May 15, 2007


Debbie Ruggles (WA)

Jan Davis (FL)

Becky Odor (VA)

Jane Key (SC)

Carol Hensell (AZ)

Binnie LeHew ( IA)

Debra Seltzer (OH)

Marci Diamond (MS)

Kathy Middleton (OK)

Peg Prusa-Ogea (NE)

Leslie Lowe (SD)

Binnie called the meeting to order at 3:06

Update from Call From CDC

Binnie and Becky reported from their call with the CDC. FY08 VOWA recommendation for $5 million for SASA program. Everyone should have gotten notice of award. Steering Committee members need to alert regional members to let the CDC know if they haven’t received it yet..

Margaret at CDC promised the continuing guidance should be coming out this week. Applications will be due around mid-July. This will be a continuation application.

The Violence Prevention Division did not know about the exclusion of the IPV/SV module on the BRFSS. Would the CDC support states having it as their optional models? The CDC will be looking at other options. Kathy asked if there is any other data source we could use? YBRSS was suggested. The CDC is looking at doing a national survey similar to that used in Rape in America a while back.

We will talk more about data collection at the meeting in Atlanta. The CDC VPD is dropping the financial support for the module but it can add it as a state added module. Question is are they endorsing as a CDC model or as a state optional model? Will the BRFSS be replacing /IPV SV with ACE?

The question was raised if the CDC was cutting analysis nationally? CDC wants to put energy and resources into national survey.

Rebecca Lee Pathel has accepted a new job and Jocelyn will be back for annual meeting. Delta Projects will be under Margaret.

Territories will not be coming to the annual meeting. The CDC will handle their grants differently.

Carryover- If you haven’t heard from CDC need to e-mail project officer and PGO (try Gary Teague, Acting Team Leader/Grants Management Office at or 770-488-1981) . The PGO has been pulling in three or four people to work on this but we need to get one contact person. Binnie will check on this. If you do contact PGO, be sure to include the e-mail about carry over we received last fall as documentation.

Binnie will check with Margaret to get a name and answer from PGO about Carryover.

Notice of Awards had wrong years and amounts throughout were not consistent. Marci CC’d Margaret on that. Anybody that had an error need to check with CDC and PGO.


Marci attended annual meeting of the advisory council is at end of June. The CDC is giving NSVRC more money than applied for. The NSVRC didn’t ask for additional monies. It was hypothesized that the CDC wants them to provide more technical assistance to the states (maybe need outside people to do more technical support). If there is no other option to but for the NSVRC to accept this additional funding, what would be most helpful for them to focus on for the states and territories? Compiling best practices or evidence based practices and coordination with data collection like BRFSS were suggested. If anyone has any other ideas they need to contact Marci.

It was mentioned about expanding the NSVRC to include copies of grants, annual reports, strategic plans, and policy papers on their website (with limited access). This would be nice for new directors.

The money that is given to NSVRC is within the authorization level and earmarked for NSVRC. CDC legal counsel said it needed to bring NSVRC up to the authorized level.

Kathy was told by Sally at NSVRC would need permission to post this information, and need help from states to do this. This was before the additional money.

Kathy asked about Getting to Outcomes (GTO). Parts 1 and 2 are out in draft form and they are working on Part 3 right now but it hasn’t been completed.


Proposed Slate: We need three more regional representatives. We will have a ballot. Binnie will send a ballot to Jane. Debbie Ruggles from Washington will be Chair-Elect. Jessica Gryzeywz from Michigan agreed to be Secretary-Treasurer.

Kathy asked if representatives from states where their directors work for a pass through agency be able to serve on the steering committee? Yes, they are eligible.


We are to meet from 6-8 on Monday. Options for food: Individuals can bring in snacks or we can pay a fee per head to have something brought in. Binnie will check with the meeting coordinator from hotel to see how much per head it will be to bring in our food. We will look at getting everybody to chip in on snacks.

Agenda for meeting: Roll call to confirm who is there and a report on what the Committee has been doing the past year.

Other issues to bring up: Jan- Conflicting vibes about using GTO. Sites need to speak up how realistic is it to use GTO at a state and local level. How do we incorporate current activities? We should identify where it doesn’t make sense to use and where it does make sense. GTO is a framework we can all use.

Binnie raised the question about affiliating with STIPDA since she is on the STIPDA VOWA committee and STIPDA had asked her about our interest. It was decided to keep this issue on hold.

Carol (AZ) will be attending The Sexual Assault Prevention Summit: A collaborative Strategy for the Military taking place in Arlington, VA July 17-20, 2007.

Binnie will draft a one pager for new directors on council and steering committee.

Marci is working with national alliance on the plenary session. Small group brief survey for RPE directors and coalition focusing on collaboration because they want to meet people where they are and help facilitate the working relationship. Survey will be sent to regional reps and we will forward on to the regions.

Binnie will also present the document on the role of the health Department in RPE at the meeting.


Binnie will contact Margaret about carryover and BRFSS data.

Binnie and Jane will get out the slate of officers to the membership before the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:06 pm

Follow up from Binnie with her call to Margaret after our conference call:

BRFSS modules (re: whether CDC was not endorsing the use of the modules

at all or if it was okay for states to use them as "state-added"

optional module(s): She will be in a meeting tomorrow where she can

clarify that. She has had the same question. (If she lets me know

before our minutes are finalized, I'll send you the answer.)

Year 05 carryover requests: CDC is still waiting to receive a formal

"waiver" from HHS before they can process Year 5 carryover requests.

(RPE is not the only grant/program that has requested this.) As soon as

they find out, states will be notified.

There are a few states that requested Year 4 carryover. This is a

separate issue for PGO to deal with and is also being determined. It

does not look promising but they don't have final word yet.