USA Wrestling Utah Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Telos U @ 7:00pm (600 South Geneva Road, Orem)


Attendance: Craig Lamont, Christie Denton, Dan Rice,Sean Waren, Ben Gasser, Dan Wilson, Jeff Newby, Nate Obrien, Jade Rauser, Billy Cox, Jodi Cox, Maria Gomez, Wayland Wardle, Mitch Kay, Cody Story, Scott Pace, Colby Jacobson, Brooks Robinson.

Amy Richardson, Royce Baraclaugh, Brad Findlay, Cole Kelly, Quinn Dixon, Bill Hales

Approve previous minutes: Ben Gasser , Nate Obrien

Information Items

7:00: Upcoming events (Jeff Newby) Northern State. This weekend, Next Super State, JV State, Girls State.

7:05: Girls committee report (Billy Cox) Billy shared statistics about girls wrestling and recent placing in boys divisions, even at the upper weights. Moving state stand alone. Having former Olympians coming to do clinics. Talked about camps and clinics that are coming up. Girls that have gone internationally wrestled in Japan. Kirstin Bush going to Sweden, Committee working to get colleges with a team for girls and sanctioning process. Craig added the fact that John Smith and Cary Kolat coaches for women’s national team and are traveling with them. National level a lot of changes with the first D1 team adding girl team.

7:10: National Team report (Jade Rauser) Heartland dualscoming up.

Discussion Items

7:30: Girls wrestling discussion & proposals-Craig wants to be unified board on issue of women’s wrestling. Craig suggest more relaxed budget. And used on growth. Have an employee spend some time devoted to women’s wrestlers. All-star match versus just equality. More matches for All-star and JR high matchup. Appoint someone to all-star representing women. Hall of fame more women recognition. Paid staff more productive on women’s side of wrestling. Staff member/director Billy says we need it to grow and it needs to be a female. Sean suggests we tweak the items and go forward.

7:45: All Star rules and regulations- Craig talked about how committee works and asked Jeff to put together a set of rules for all-star selection. (See Jeff’s notes) Rules versus guidelines we need to have guidelines so we do not have the big problems. Bill Hales will talk to the UHSAA about pound allowance and match count. Coaches need to be more involved.

7:45: Spring schedule – open weekends (See Jeff’s notes) WAYLAND asked about pushing season back. Craig talked about adding third tournament in weekend. Nate suggests extending folk style season. Debate about moving State and moving start date. Craig talked about reason the Month of May is a problem.

  • Official’s programDan shared rule changes. We are in Olympic trial year and rules are being changed to encourage action. Cautions are now one point. Blocking/Head down/ and hands to face are negative wrestling. Hands to face immediate 1 pt. Partier has changed (see slide show) 12 hr for adult officials
  • Spring board duties-Jeff will email information
  • Open discussion on spring improvements

8:30: Open discussionon improvements as an organization

Close:MOTION TO CLOSE Christie and second by Ben Gasser.

Next board meeting: May 22 @ 7pm

Additional Executive Committee items

  1. Fargo and duals hazing-Craig discussed some issues that there has been a hazing tradition on bus rides home. Most problems with camps have been dealt with. Craig feels that it is a reflection on him for problems.


Jade-Constant adult supervision

Coach that they are comfortable

Code of conduct for-with consequences

Wayland- Coach front middle and back of bus

Athlete team leader

Patrol bus

Billy-face to face with athlete

More parent supervision.
