London Elementary (Week 9)

Skill: Safety, Fire, Medical Emergencies

Subject PLVS Grade 4

This test section contains EIGHT multiple-choice questions. Please mark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.
1. / Your house is on fire. Which of the following should you do?
O / A. / Go outside and call 911.
O / B. / Go back into your house and get your favorite toys.
O / C. / Hide in the closet or under your bed.
O / D. / Wait until someone yells for you to come out of the house.
2. / If you need help and no adult is around, you can call 911. Choose the reason that is NOT an emergency.
O / A. / There is an automobile accident on your street and someone is injured.
O / B. / Your friend has fallen and their arm is broken.
O / C. / Your cat has climbed up high in a tree and won’t come down.
O / D. / Someone is cut and the wound will not stop bleeding.
3. / When you’re riding in an automobile you should always wear seatbelts. If an accident occurs while you are in an automobile which of the following community agencies would NOT respond?
O / A. / The fire department.
O / B. / The police department.
O / C. / The health department.
O / D. / The ambulance services.
4. / Learning water safety rules can help you to avoid emergency situations.
When participating in water sports you should do all the following EXCEPT
O / A. / Always swim in supervised areas.
O / B. / Avoid diving into water if you do not know how deep it is.
O / C. / Always wear a life vest when you are on a boat, in a canoe, or waterskiing.
O / D. / Pretend you are drowning just as a joke to scare everybody.


5. / When you walk home from school you must cross the street in a safe manner. Which of the following is a safe manner in which to cross?
O / A. / Wait for the officer at the crosswalk to stop the traffic and assist you.
O / B. / Race across the street before your friends catch you.
O / C. / Cross the street even though you see a car coming.
O / D. / Cross the street before the light turns green permitting you to cross.
6. / The Wildcats and Tigers are playing their final volleyball game of the season. The Tigers were down several points and everything seemed to be going wrong, but they kept their cool and did their best. Which of the concepts were the Tigers representing?
O / A. / They were exercising.
O / B. / They were showing good sportsmanship
O / C. / They were playing just for fun.
O / D. / They were practicing for a game.
7. / Jimmy’s clothes catch on fire. Which of the following should he do to extinguish the flames?
O / A. / Call 911.
O / B. / Stop, drop, and roll until the flames are extinguished.
O / C. / Perform the Heimlich maneuver.
O / D. / Run to find water.
8. / Autumn overhears a friend say she is going to hurt a classmate. Which of the following in NOT an appropriate response in a threatening situation?
O / A. / She can pretend that she does not overhear what her friend said.
O / B. / Tell her teacher.
O / C. / Notify her counselor.
O / D. / Inform the principal.


Essential Vocabulary: volleyball

·  safety practices serve

·  health hazards dig

·  Procedure rotation

·  emergency situation face pass

·  environment underhand pass

·  health agency right front

·  safety agency center front

·  community agency left front

right back

center back

left back




·  Kid Safe The Video CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONAL COMEDY produced in association with the National Kid Safe Project,

·  All About Kids’ Safety



















Sources:Combined Curriculum Document Practical Living/Vocational Studies – Fourth GradeKentucky Department of Education

Carpenter, K.F. (2007) Living and Working: Student Handbook for Practical Living and Vocational Studies. EVAMEDIA Inc. Louisville, KY

Question / First
A.E. / First CC / Second A.E. / Second CC / DOK
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 5.1 / PL-04-1.3.2
Students will identify proper procedures (calling 911, Heimlich maneuver, stop, drop, & roll, apply pressure) for dealing with emergency situations (choking, bleeding, and burns.) / 5.4 / 1 / A / The correct answer is A. Go outside and call 911. Student will indentify proper procedures for emergency situations.
2 / 5.1 / PL-04-1.3.2
Students will identify proper procedures (calling 911, Heimlich maneuver, stop, drop, & roll, apply pressure) for dealing with emergency situations (choking, bleeding, and burns.) / 5.4 / 3 / C / The correct answer is C. It is not an emergency if your cat climbs up in a tree. Students will demonstrate knowledge of safety agencies in the community and the services that they provide. Students must decide which situation is an emergency and would warrant the services of which safety agencies in the community.
3 / 2.3 / PL-04-1.3.1
Students will describe safety practices (e.g., use of seatbelts/helmets/life vests) for dealing with a variety of health hazards (e.g., crossing the street, talking to strangers, dealing with threatening situations) while at home, school, and play. / 5.4 / 2 / C / The correct answer is C. The health department would most likely not respond to an automobile accident. Students have knowledge of safety agencies in the community and can describe the services that they provide.
4 / 3.2 / PL-04-1.3.1
Students will describe safety practices (e.g., use of seatbelts/helmets/life vests) for dealing with a variety of health hazards (e.g., crossing the street, talking to strangers, dealing with threatening situations) while at home, school, and play. / 4.4 / 2 / D / The correct answer is D. You should never pretend that you are drowning just to scare someone. Students will have knowledge of safety practices and skills needed to remain physical healthy and accepting responsibility for one’s own physical well-being.
5 / 4.3 / PL-04-1.3.1
Students will describe safety practices (e.g., use of seatbelts/helmets/life vests) for dealing with a variety of health hazards (e.g., crossing the street, talking to strangers, dealing with threatening situations) while at home, school, and play. / 5.4 / 2 / A / The correct answer is A. You can cross the street in a safe manner if you wait for the officer at the crosswalk to stop the traffic and assist you. Students will demonstrate knowledge of safety rules and choose the correct procedures for crossing the street.
6 / 2.34 / PL-04-2.2.5
Students will explain how rules of play and sportsmanship for spectators and participants during games and or activities make them safe and enjoyable. / 2.35 / 2 / B / The correct answer is B. The players were exhibiting good sportsmanship qualities
7 / 5.1 / PL-04-1.3.2
Students will identify proper procedures (calling 911, Heimlich maneuver, stop, drop, & roll, apply pressure) for dealing with emergency situations (choking, bleeding, and burns.) / 5.4 / 1 / B / The correct answer is B. If Jimmy’s clothes catch on fire he should stop, drop, and roll until the flames are extinguished. Students will identifying proper procedures for dealing with a variety of emergency situations
8 / 4.4 / PL-04-1.3.1 Students will describe safety practices (e.g., use of seatbelts/helmets/life vests) for dealing with a variety of health hazards (e.g., crossing the street, talking to strangers, dealing with threatening situations) while at home, school, and play. / 5.1 / 3 / A / The correct answer is A. Pretending that she does not hear what her friend says about hurting another classmate is not an appropriate response in a threatening situation. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify potential crisis and make the decision to prevent injuries at school as well as contribute to a safe school environment.

Multiple Choice Item Information