Pty Ltd ABN 29 079 610 325 Registered Training Organisation 90531
Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Selection and Enrolment
Induction and Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – fees apply
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Current Legislation
Courses and Award
Language Literacy and Numeracy
Access and Equity
Your Rights and Obligations
Use of your Personal Information
Welfare and Guidance Services
Unacceptable Behaviour includes
Disciplinary Procedures
Privacy and Confidentiality Records Access
Fees and Refunds
Incomplete Qualifications
Reissuing Qualifications
Student Help and Support Services and Helplines NSW
Vital First Aid Training Services is an Australian registered company providing a wide range of services and products to assist with your safety and emergency response needs. These include:
- First aid kits
- Defibrillators
- Safety equipment
- Oxygen equipment
- First aid handbooks
We are accredited to conduct and deliver competency based training and assessments in the following National Qualifications and Units of Competency. We acknowledge that we have responsibility for the quality of our training and agree that we are required to issue certificates on successful completion of our courses. We will confirm students as soon as possible of any significant matter that may affect your successful completion of a course.
Unit Code / Unit Name / CostHLT Health Care Training Package
HLTAID001 / Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation / POA
HLTAID002 / Provide basic emergency life support / POA
HLTAID003 / Provide first aid / POA
HLTAID004 / Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting / POA
HLTAID005 / Provide first aid in remote situations / POA
HLTAID006 / Provide advanced first aid / POA
HLTAID007 / Provide advanced resuscitation / POA
HLTAID008 / Manage first aid services and resources / POA
PUA12 Public Safety Training Package
PUAEME05A / Provide pain management / POA
PUAEME004A / Provide emergency care for suspected spinal injury (3) / POA
SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package
SIS30813 / Certificate III in Sports Trainer / POA
SISSSPT304A / Tape ankle, thumb and fingers / POA
SISSSPT307A / Conduct advanced taping / POA
UET12 Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training Package
UETTDRRF06B / Perform rescue from a live LV panel / POA
*For these costs please contact our office. Numbers of participants, venue location and specific industry needs may affect pricing
Selection and Enrolment
People interested in attending a course can contact Vital First Aid for information. Where a course has pre-requisites, you must provide evidence of achieving those pre-requisite requirements.
In order to enrol in any of our courses a valid USI number is required and completion of AVETMISS data recording ( Federal Government data recording ) via our on-line portal. This USI is used to ensure validity of your identity. Unfortunately unless you can provide this USI we cannot enrol a student.
Enrolment fees and selection criteria for courses other than the Provide First Aid should be referred to our office as these courses require specific customisation.
Enrolment forms are used to express interest in a particular unit or course – a person is not considered by us to be a “student of VitalFirst Aid” until they have completed a Registration Form – these are normally completed at commencement of a course.
Enrolment in the HLTAID003 Provide First Aid & HLTAID004 Provide an emergency response in an education and care setting course is subject to the following:
- Completion of any on-line learning resource as required. Any on-line work must be completed within 30 days of completion of the face-to-face component unless otherwise stated.
- Receipt of the completed enrolment form by Vital First Aid and payment of either full course fees or part payment. Balance due on the day of the course.
- Acknowledgment that Vital First Aid Training Services will not accept any liability for course cancellations or non-acceptance of a course enrolment
- Some venues are licensed; minors must be accompanied by a guardian at all times.
- Not all venues will have lunch facilities, please discuss this with us if it is a concern.
- Vital First Aid can be contacted during business hours on Local Call 1300 880343.
For enrolment into other programs, please contact our office.
Vital First Aid makes all effort to fully disclose all details about the expectations of the students in courses, the content of courses and any requirements of assessments, however if you are unclear about any aspect of the unit / course you wish to enrol in please contact our office for clarification. Vital First Aid accepts no responsibility for misunderstandings or misinterpretation about course content/assessments, student expectations etc unless the written information provided about a course / unit was incorrect.
Induction and Learning
At the beginning of your course, we will discuss our policies and procedures on complaints and appeals, fees and refunds, language literacy and numeracy and assessments.
We recognise that learning is a lifelong process and that how people learn varies from person to person with different situations requiring different kinds of learning. In line with our commitment to provide a client focused service, we offer flexible training that involves students by encouraging interaction, valuing the principles of holistic learning and providing meaningful feedback. Learning sessions are very practical and you will be challenged to practice your new skills whilst at the same time joining in discussions and question and answer sessions within the group.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – fees apply
All students are offered the opportunity to apply for recognition of their existing skills prior to the course commencement. To do this, applicants should ask for an RPL Kit relevant to the course in which they are enrolling. RPL Kits are available from the Chief Executive Officer. The costs associated with RPL are summarised in the fee schedule.
