(please type or print legibly)

Date & Time______Patient Name: (Last,First, MI) ______

Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yy)______Gender: M ☐F ☐Code Status: Full ☐DNR ☐DNI ☐POLST ☐

Out-of-Hospital DNR attached☐

Language: English ☐Other ☐______Race: ______Ethnicity: ______

Health Care Proxy/Legal Guardian: ______Relationship: Spouse/Child/Other ______

Health Care Proxy/Legal Guardian Phone:(Day)______(Night)______(Cell)______

Transfer From: Assisted Living ☐SNF ☐Personal Care ☐ Transferring Physician/Practitioner: ______

Transfer Facility Contact Name and Number: ______Title: ______

Transfer To: ______Receiving Facility Contact: ______

Direct Number: ______Title: ______

Reasons for Transfer: (Must include brief medical history and recent changes in physical function or cognition.) ______



Primary and Secondary Diagnosis: ______

Mental Health Diagnosis: (If applicable) ______

Vital Signs: T______P______R______BP______O2 Sat%______Height______Weight______

Allergies: (medication, food, insect, material) NKA ☐Yes ☐List: ______

Cognitive Behavioral Status: Alert ☐Oriented ☐Times______Disoriented ☐Forgetful ☐Depressed ☐Anxious ☐

Unresponsive ☐Intellectual Disability☐

Sensory: Vision: Good ☐Poor ☐Blind ☐Glasses ☐Hearing: Good ☐Poor ☐Deaf ☐Hearing Aid ☐R ☐L ☐

Speech: Clear ☐Difficult ☐Aphasia ☐

Respiratory Issues: None ☐Oxygen Device ☐Flow Rate ______Smoker: Yes ☐No ☐

CPAP ☐BPAP ☐Trach ☐Vent ☐Other ______

Diabetic: Glucometer ______Date: ______Time: ______Medication given: ______

Date of administration: ______Time of administration: ______Shunt location: ______

Peritoneal: No ☐Yes ☐Dialysis Center Name: ______

Pacemaker or AICD: No ☐Yes ☐Instructions: ______

Baclon Pump ☐Insulin Pump ☐Brain Stimulator ☐Internal Defibulator ☐Other ☐

IV Access and Location: None ☐PICC ☐Saline Lock ☐IVAD/PORT ☐AV Shunt ☐Port ☐

Other ☐Date Placed ______Location ______

Pain: None ☐Yes, Rating (1-10) ______Site(s) ______

Pain Medication Given: (Drug, Dose, Route, Date, Time) ______

Isolation Precautions: None ☐Airborne ☐Droplet ☐Contact ☐Site: ______

Isolation Reason: (if applicable) TB ☐MRSA ☐FLU ☐SARS ☐VRE ☐ESBL ☐C-Diff ☐Other ______


Diet: NPO ☐Regular ☐Diabetic ☐Heart Failure ☐Sodium Restrictions ☐Renal ☐Gluten Free ☐Clear Liquid ☐Full Liquid ☐

Other ______Enteral Feeding: No ☐Yes ☐Details: ______

Consistency: Regular ☐Mechanical ☐Soft ☐Pureed ☐

Liquids: Regular ☐Thick Liquid ☐(Circle One: Honey, Nectar, Pudding)Fluid Restrictions: No☐Yes ☐Details: ______

Bowel: Continent ☐Incontinent ☐Colostomy ☐Other ☐ Date of last BM ______Comments: ______

Bladder: Continent ☐Incontinent ☐Foley Catheter ☐S/P tube ☐Ileostomy ☐Urostomy ☐ Date Placed:______

Comments: ______

Skin: Intact ☐Fragile ☐Surgical Site ☐Pressure Ulcer ☐Venous Ulcer ☐Diabetic Ulcer ☐Arterial Ulcer ☐Rash ☐Shingles ☐

Other ☐______

(Detail: Site, Size, Stage)

Treatment: ______

At Risk Alerts: Fall ☐Seizure ☐Pressure Ulcer ☐Aspiration ☐Wander ☐Elopement ☐ Harm to: Self ☐Others ☐

Weight Bearing Status: R - Full weight bearing ☐Non-weight bearing ☐Partial with assistance ☐Partial without assistance ☐

L - Full weight bearing ☐Non-weight bearing ☐Partial with assistance ☐Partial without assistance ☐

Mobility Function: SelfAssistance Not AbleDevices Used:

Walk☐☐☐Cane ☐

Transfer☐☐☐Wheelchair ☐


Feed☐☐☐Other ______

Personal Belongings Sent with Patient: Glasses ☐Hearing Aid ☐left ☐right ☐Dentures ☐lower ☐upper ☐Partial ☐Cane ☐

Walker ☐Wheelchair ☐Prosthesis ☐Brace/Splint ☐Other: ______

Immunizations/Screening: Flu Shot Date ______Pneumonia Shot Date ______Tetanus Shot Date ______

PPD: +/- Date: ______Negative ☐Positive ☐Size (mm) ______Other: ______

Additional information in order to meet resident’s needs: ______


Attached Documents (Current Medication Record Attached)

Face Sheet ☐MAR ☐TAR ☐Medication Reconciliation ☐POS ☐Diagnostic Studies ☐Labs ☐Operative Report ☐Respiratory Care ☐

Advance Directive ☐POLST ☐Discharge Summary ☐PT Note ☐OT Note ☐ST Note ☐HX/PE ☐

Comprehensive Care Plan (include health concerns, assessment and plan, goals, resident preferences) ☐

Other ______

Individual Completing Form: (Please print) ______

Title: ______Phone: ______Unit: ______Date: ______

Practitioner Responsible for Resident’s Care______

Sample UPTF Form developed by:

pg. 1UPTF rev. 10/2016