FALL 2015-2016
Modeling, Simulation and Control of an Electro Hydrostatic Actuator
In your term project, you are expected to model, simulate and control an Elector Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA). A typical hydraulic circuit architecture of an EHA is shown in Figure 1.a. In this circuit a servo motor driven constant displacement pump regulates the flow rate through the hydraulic actuator (symmetric, double-rod), and a hydraulic accumulator compensates the leakage losses of the hydraulic pımp.
Figure 1 a) Sample hydraulic circuit of and EHA, [1]
Your EHA should satisfy the following design criteria. You are free to select the maximum force and speed of the EHA. You should size your actuator and select the hydraulic and electric components according to these criteria’s. You should provide the catalogs/manuals of the selected components. Unfortunately, some information like the leakage characteristics of the pump is not available by the manufacturers; therefore you are free to construct your own leakage characteristics. Note that the leakage characteristic should be compatible with the pumps hydraulic and mechanical efficiency curves.
· Stroke: in between 100-200 mm
· Maximum output force: in between 10-20 kN
· Maximum working pressure: 21 MPa
· Maximum speed: in between 300-500 mm/s
· Maximum overshoot : 20%
· Moving mass: 20 kg
· Stiffness at 5 Hz sinusoidal external load: 25 kN/mm (minimum)
· Bandwidth (-3dB requirement), 10 Hz (minimum)
· Accumulator line pressure 0.3 MPa
Project Reports
· Roport 1-a (Soft Copy) (Due Date: 14.12.2015)
- Literature survey: Give an overview of hydraulic circuits used in EHA.
- Size your hydraulic system and select required components.
- From the catalogs/manuals of the components that you are provided, determine the model parameters.
· Report 2 (Soft Copy) - MATLAB®/Simulink® (Due Date: 24.12.2015)
- Provide a physical model in your report and clearly specify all your assumptions.
- Write all elemental and structural equations.
- Construct a numerical simulation model in MATLAB®/Simulink® using these equations.
- Evaluate your model by performing open-loop simulations.
· Report 3 – (Soft Copy) SimHydraulics® (Due Date: 04.01.2016)
- Construct a simulation model by using SimHydraulics®.
- Evaluate your model by performing open-loop simulations.
- In this report, you should also compare the open-loop responses obtained from Simulink® and SimHydraulics® models and comment on the results.
· Final Report – Report 1 + Report 2 + Controller Design (Hard Copy) (Due Date: Final Examination Date)
- Design a closed-loop position controller and provide the details of the design steps that you have followed in your report. You are free to select any type of controller design methodology (Classical PID controller, state-space controller, non-linear controllers, etc.).
- Evaluate the closed-loop performance of the system with the controller you designed by simulating your mathematical models. Comment on the results; whether the expected performance is obtained.
- You should also prepare and make a presentation on the final examination date and submit a paper related to your term project.
Some research papers related with the subject,
[1] S. Frischemeier, “Electrohydrostatic Actuators for Aircraft Primary Flight Control-Types, Modelling and Evaluation,” in SICFP’97, Proceedings, 5th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, 1997, pp. 1–16.
[2] S. Habibi and A. Goldenberg, “Design of a New High Performance ElectroHydraulic Actuator,” IEE/ASME Proc. Mechatronics, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 158–164, 2000.
[3] M. a. El Sayed and S. Habibi, “Inner-Loop Control for Electro-Hydraulic Actuation Systems,” J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control, vol. 134, no. 1, p. 014501, 2011.
[4] S. Kukonen and E. Makinen, “Performance of a pump controlled asymmetric actuator - a comparision of different control methods,” in Proceedings of the ASME/BATH Syposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control, 2014.
[5] V. Karanović, M. Jocanović, and K. Hall, “Review of Development Stages in the Conceptual Design of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator for Robotics A Review of EHA Development,” vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 59–79, 2014.
[6] S. R. Habibi and G. Singh, “Derivation of Design Requirements for Optimization of a High Performance Hydrostatic Actuation System,” Int. J. Fluid Power, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 11–27, 2000.
[7] M. G. P. M. G. Park, S. H. P. S. H. Park, J. S. K. J. S. Kim, and H. G. L. H. G. Lee, “Modeling and control and electro hydrostatic actuator systems,” 2009 Iccas-Sice, pp. 3003–3008, 2009.
[8] C. Greissner and U. Carl, “Control of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuation System for the Nose Landing Gear of an, All Electric Aircraft”,” Power, 2004.
[9] J. Andersson, P. Krus, K. Nilsson, and K. Strock, “Modelling Electro-Hydrostatic of Heat Generation Systems,” in 4th JHPS International Symposium, 1999, no. C, pp. 537–542.
[10] M. Pachter, C. H. Houpis, and K. Kang, “Modelling and Control of an Electro Hydrostatic Actuator,” Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, vol. 7, pp. 591–608, 1997.
[11] F. Barbosa and L. A. Filho, “An analysis of electro – hydrostatic actuators in more electric aircrafts,” Divisao de Engenharia Mecanica, Instituto Technologica da Aeronautica, 2008.
FALL 2015-2016
Modeling, Simulation and Control of a Hydrostatic Drive System
In your term project, you are expected to model, simulate and control a hydrostatic drive system for a mobile machine. The schematic view of the hydrostatic transmission system is shown in Figure 1. The hydrostatic transmission system consists of a variable displacement hydraulic pump and variable displacement hydraulic motor. The pump is driven by the internal combustion engine, and the hydraulic motor is connected to a gear box in series.
Figure 1 Hydrostatic drive system concept , [1]
The system is assumed to be used in a railway application. It is desired to climb a 4-degree ramp with 20 kmph speed with 10e3kg mass. The gear-box ratio is constant and is equal to 5. The wheel diameters are 350mm (can be changed in your design). You are desired to select and internal combustion engine (ICE), determine the operation speed (it will be constant ex. 2250 rpm) and then size the hydrostatic transmission system and construct a simulation model.
The ICE speed is constant, the pump displacement is determined by the operator input and the hydraulic motor displacement should be adjusted according to the loading conditions.
Project Reports
· Roport 1-a (Soft Copy) (Due Date: 14.12.2015)
- Literature survey: Give an overview of hydraulic circuits. (you may check Rexroth AA4VG and A6VM, or Rexroth A41CT)
- Size your hydraulic system and select required components.
- From the catalogs/manuals of the components that you are provided, determine the model parameters.
· Report 2 (Soft Copy) - MATLAB®/Simulink® (Due Date: 24.12.2015)
- Provide a physical model in your report and clearly specify all your assumptions.
- Write all elemental and structural equations.
- Construct a numerical simulation model in MATLAB®/Simulink® using these equations.
- Evaluate your model by performing open-loop simulations.
· Report 3 – (Soft Copy) SimHydraulics® (Due Date: 04.01.2016)
- Construct a simulation model by using SimHydraulics®.
- Evaluate your model by performing open-loop simulations.
- In this report, you should also compare the open-loop responses obtained from Simulink® and SimHydraulics® models and comment on the results.
· Final Report – Report 1 + Report 2 + Controller Design (Hard Copy) (Due Date: Final Examination Date)
- Design a controller for the hydraulic motor swash plate angle and provide the details of the design steps that you have followed in your report.
- You should also prepare and make a presentation on the final examination date and submit a paper related to your term project.
Some research papers related with the subject,
[1] K.-E. Rydberg, “Hydrostatic Drives in Heavy Mobile Machinery – New Concepts and Development Trends,” SAE Trans., vol. 107, no. 1382, pp. 232–238, 1997.