The RPL process allows students to apply for credit for previous study, work, life and educational experience that match the learning outcomes of specific units of competence within their course.
All RPL applicants will be asked to provide evidence to support their claim and this should be attached to the application form. Examples of evidence might include; documentation such as certificates issued by other training organisations, support letters from employees, course outlines of previously studied courses. We also recognise the credentials issued by other Registered Training Organisations operating under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
All assessments of RPL applications are reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer who is qualified to conduct the assessment. From time to time or when deemed necessary, we will have an additional person or subject expert to be part of the assessment process. The assessment of RPL by the Chief Executive Officer is based upon their assessment of your ability to competently continue the development within the course. We have your interests at heart; we will allow credit in an existing course provided it does not adversely affect your ability to complete the course satisfactorily.
Students may request a review of the RPL decision through our appeals procedure outlined in this student handbook.
Vital First Aid Training Services Pty Ltd reserves the right to conduct and Language, Literacy and Numeracy test.
For details on assessments for courses other than the Provide First Aid or CPR, please contact our office prior to enrolment as these courses require customisation to suit specific needs.
HLTAID003 Provide First Aid and HLTAID001 Provide CPR, in order to receive the qualification that you have enrolled for, this program requires you to demonstrate your competence. Assessment may comprise of:
- Online learning resources as required;
- Individual practical assessments based on specific activities you have been taught.
- Written assessments
Your trainer may not be the one to conduct your assessments however they will advise assessment results at the conclusion of the course. If you are unhappy with the assessment outcome, your trainer may organise a re-assessment.
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Complaints may be in response to allegations involving the conduct of :
- RTO staff
- Trainers
- Assessors
- Students
Vital First Aid Training Services maintains a supportive and fair environment, which allows training participants, staff and stakeholders to lodge complaints. Complaints are ideally resolved as amicably as possible using this formal appeal process. We will adhere to the National Complaints Code to respond to complaints about vocational education and the organisation itself. This means that our complaints process is:
Well publicised and explained;
Accessible so you can lodge complaints and appeals by phone, electronically or in writing;
Fair and protect your rights
Free so you can lodge a complaint without charge
Handled in a manner that protects your privacy
Transparent, equitable, objective and unbiased
Comprehensive so that it effectively resolves a variety of complaints such as student dissatisfaction, assessment outcomes, poor service, fraud and misconduct
Vital First Aid Training Services will acknowledge receipt of a complaint in writing and will commence the complaints resolution process within 10 working days of the formal lodgement of the complaint and supporting information. All reasonable measures are taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable, and any requirement that will take longer than 60 days to resolve will be discussed with all parties at the time
Where verbal complaints regarding vocational education are received, they can be discussed with a Trainer and preferably resolved. Complaints about the organisation can be directed to the Chief Executive Officer.
If the complaint is not resolved then the complaint is to be documented by the complainant onto a Complaints and Appeals Form (Form 09). Student complaints are submitted to the Chief Executive Officer by email.
The Chief Executive Officer will make a determination that is considered to be fair and equitable by both parties. The complainant has the right to have their version of events heard in the resolution negotiation and have an independent advocate present.
Complaints are investigated fairly and objectively with details of the investigation provided in writing to the complainant. The details will state the outcomes and reasons for the decisions made.
A copy of all the documentation, in particular the complaint and its outcome, is placed in the student’s file. A copy of the documentation is forwarded to the complainant.
Where the resolution requires a documented change to the policies and procedures, the Chief Executive Officer notifies the required personnel to ensure that the procedure for document change is listed in the Procedure on Document Control is followed with the appropriate records made.
In the event that a complaint is substantiated, Vital First Aid Training Services will take prompt and appropriate action to resolve the circumstances and prevent recurrence via activation of the Continuous Improvement process.
Complaints cannot be anonymous because this is considered unfair in that ongoing discussion cannot take place to resolve the issue between both parties.
Information submitted to a trainer or any staff member is treated with respect and taken as an opportunity for improvement to the organisations practiced and Management System. Privacy requirements and student/individual rights are maintained.
If the student chooses to access our complaints and appeal processes, Vital First Aid Training Services will maintain the student’s enrolment while the complaints and appeals process is ongoing.
Vital First Aid Training Services maintains a supportive and fair environment, which allows training participants to appeal their assessments and recognition decisions. Appeals are ideally resolved as amicably as possible using this formal appeals process.
Discuss the reassessment request with the Chief Executive Officer. If this does not resolve the matter then put the appeal in writing using a copy of the Complaints and Appeals Form (Form 09) and submit it to the Chief Executive Officer.
