Aging and Long-Term SupportAdministration

Fact Sheet: Programs and Initiatives

Nursing Homes

Overview / The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA) licenses nursing facilities in Washington state. A nursing facility (NF), or nursing home, provides 24-hour supervised nursing care, personal care, therapy, nutrition management, organized activities, social services, room, board, and laundry. The majority of theapproximately 225 nursing facilities in Washington state are privately-owned businesses.
Washington state requiresthe NF to provide a minimum of 3.4 hours of direct care per resident day. Facilities are also required to have at least 24 hours of RN coverage, 7 days a week, unless the facility meets certain criteria as a smaller or more rural facility. If the facility meets the criteria as a smaller or rural facility, 16 hours of RN coverage in a 24-hour period is required. The facility must also ensure enough appropriately-qualified and trained staff are available to provide necessary care and services safely under routine conditions, as well as fire, emergency, and disaster situations. Nursing assistants must meet the requirements in WAC 388-97-1660 (2).
Resident Rights
Rights of long-term care residentsare found in Chapter 70.129 RCW, including the right to exercise reasonable control over life decisions in a safe, clean, comfortable, and homelike environment. Residents have a right to choose to participate and engage in religious, political, civic, recreational, and other social activities that foster self-worth and enhance quality of life.
Choosing a Nursing Facility
It is important to thoroughly examine a facility’s options to assure it is right for your needs.Nursing facilities can be compared in a variety of ways, including the quality of care provided. One comparison tool is available on the national Medicare website, Nursing Home Compare, along with a Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home or Other Long-Term Services & Supports.
Washington state has a consumer-friendly Nursing Home Locatorto assist consumers in making informed decisions about long-term care.Reports for surveys (inspections) completed January 1, 2015or thereafter, and complaint investigations that result in a citation are available online upon completion.
See also Partners in Protection ((DSHS 22-810(X))
Eligibility / Adults who meet certain medical criteria, typically with chronic care needs or disabilities that require 24-hour nursing care.
Authority / Chapter 388-97 WAC Nursing Homes
Chapter 388-113 WAC Disqualifying Crimes and Negative Actions
Budget /

FY18Regulatory Allotment: $13.6M

FY18 Services Allotment: $658.1M
Rates / For people with limited income and resources, Medicaid uses both state and federal money to help pay for nursing facility care. The state bases payment rates on the care needs of the individual. Medicare pays for a minimal amount of nursing facility care.
People who are veterans, or related to veterans, may qualify to have care paid for through the Veterans Administration.
Each facility determines the amount that they will charge private pay residents. Private pay rates may differ.
Partners / Developmental Disabilities Ombuds
Long-Term Care Ombuds Program
Leading Age Washington
Washington Health Care Association
Washington Pioneer Network
Oversight / NFs are inspected by ALTSA’s Residential Care Services to ensure they meet minimum care and safety requirements specified in law and rule.
On average, all nursing facilities are surveyed annually and this may include surveys conducted during both regular hours and off-hours. The on-site survey includes observation of resident activities and care, resident interviews, and review of resident records. Facility licensing/certification surveys are one of numerous quality assurance activities that occur in NFs.

Information Contact

Lisa Herke, Nursing Home Policy Program Manager

(509) 225—2899;