoutthe provisionsof the constitution
D. Appoint committees andchairpersons
E. Oversee allcommittee activities
F. Represents the club on publicoccasions
Section 2 VicePresident
A. Assumethe duties of thepresident in his/her absence
B. Act as publicitychairperson (membership, etc.)
C. perform anyduties delegated to her/him bythe president
Section 3 Secretary
A. Keep accurate minutes ofallmeetings
B. Act as correspondenceclerk
C. Print and distribute agendas for allmeetings
Section 4 Treasurer
A. Handle funds andfinances for club
B. Keep financial records and collectsdues
C. Pay bills and release funds as voted bythegeneralmembership
Section 5 Inter-ClubCouncilRepresentative
A. Attend allICCmeetings
B. Report the results ofICCmeetings to theclub
Section 6 Executive Council
A.The executive councilshallmeetas oftenas the membership declares.
B. Formulatepolicyof the club between regular meetings and in
caseofemergencies, subject to approvalofthegeneral membership.
C. To execute policies determined bythegeneral membership
D. To govern theactivities ofthe club
E. To compileagendas forgeneralmeetings
Section 1 Impeachment of officer(s) is basedon:
An officer maybeimpeached onlyunder thefollowing
conditions:there must be aquorumpresent during impeachment, 2/3 of themembershipmust vote, priorto impeachment, theremustbeoneweek’s noticeofintent publicized. TheDirectorofStudent Affairsmust havea copyofgrounds in writing, two weeks priorto vote.
Section 2 Replacement of officersshallbein the following manner:
Section 1Meetings shallbeheld (twiceamonth)(weekly)(monthly) unless otherwiseordered bytheclub.
Section 1All recognized clubsmust have at least one Palomar Collegestaff member as anadvisor, who functions with the club at allofficial meetingsand events. Aclubmayhaveup to threeadvisors.
Section 1 Anyamendmentchange requires a 2/3 voteat ageneralmeeting.
President’s Signature Date:______
Advisor’s Signature Date:______
Officeof Student Affairs Date:______
Copies of approved constitutions willbekept onfile in the OfficeofStudent Affairs.
Updated on 5/22/2017