National Youth Summit on Agri-Science

January 12-15, 2018

The National 4-H Conference Center invites you to submit a workshop proposal for the 2018 National Youth Summit on Agri-Science, to be held at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The NYS on Agri-Science takes place January 12-15, 2018. Attendees are immersed in an agenda focused on agriculture, food security and sustainability while also learning about careers in agri-science. General conference information is available at

Workshops provide attendees a place to:

  • experience hands-on learning
  • gain information in specific subject areas to increase knowledge
  • inspire career paths
  • influence action on how to make a positive impact in their communities

Submitting a Workshop Proposal

Submission deadline: Friday, December 1, 2017

How to submit:Email submission to

Workshop Length:50 minutes

Target audience: Youth grades 9–12; Expect an average of 20 – 30 participants

Recommended:Include hands-on activity as part of session

Handouts/outlines for participants to take home

Workshops could relate to, but not limited to:


Agricultural Engineering

Animal Science

Agricultural Communications & Marketing

Environmental Sciences

Food Science & Technology

Registration Scholarships presented by Bayer

Each selected proposal will receive four (4) registration scholarships. These scholarships include:

  • Three nights lodging (Friday – Monday) at the National 4-H Conference Center
  • All meals (Friday dinner through Monday lunch)
  • Workshop & activity materials
  • Professional facilitators
  • All application taxes and fee
  • Local transportation for Summit tours

Bayer registration scholarships do not include travel to/from the Summit. Applicants will be notified if proposal was selected by December 5th. Selected proposal applicants must register their four scholarship attendees online by 11:59 PM EST onDecember 12thin order to take advantage of the Bayer registration scholarships.

Workshop Proposal Submission

Email your responses to by Friday December 1st.

  1. Area of workshop topic:
  1. Name and contact information for teaching team leader:





  1. Names of additional teaching team members:
  1. Title of workshop session:
  1. Provide a 35 to50-word description for inclusion in conference registration/program.
  1. Describe session format and teaching techniques. Specifically describe how you will provide hands-on activities to involve participants.
  1. What new knowledge will participants gain from the session?
  1. Is it necessary to limit the number of participants? ______Yes _____No

If yes, what is the maximum capacity? ______

  1. Are you willing to repeat your session? ____Once ____Twice ____Three times
  1. List any audio/visual needs (laptop, projector, speakers, other equipment needs or requirements).
  1. List room set up requests (tables, chairs, open space for activity, preferred arrangement).
  1. Provide any additional information you would like the selection committee to know.

Thank you for your interest in the National Youth Summit on Agri-Science.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Summit Planning Team.

You will be contacted by December 5thregarding your workshop proposal.

For questions, contact:

Freeman Thompson, Director, Center Events

National 4-H Conference Center
