Name: John Toney

Date: 3-16-15


Content Area: Mathematics

Length of Lesson: 30 days

Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable):
Trigonometry / Big Ideas:

M11.A.1.1 Represent and/or use numbers in equivalent forms (e.g., integers, fractions, decimals, percents, square roots, exponents and scientific notation).

M11.A.2.1 Apply ratio and/or proportion in problem-solving situations.
M11.A.2.2 Use exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems.
M11.B.2.1 Use and/or compare measurements of angles.
M11.C.1.2 Recognize and/or apply properties of angles, triangles and quadrilaterals.
M11.C.1.3 Use properties of congruence, correspondence and similarity in problem-solving settings involving two- and three- dimensional figures
M11.C.1.4 Solve problems involving right triangles using the Pythagorean Theorem.
M11.D.1.1 Analyze and/or use patterns or relations. / Understanding Goals (Concepts):
Geometric representations and analytic geometry
Students will understand:
1.  Sketching and finding coterminal angles
2.  Finding complementary and supplementary angles
3.  Converting from degrees to radians and vice versa
4.  Finding arc length and area of a sector using radian measure
5.  Using the unit circle to evaluate the 6 trig functions and their inverses.
6.  Using the period to evaluate the sine and cosine
7.  Defining odd and even functions and relating them to trig functions using the unit circle.
8.  Defining and finding the six trig functions using right triangle trig
9.  Determining the reference angle of a given angle and the sinage of the trig function at that angle
10.  Determining the exact value of the 6 trig functions for special angles
11.  Evaluating trig functions using a calculator for any angle
12.  Applying trig functions to solve application problems involving right triangles.
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Use coordinates and algebraic techniques to interpret, represent, and verify geometric relationships. / Essential Questions:
How can you use coordinates and algebraic techniques to represent, interpret, and verify geometric relationships? / Vocabulary:
*Terminal side, standard position, positive & negative angles, coterminal, radian, central angle, complementary, supplementary, sector
*Unit circle, cosecant, secant, cotangent, trigonometric functions, domain and period/periodic, even and odd trigonometric functions
*Trigonometric identities, Pythagorean Identities, Reciprocal Identities, Quotient Identities
*Reference angle
Performance Task:
Students will demonstrate adequate understanding via a chapter test. / Formative Assessments:
Pre-assessments, open-ended questions, Think-Pair-Share
Materials and Resources:
Textbook, notes / Interventions:
Flexible grouping, students will be encouraged to attend Trig Lab
Instructional Procedures*:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Date: 3/16 / Day: B / 3/17 / Day: A / 3/18 / Day: B / 3/19 / Day: / 3/20 / Day:
Procedures / ·  “Do Now” – Graph a sine function that includes a horizontal stretch, and describe why it stretched.
·  “Mini Lesson” – Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
·  Students will work on graphs of sine and cosine in which translations are applied. They will discover what causes these particular shifts, both horizontally and vertically. / ·  “Do Now” – Sketch the graph of a cosine function that includes a horizontal and vertical shift.
·  “Mini Lesson” – Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
·  Students will work on finding a trig model to describe a set of data, and use this model to answer questions. Students will also find equations for given graphs. / ·  “Do Now” – Given a curve, write equation to match the sketch.
·  “Mini Lesson” – Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
·  Students will work on an in-class assignment to continue studying the graphs of sine and cosine. / ·  Parent-Teacher Conferences – No School / ·  Teacher In-Service – No School
Assignments / ·  Textbook – Page 410
#37-39, 41, 49, 51, 15-21 odd, 35, 36, 55, 57, 59 / ·  Textbook – Page 410
#83, 85, 69-75 odd / ·  Complete in-class assignment. / ·  / · 

*Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections