A Quick Start to begin using DevInfo Serbia online


March 4, 2010 - Belgrade


The access to DevInfo Serbia databases is now also possible online, i.e. by the use of Internet.

The adaptation of DevInfo 5.0 web software, named DevInfo Serbia, can be accessed on Internet address Internet Explorer browser has to be used to access the site.

After typing this address, the Internet Explorer opens homepage of the application (fig. 1.)

Fig. 1. DevInfo Serbia homepage

At the moment, three databases are set online:

  • Republic database, DevInfo Serbia29.10.2009
  • Settlements database
  • Women and Men in Serbia 2008

Selection of database

The database that is to be opened by default, if you click on (option 1, Fig. 1) is Republic database DevInfo Serbia29.10.2009.

To open and work with some other database, click on the list of the available databases (option 2 -Select database,on the previous figure) to get the list, as is illustrated in the next figure:

Fig. 2. The list of available databases in application DevInfo Serbia

Note: The active or default database is placed at the top of the list. To select some other database click on the database which name is located on the white background(option 1, 2or 3).The click on any name with grey background does not produce result, since they refer to the headers/sections.

So, to open and work with database Women and men in Serbia 2008 click on the ---Zene i muskarci – Women and Men item in the list.

Only one database could be opened and used at time. If you have some database opened and work with, but want to switch to some other database, then use the option (click on) Select database (see Fig. 3).

Warning: If indicators are to be selected by the sector, it is then important to click on some specific sector in order to get the related indicators for that sector.The label Sector that is located at the top of the hierarchy of the available sectors should not be clicked, since that causes the blocking of the present software version (web version problem only – to be corrected in the next software release).

Fig. 3. Indicators tab

Selection of the language

All databases come with two languages defined, that is Serbian language (Cyrillic letter) and English language. The default language after database is selected and opened is Serbian.

The steps needed to change the language in which the database contents (indicator names, units, sectors, institutions, goals etc.) or software interface is shown are as follows:

  1. Click on icon User preferences (see on fig. 3)
  2. Select the Languagetab
  3. Select the language for the database contents or software interface

Fig. 4. User preferences window

Note: If theUser preferences window does not appear,then the settings for the pop-up windows in the Internet Explorer should be checked. In the menu bar select:Tools → Internet Options . . .→ click on Privacy taband then on Settings . . . (within section Pop-up Blocker). The devinfo.stat.gov.rsshould be added to the list of sites that allow pop-up windows.

More information on DevInfo User software could be found in DevInfoUser tutorial that could be downloaded from the Internet address


Petar Vujnovic, DevInfo Database Administrator

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

Phone: +381 11 2412-922, ext. 297


Vladica Jankovic, DevInfo Consultant

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

Phone: +381 11 2412-922, ext. 297
