There was a meeting of the Planning Committee in the Balcony Room on Tuesday20 March 2018, to discuss the following applications:

Present: Cllr Graham, Cllr Harrison, Cllr Westlake, Cllr Wood

  1. Apologies: Cllr Pook, Cllr Richards, Cllr Vine
  2. Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct: None declared.
  1. 18/0509/FUL 3 Highfield Terrace, Clapps Lane, Beer, Seaton EX12 3HF

Construction of parking area and loft conversion

The Committee had no objections to this application subject to:

  • The dividing walls to have natural (preferably local) stone façade (not rendered), consistent with the front walls. This will replace the flint walls that have been removed without prior planning permission.
  • The surface of the parking area to be of permeable construction.

The Committee expressed concern regarding the height of the dividing wall with 4 Highfield Terrace and suggested that the wall be to the patio level with a railing in order to facilitate a clear view of approaching traffic (refer to Highways).

The Committee also expressed concern regarding the lack of a (fire) door at the bottom of the stairs to the loft conversion.

  1. 18/0508/FUL 2 Highfield Terrace, Clapps Lane, Beer, Seaton EX12 3HF

Retention of parking area to front garden and alteration to levels

(The Committee queried the use of the word ‘retention’ which suggests that there was already a parking area in situ.)

The Committee had no objections to this application subject to:

  • The dividing walls to have natural (preferably local) stone façade (not rendered), consistent with the front walls. This will replace the flint walls that have been removed without prior planning permission.
  • The surface of the parking area to be of permeable construction.
  1. 18/0541/FUL 32 Park Road, Beer, Seaton EX12 3HJ

Demolition of existing structure and replace with a single storey rear extension and alterations

The Committee had no objections to this application.

Louise Harrison

Chair of Planning