Sept 12, 2007


Produced and Directed by

Marion Cajori


Marion Cajori

Fine Cut Editor

Ken Kobland


Mead Hunt

Ken Kobland

David Leitner

Associate Producer

Kipjaz Savoie

A Musical Portrait of Chuck Close

Composed by

Philip Glass

Performed by

Bruce Levingston

A production of

The Art Kaleidoscope Foundation

(placed at bottom of AKF credit card, very small type)

© The Art Kaleidoscope Foundation, 2007

Principal funding provided by




(in order of appearance)

Janet Fish

Robert Rauschenberg

Alex Katz

Leslie Close

Elizabeth Murray

Kirk Varnedoe

Philip Glass

Joe Zucker

Brice Marden

Robert Storr

Klaus Kertess

Dorothea Rockburne

Mark Greenwold

Lucas Samaras

Maggie Close

Georgia Close

Arne Glimcher

Kiki Smith


Bob Blauvelt

Judy Karp

Sean Kelly

Frank Tonehazy

Bill Wander

Merce Williams

Andrew Yarme

Camera Assistants

Amy Bostwick

Robert Ragozzine

Kipjaz Savoie

Dolly Operators

Jasper Johnson

Steven Mann


David Kaufman

Hector Toledo

Additional Editing

Grace Tankersley

Assistant Editor

Amina Megali

Production Assistants

Kevin Doyle

David Kaufman

Anya Popova

Gianna Scaralia

Image Research

Maya Rivers

Post Production

Ken Kobland

Post Production Coördinator

Ellen LeCompte

On-Line Editing

David Gauff /Du Art Film and Video

Special thanks

Dexter Buell

Manuel Bustamante

Joe Letitia

Michael Volonakis

Beth Zopf

Thanks to the artists and their representatives

for permission to include their work

Ameringer & Yohe

Art Resource

Artists Rights Society

Lynda Benglis

Vivien Bittencourt & Vincent Katz

Michael Blackwood

Estate of Paul Cadmus

Checkerboard Foundation

Cheim & Read

Conde Nast Publications

DC Moore Gallery

Lisa de Kooning

Willem de Kooning Foundation

Janet Fish

Robert Frank

Gagosian Gallery

Philip Glass

Nancy Graves Foundation

Greenberg Van Doren Gallery

Mark Greenwold

Al Held Foundation

Estate of Eva Hesse

Estate of Ralph Humphrey

James Cohan Gallery

Jewish Museum

Karolyn Sherwood Gallery

Alex Katz

Joseph Kosuth

Randall Labry

Alfred Leslie

Sol LeWitt

Estate of Roy Lichtenstein

Danny Lyon

Robert Mangold

Brice Marden

Matthew Marks Gallery

Fred McDarrah

Merce Cunningham Dance Company

Meredith Monk

Elizabeth Murray

Bruce Nauman

Susanne Ofteringer

Philip Pearlstein

Pollock Krasner Foundation

Yvonne Rainer

Robert Rauschenberg

Estate of Ad Reinhardt

Dorothea Rockburne

Margarete Roeder

Lucas Samaras

Richard Serra

Robert Smithson Estate

Frank Stella


Visual Artists and Galleries Assoc., Inc.

Joe Zucker

Additional support received from

Greg Auld

Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation

Dale Bernstein

Eli Broad Foundation

Charles Cajori

Leo Castelli

Nathan Cummings Foundation

Gladys Krieblo Delmas Foundation

Don & Doris Fisher

Andrea & Marc Glimcher

Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

Agnes Gund & Daniel Shapiro

Maxwell Hearn

Jo Carole & Ronald S. Lauder

M. Joseph & Caral G. Lebworth Foundation,

Joe & Emily Lowe Foundation

LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust

Vera Michaels

Ellen Peckham

Nicholas Quennell

David Rockefeller

Peter Rothschild

Anna Marie & Robert F. Shapiro

Jon & Mary Shirley

Raj Singh Foundation

Suzanne S. Solomon

Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Charitable Trust

Tides Foundation

Very Special Arts

Anne & Lukas Weber

Zenkel Foundation


In Memoriam

Marion Cajori
