The regularly scheduled weekly meeting of the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen was held at the above time, date and place with Mert Mann, Chairman, presiding. It was noted that the meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. The following were present:

Mert Mann, Chairman

Les Hammond

Rene Forcier

Janice VandeBogart, Town Administrator

The Selectmen reviewed correspondence, signed checks, and reviewed and signed minutes prior to the Public Meeting was called to order.


1. Building Inspector and Health Officer:

Ken Swayze, Health Officer:

Mert Mann, Chairman, Board of Selectmen, stated that last week Ken Swayze had asked to be unappointed as Building Inspector.

Mert Mann stated that he had spoken with Ken Swayze this week, and what we would like to do is change one thing on removing the Building Inspector and insert Health Officer instead. Ken Swayze does not want to be the Health Officer. He will still be the Building Inspector. He will continue as the Building Inspector. He will still be the Health Officer until such time as he submits a written resignation as Health Officer.


Rene Forcier made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen accept the verbal resignation of Ken Swayze as Health Officer but not until we find someone to replace him. Mert Mann seconded the motion.


Les Hammond stated that the Health Officer position goes with the Building Inspector. He will do less work than now.

The motion passed with the following vote:

Mann – Yes

Forcier – Yes

Hammond – No

2.  Bids for Renovations of Town Office:

Mert Mann opened the sealed bids for the renovations of the Town Office. Bids were received as follows:

a.  Kyle Parker

Home Healers

Hopkinton, NH

Total Bid $16,585.00

b.  Tim Terragni

Long Pond Road

Dunbarton, NH

Total Bid $30,466.00


Selectmen discussed moving the fuel tanks which are currently in the cellar of the Town Offices.

Rene Forcier will check into the replacement of the tanks with updated tank(s).


Les Hammond made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen accept the bid from Kyle Parker, Home Healers, Hopkinton, NH in the amount of $16,585 for renovations to the Town Offices. Rene Forcier seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

3.  Town Hall Roof Repairs:

Les Hammond stated if he doesn’t get a response from the FBI roofing contractor, he will check with Jeff Crosby to get the name of a roofing contractor which does St. Paul’s School roofs.

4.  RFP for Safety Complex Study:

Jeff Nelson, Police Chief, is currently working on the RFP for the Building Study.

5.  New Cruiser:

Jeff Nelson, Police Chief, has ordered the new cruiser. The cruiser has an eight week delivery date.

6.  Cemetery Trustees:

Mert Mann reported that he had contacted Brian Pike re the Cemetery Trustees

regarding laying out the road at the cemetery. Richard Schaffer is the new Chairman

for the Cemetery Trustees.

7.  Town Gravel Pit:

Les Hammond reported that Jacques Belanger, Surveyor, is presently doing the

mapping in the Town Pit.


Janice VandeBogart, Town Administrator, presented a letter to Department of Transportation for Selectmen’s signatures regarding request from Senator Gatsas about a crosswalk on Route 13. Selectmen signed the letter.


Janice VandeBogart, Town Administrator, presented a letter to Comcast Cable Company for the Selectmen’s signature relative to having cable in Dunbarton. Selectmen signed letter.


1.  Grader – Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, reported that he was checking for used graders. Has found several possibilities which have come from other municipalities which will fit within the budget. Will continue search.

2.  Selectmen noted there will be a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 27, 2006 for the Highway Department projects.

3.  Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, reported that he would like to start the “ground work” regarding repairs on Robert Rogers Road. He will speak with owners, Montgomery, Hodgman, Bowne, etc. to keep them informed as to what plans are. Would like to do some sort of gravel wide shoulder to be used as a sidewalk. Will involve drainage issues. May require some light engineering to design drainage. Les Hammond noted that there used to be a water line that went down the side of the road. Should be aware of this. Should have Don Mayo look at it the project.

4.  Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, presented bids received for the roof on the Town Garage as follows:

a.  New Hampshire Traditional Homes, Michael Poirier, Dunbarton, NH - $10,000

b.  John Martin, Brantwood, New Boston, NH - $8,500

c.  Ralph Feldbaum, Dunbarton, NH - $10,090 with a mark-off of 10-15%.


Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, also stated that he had requested that Eric Hodgman look at the roof and give an estimate. Eric Hodgman’s verbal estimate was between $9,500 - $10,500.

Jeff Crosby’s recommendation to the Board of Selectmen was to hire Ralph Feldbaum to do the roof repairs because he is a roofing contractor.


Rene Forcier made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen award the bid for the roof on the Town Garage to Ralph Feldbaum. Les Hammond seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5.  Chan Subdivision – Gile Hill Road

Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, reported that he had inspected the Chan road work along with Ken Swayze the previous day. He stated there were two people working on the project. There are issues with the culvert. The Town requires concrete culverts. Mr. Chan has agreed to change the culvert to concrete. Will work with Don Mayo, Town Engineer. On all new subdivisions, regulations require concrete culverts. Chan’s have cut trees and are in the process of relocated the stone wall. They are doing a good job of rebuilding the stone wall. There are interested in getting the gravel out of the pit. They are allowed to use the gravel on their own property. They have assured us they would clean up any mess and not leave it for the Town to clean up.

Spoke with Ken Swayze regarding exaction fees. These will be collected at the time Building Permits are applied for, etc.

6.  U. S. Cellular Tower:

Jeff Crosby reported that he had spoken with Ken Kozyra, U. S. Cellular. They have graded out Powell Lane, and they are putting in a new culvert. They will be doing other cleanup and putting crushed gravel on road.

7.  Driveway Permit on Class VI Road – Former Drobat Property:

Jeff Crosby reported he has received a request from the new owner of the former Drobat Property for a driveway permit. Asked about policy.

Selectmen advised him that Andy Drobat had approval to access his property off the Class VI Road because at that time, the Town was in the process of revising the policy. This would allow the new owner the right to access his property off the Class VI Road.


Telephone System Maintenance Plan:

1.  Janice VandeBogart, Town Administrator, reported that she had received a Maintenance Agreement for the Telephone System. Noted there is only enough in the budget to cover the first plan. There are three options as follows:

a.  Minimum coverage (Bronze) - $192.00/year which covers just the phones, and any moves such as reprogramming, would reduce hourly rate to $89/hr. instead of $99.

b.  Upgraded program - $834/year, programming would be covered. Would give us a little bit off on moving phones.


Les Hammond made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen take the Bronze Maintenance Plan for the Telephone System at a cost of $192/year. Rene Forcier seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Summer Hours – Board of Selectmen:

Janice VandeBogart, Town Administrator, brought up the subject of summer hours for the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen. The proposed schedule would be as follows:

The Selectmen will be meeting every other Thursday evening beginning June 1 – September 1, 2006. The Board will meet at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates throughout the summer.

June 1, 2006

June 15, 2006

June 29, 2006

July 13, 2006

July 27, 2006

August 10, 2006

August 24, 2006

Beginning September 7, 2006, the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen will meet every Thursday at 7:00 p.m.


Rene Forcier made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen go to summer hours starting on June 1, 2006 ending September 1, 2006. Mert Mann seconded the motion. The motion passed by a majority vote as follows:

Mann – Yes

Forcier – Yes

Hammond – No

Town Hall Roof Repairs:

Les Hammond stated he would like to speak with Jeff Crosby to find someone to do Town Hall Roof Repairs.




Mert Mann made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Rene Forcier seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Alison R. Vallieres

Recording Secretary


Mert Mann, Chairman, Board of Selectmen


Leslie G. Hammond, Selectman


Rene Forcier, Selectman