CCBC Essex School of Mathematics and Science

MATH 081 Basic Mathematics Section: EGA MWF 1:25 – 2:20pm


INSTRUCTOR: Andrew Beiderman OFFICE: F 417 PHONE: 443.840.1793


OFFICE HOURS: MWF 9 – 10am, TR 9 – 9:30am, 1:30 – 2:30pm

Course Pre-requisites: ASE MATH and successful “re-entry” test, or LVM0 placement, or a satisfactory score on the math placement test; and RDNG 051 or LVR1.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Covers fractions, decimals, ratios, rates, proportions, percents, basic statistics, U.S. and Metric units of measurement, perimeter, area, volume, signed numbers, and first degree equations.


About the Course:

This section of Math 081 is taught as an individualized, non-lecture course. Students learn the skills required for subsequent math or science courses.

At the beginning of the course, you will be given diagnostic tests to determine which parts of the course you will need to study. After testing is completed, you will be counseled by me to set up a schedule of work to be completed for the semester (your Success Schedule) and to determine a goal (math or science course). During the semester, I will review your progress, and, at the end of the semester, advise you of which course you should take next.

How the Class Works:

During the first week of class, you will be assigned topics to work through on the computer or in the textbook. Class time is spent working through the assigned material and taking tests. It is essential that you also do homework to achieve your goal.

During the class period, I will be available to answer questions and direct you. You may use the help of an in-class tutor, if available, or your classmates. If you need additional help, see me during my office hours. Tutors may also be available outside of class time in the Student Success Center, Room A-307, 443-840-1820.

You will work through each chapter checked on your Success Schedule by using the computer software and/or the printed materials. At the end of each chapter is a practice test to help you study for the official chapter test. You are responsible for all of the material on the chapter test.


If you make more than two errors on the practice test, you probably need more practice, and you should consult me before taking the official chapter test. If you make no more than two errors on the practice test for the chapter in which you are working, sign your Check-Out Form. Present your Check-Out Form to the staff, and (s)he will give you the appropriate chapter test.

Give your Check-Out Form to me before returning to your seat to take the test. Show all work, and number your problems on scrap paper. Texts, notes, and other forms of a test may not be used when taking a test or final.

Also, other students, the tutors, and your instructors are not permitted to help you when taking a test or final.

When you have completed the test, staple your scrap paper to the test and return all work to the basket at my desk.

You must score 80% to pass a chapter test; chapter tests must be taken again if the 80% mastery level is not attained. You must score 70% to pass a final exam; final exams must be taken again if the 70% mastery level is not attained. I must sign the Check-Out form if you take a chapter test or the final exam more than once. Students may take tests, chapter and final, only during their regularly scheduled class period and final exam period. Internet sites may not be used on chapter tests or finals.


Math Center students may come to the Math Center outside of their regular scheduled class time (except during final exam week) to do work for their Math Center class; however, tests may be taken only during the student’s regularly scheduled class time and not at any other time.

In general, a student will need to pass about 20 chapter tests in Math 081. In order to finish in one semester, a student will need to pass more than 1 chapter per day. Ask me to discuss a schedule and a timeline with you. Please note that the two-hour exam period as set by the College for your section is the ONLY time during Final Exam Week when you may go to the Math Center to take tests. Do not wait until the last moment to catch up; set a pace to finish early!

Grading policY:

Chapter Score: A “chapter score” is the average of all of the scores of the different forms of the test that the student

took for that chapter. Chapter scores are computed starting in Spring, 2004, and are retained until the student finishes the course.

Final Exam Score: The “final exam score” is the average of all of the scores of the different forms of the final exam that the student took.

Course Percentage: The average of all of the chapter scores constitutes seventy (70) percent of the course percentage, and the final exam score constitutes thirty (30) percent of the course percentage. The course percentage is computed upon completion of the course, after the student has passed all of the required chapter tests and the final exam.

Course Grade: A student who finishes the course will receive a course grade according to the following scheme: A (if the course percentage is 90 or above), B (if the course percentage is at least 80 but less than 90), or C (if the course percentage is less than 80.)

A student receiving an A, B, or C in Math 081 should register for Math 082 next semester. If a student completes Math 081 before the end of the semester, he/she should take the diagnostic test for Math 082 and begin working on the topics in Math 082 that very same semester.

An R grade indicates satisfactory progress but that the student must complete more work to finish the course. An R grade will be given only to a student in Math 081 for the first time who does not complete the course but who meets both of the following conditions:

1. mastery/completion of all chapters up through and including A16 and

2.  no more than 6 hours of class missed.

A student who receives an R grade must register for another semester of Math 081.

A student returning to Math 081 cannot receive an R grade, and he/she must finish the course.

An F grade indicates unsatisfactory progress and/or attendance. An F grade is given to students who have poor attendance (more than 6 hours of class missed) or poor progress (not mastering/completing up through and including A16—or not finishing the course if they are returning students to Math 081.)

A student must receive an A, B, or C in Math 081 before being able to register for Math 082.


1.  Any tests taken while a student has AU (Audit) status will not count and must be retaken.

2.  Students in developmental, zero-credit courses can change their registration status to AU (Audit) at any time before November 5,2010 without needing an official signature. After November 5, in order to change to AU (Audit) status, students in developmental, zero-credit courses must obtain the signature of the dean of the subject area.

Attendance policy:

Attendance at each class and lab is essential. Please be on time. Students with a legitimate problem about attendance should discuss the situation with their instructor. To complete satisfactorily the attendance requirement, you cannot miss more than 6 hours of class. Please see me if there are any special problems.

NOTE: The deadline for withdrawing from a course or changing to an audit for the Fall 2010 , semester is November 5,2010. Failure to officially withdraw from a class you have stopped attending may result in an "F" grade.


Policy on Repeated Courses, page 194 of the 2004-2006 CCBC catalog states, “Students may repeat a course only once without permission. When a student repeats a course, only the higher grade is computed into the Quality Point Average (QPA). All grades will remain on the student’s transcript. Before a student is permitted to register for the course for a third time, the student must have the permission of the academic dean responsible for the course. Before a student may repeat a developmental course that he or she has failed twice, the student’s record must be reviewed by a support team which will make recommendations regarding enrollment.” Please note: The instructor does not have the authority to grant permission to register for a third attempt at the course.


Friday / September 17 / 50% Refund Period Ends
Friday / November 5 / Last Day to withdraw “W”
Thursday-Sunday / November 25-28 / Thanksgiving Holiday
Sunday-Saturday / December 12-18 / Exam Week

MATH 081 Rev. 9/10