South Dakota State University

Edward Patrick Hogan Award for Teaching Excellence

Call for Nominations

Several years ago an endowment was established by the Larson Foundation in Edward Patrick Hogan’s honor to create an award for excellence in teaching at South Dakota State University.


The purpose of this award is to recognize faculty excellence as it relates to the teaching role, to encourage and motivate good teachers, and to contribute to the stimulation of more effective teaching at all levels of education. Each year, the award is given to two faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in teaching.

Nomination Criteria:

To be eligible to receive an award for excellence in teaching, a faculty member must have significant and meritorious evidence of achievement by:

1.  Unusual effort devoted to insuring the quality of the student's classroom learning experience;

2.  Demonstration of scholarship directly related to teaching and learning;

3.  Possession of high scholarly standards for both the rigor and currency of course content and for the level of student performance with respect to those standards;

4.  Available examples of the faculty member's direct impact upon and involvement with students; and

5.  The quality of relevant information and/or nominations submitted by current and former students, including any teacher evaluation forms.

Consistent with past history and to the extent possible, gender balance will be considered in selecting the awardees. Also to the extent possible only one faculty member per college will be selected in a given year. Persons who have received this award are not eligible to receive it again. Only full-time, tenured, tenure-track and term contract (with a minimum of 5 years of service at SDSU) faculty are eligible for the award. (self-nominations not accepted)

Nomination Process:

Nominations should be sent either electronically to the Office of Academic Affairs or hand delivered to the Office of Academic Affairs, Administration Bldg. Room 230. The due date for nominations is December 1st. The selection process will rest with the Academic Affairs Subcommittee on Faculty Awards who is responsible for selecting the recipients of this award. Please use the nomination form and include all required documentation.

This recognition will be awarded during the Celebration of Faculty Excellence. The recipient must be present.

Edward Patrick Hogan Award for Teaching Excellence


I nominate for consideration for the Edward Patrick Hogan Award for Teaching Excellence. (*)

Nominee’s current rank: ______

Nominee’s current number of years at SDSU: ______

Nominee’s current home department and college: ______

In support of this nomination for excellence in teaching, I submit the following:

1. Specific examples of the exceptional nature of the quality of learning experience under the nominee's direction to include any examples of scholarly activities directly related to teaching and learning.

2. One-page curriculum vitae. Submit a concise summary of the professor’s education, teaching experience, other teaching awards, publications, service and other significant contributions.

3. Current academic year teaching log. List the course titles, levels and a brief description of the content and pedagogical approach for each course the professor is teaching.

4. Six letters of support. Two from current or former undergraduate students; two from campus colleagues, such as the nominator, president, faculty or academic deans; and two from supporters on campus, in the community or in the candidate’s profession.

5. Attach the three most recent semester summaries of student evaluations for committee perusal. The nominee’s release authorization is required.

Release authorized:

(Nominee Signature)


Signature of Nominator:


Nominations may be sent either electronically to Office of Academic Affairs or hand delivered to the Office of Academic Affairs, Administration Bldg. Room 230 before 5:00 p.m. on December 1st.

* Faculty winning this award will be further reviewed for possible submission to the U.S. Professor of the Year award.