The Chief Executive Officer will arrange for the transfer of the matter to the Training Ombudsman. Where insufficient records to determine competence are available, the student may provide additional evidence of competence. The independent assessor’s determination is final.
No further appeal mechanism exists beyond this point in the process.
Current Legislation
Vital First Aid provides training according to State and Federal Legislation. Such legislation includes Occupational Health and Safety, Anti-Discrimination, Privacy and Child Protection. If you would like information on any of this legislation you can go to or ask your trainer.
Courses and Award
Students will be awarded the appropriate Statement of Attainment in keeping with the organisation’s scope of registration and approvals.
Some statutory requirements govern currency of certificates:
Provide First Aid3 yearsOccupational First Aid3 years
Advanced resuscitation1 yearCPR 1 Year
Specific regulations, guidelines, policies and procedures may require you to maintain the currency of your qualification. For example, confined spaces, electrical industry and pool/ beach lifesavers.
You must achieve all learning outcomes to receive an award.
Language Literacy and Numeracy
We aim at all times to provide a positive and rewarding learning experience for all of our students. Our enrolment form asks students to provide information regarding their literacy and numeracy requirements or any other special learning needs. In the event of LLN becoming an issues, the Trainer will contact you to discuss their requirements. In addition, students may be required to complete a language and literacy assessment prior to course commencement.
The Chief Executive Officer may ask that you organise for yourself to undergo formal testing and possible English remedial courses to improve your English speaking or writing ability, at your own expense. Numeracy problems will be accommodated through using other forms of assessment.
Where language, literacy and numeracy competency is essential for course students, we have made every effort to ensure that students are adequately supported to enable them to complete their training.
Access and Equity
All students will have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the knowledge and skills to assist at and make a difference in an emergency. This means that Vital First Aid seeks to eliminate organisational practices that may contribute to the disadvantages suffered by specific groups in employment, education and training.
If you have any special needs such as language literacy or numeracy requirements, language barriers or special needs related to having a disability, please notify us before your course starts. Where possible we will support your training and assessment needs.
Our trainers deliver training in a non-discriminatory, open and respectful manner. They are appropriately skilled in access and equity issues, including cultural awareness and sensitivity to the requirements of students with special needs. Trainers will actively encourage all students and specifically offer assistance to those most disadvantaged. Our training is provided using culturally inclusive language, literacy and numeracy advice and assistance that supports students to meet personal training goals.
Your Rights and Obligations
Use of your Personal Information
Your personal details and student records may be available to:
- Any Commonwealth Government Agency and/or
- Any State Government Agencies and/or
- When requested by a Court/Tribunal
Welfare and Guidance Services
We endeavour to provide welfare and guidance to all students/clients. In the first instance, you should speak with a Trainer who may put you in contact with appropriate persons or organisation to resolve any matter that you may be worried about. This includes:
- Learning pathways and possible RPL opportunities
- Provision for special learning needs
- Provision for special cultural and religious needs
- Provision for special dietary needs and
- Any other issue
What you can and cannot do
To ensure you gain maximum benefit from your time with us, we reserve the right to remove any person(s) who display dysfunctional or disruptive behaviour. Such behaviour will not be tolerated and, if a second episode occurs, then you may be asked to leave the course. You must be of good behaviour and respect the rights of others.
Working with others within Vital First Aid Training Services is not a requirements by law, but rather is seen by the RTO as necessary to maintaining a free and amiable study environment for all students, and assuch will be strictly enforced by the RTO. Being involved in the Vital First Aid Training Services community may require maturity and, at times, understanding. If you have any concerns about how you should act, speak with your Trainer or the Chief Executive Officer.
Unacceptable Behaviour includes
- Interruptions of the trainer whilst delivering course content during real-time demonstrations
- Being disrespectful to other participants
- Harassment by using offensive language
- Sexual harassment
- Acting in a manner that places you or others at risk
- Refusing to participate when required in group activities
- Continued absence at required times
- Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Other objectionable behaviour
Disciplinary Procedures
Vital First Aid advocates that trainers and students have the right to train and the responsibility to work in a respectful and supportive environment. Students have the right to:
- be treated fairly and with respect by staff and fellow students;
- learn in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment;
- learn in an environment that is conducive to success;
- apply to have existing skills and knowledge recognised;
- privacy concerning records containing personal information, (subject to other statutory requirements and other agreed uses);
- be given information about assessment procedures at the beginning of the unit and progressive results as they occur;
- appeal within fourteen days of receiving notification of any decision made about late or missed assessment; and
- lodge a complaint and have it investigated effectively without fear of retaliation or victimisation.
Students have the responsibility to: