Established 1883
583 Yarramalong Road, WYONG CREEK 2259
Phone: 4352 1583 Fax: 4352 1585
Principal: Mrs Tracey McKeown
Small Schools Swimming Carnival
The 2014 Small Schools Swimming Carnival will be held Tuesday 25th February at Gosford Olympic Pool. Please return the attached permission note to school by Monday 17thFebruary so that the events can be organised. It is expected that all students in Years 3-6 who can swim 50 metres will attend the carnival. Students in year 2 that are turning 8 this year and can swim 50 metres may also attend. Students who cannot swim 50 metres will attend school on this day. Transport to and from the pool will be the responsibility of the parents. Children need to arrive no later than 9.10am as the carnival will begin at 9.30am. The cost is:
- competitors $3.20
- spectators $2.00
Money is to be paid at the pool.
We would also greatly appreciate any assistance on the day. Please let Andrew know if you are able to assist with timekeeping.
Students need to pack a towel, sports uniform, jumper, sunscreen and a broad brimmed sunhat. No coloured sunblock or streamers from crepe paper are allowed at the pool.
The children have nominated which events they would like to swim in. Please check and dicuss with your child/ren. If any concerns please come and see me asap.
AndrewSmithTracey McKeown
Sports Co-ordinatorPrincipal
Eventsnominated to swim in:
Freestyle 50m age raceBackstroke 50mBreaststroke 50m Butterfly 50m
Freestyle Open Age 100mMedleyRelay
My child ______cannot swim 50 metres and will attend school on this day.
I give permission for my child / ren ______to attend the Small Schools Swimming Carnival being held at Gosford Olympic Pool on Tuesday25th February 2014. I understand that transport to and from the carnival is my responsibility.
My son/daughter has the following special needs (please provide full details and include any relevant medical details)
I give / do not give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency.
Signed: ______
(parent / guardian)