SUNRISE Homeowners Association
2010 Annual Meeting
The Sunrise Homeowners Association Annual Meeting was held Saturday,
January 9, 2010 at 4:10pm at the Grace Brethren Church.
Calling of Roll and certifying proxies: Board members Sharon Fitzpatrick, Angela Brown, and Cheryl Fischer were present. Mr. Brian Hess, the HOA attorney from Clayton & McCulloh was present. There were 25 homeowners present and 51 proxies received. A sufficient quorum was present to hold the annual meeting.
Proof of Notice or Waiver of Notice: The Annual Meeting was mailed to homeowners and announced on the community bulletin board at the community entrance on December 18, 2009. The notice included the meeting date, time, location, letter to homeowners, proxy and ballots for the election of Board members and the amendment.
Reading of 2009 Annual Meeting minutes: Sharon Fitzpatrick, in place of the SHOA secretary, read the minutes from the 2009 meeting. A motion was made from the floor and seconded to accept the minutes from the 2009 annual meeting.
Agenda: The agenda was followed and the following reports made:
R&V – Ms. Brown reported: There were 2 R&V Chairs this year and the Board still finished the year with that position vacant. None of the current Board members are in their original position. The R&V Chair position was vacant during 2008 therefore, there were a number of unaddressed violations. The first chair and her committee did a walk through that resulted in more than 50 violation notices being sent. There were a flurry of nasty phone calls and emails following those violation letters. The next R&V Chair did a community walk through that resulted in more than 100 violation letters. That also brought on a new wave of nasty phone calls and emails. The R&V chair met with a lot of homeowners the received violation letters as a courtesy, to explain exactly what the violation was.
At the end of the year, the R&V notices were sent out as a result of a homeowner complaint. When the Board received a complaint, we verified the violation and then sent a letter. This Board became overwhelmed very quickly because of only having 3 Board members.
Social Committee – Ms. Brown reported: The annual halloween party was canceled due to lack of homeowner participation. I personally walked a flier around to every home in the community asking for help. We had Tim Henderson, John Magnuson, Mary Rivera and Dave Meier show up for the halloween meeting. There was one more volunteer that was going to be unable to help on the day of the party but we were still severly short-handed. It was unfortunate but hopefully we can get enough volunteers this year.
The Christmas party was cancelled too. This was due to mother nature. The board, along with Mary Rivera (and my kids), set up 3 tents to help shelter people from the rain. It wasn't cancelled until Santa reported that he would be unable to attend the party because it would make his Santa suit “run”.
The Board, along with help from Mary Rivera, Adrienne Cannie, John Magnuson and Frank Raimondi (and our spouses), put up the holiday decorations this year. There were a couple of
SUNRISE Homeowners Association
2010 Annual Meeting
inflatables that had to be thrown out prior to setting them up due to them having was the snow-carolers, which was quite old and the other was a reindeer that looked as though it had had an “X” sliced in the foot (which was purchased last year). There were 4 inflatables at the front entrance and 2 at the lake. One of the inflatables at the front entrance was purchased this was purchased last year. The rest of the inflatables were purchased prior to last year. Within a week of being put up, 2 of the inflatables at the front (including the one purchased last year) had lewd things drawn on them and had to be thrown out. Within a couple of days of that, the tropical Santa at the front was stolen. He was purchased last year. Within a couple of weeks
of that, all of the rest of the inflatables, both at the front and the lake, were torn. When the Board took down the decorations, there were a pitiful few decorations left. When we put up the decorations, there weren't even enough rope lights to decorate the trees at the lake or finish the trees at the front entrance. There weren't enough net lights to decorate the front entrance bushes.
Thank you, Mary Rivera, for all of your hard work, always showing up to pitch in and also for taking care of the front entrance board.
Website – Ms. Brown reported:In 2008, a board member created a website for the community. He agreed to continue as the webmaster in 2009. He quit shortly after the 2009 Board took office. The board agreed that the website was a good idea so she began looking for someone to take care of the website. She spoke to several professional webmasters who looked at the website and said that they had no idea how to write in the format that the website was created in. It was decided that the only option was to create an entirely new website. The Board hired a webmaster, and Ms. Brown helped him create a new website. They incorporated the boards suggestions, such as a “hit” counter at the bottom of the page, as well as a scroll bar that advertises important notices. The covenants are on the website, as well as the minutes. The minutes on the website do not contain individual committee reports. The webmaster said that he used a very simple format that should be easily used. He is planning to retire this year, although his exact retirement date is still unknown.
Grounds – Ms. Fischer reported: In 2009 Ms. Fischer was voted back on the Board of Directors, midway through the year. She agreed to return as Grounds Chair, as there had been some resignations that had occurred, one of which was the Grounds position. Due to additional resignations of Board members, after having agreed to participate on the Board, she has also been the acting Vice President of the Association for a portion of this year. With only three remaining Board members, each one has had to hold more than one position, in order to keep up with the day to day running of the community.
With the exception of two “projects” that were being addressed prior to Ms. Fischer's coming on board, not much else had been accomplished with regards to Grounds.
One project being worked on was the broken basketball backboard at the Park, where the current Board members were waiting on a warranty issue for the replacement parts.
The other “project” that was being worked on, was finding a solution having to do with the concrete debris that had been “misplaced” in the Pond.
The first order of business for Ms Fischer was to contact all the vendors we have servicing the community to renew and update their contracts. Secondly her goal was to locate homeowners to SUNRISE Homeowners Association
2010 Annual Meeting
serve on the Grounds committee. Mr. Bill Fitzpatrick and Mr. John Magnuson were both kind enough to agree to serve as committee members and Ms. Fischer would like to thank them both. Bill, for repairing and replacing lighting receptacles as well as repairs he made to the Gazebo and John, for staining the concrete portions of our front entrance sign as well as for emptying the trash containers at the Park throughout the year. They both have also worked on other projects in the community this year and their help and support was greatly appreciated.
Some of the projects that have been accomplished on Grounds this year are as follows:
Mulch was placed in the common areas at the front entrance and at the Park
Three new benches were purchased for the community. Two were placed at the front entrance area and one was placed at the Pond along the Homewood Ave side. The three original benches were relocated, one to the Joseph cul de sac side of the Pond, one to the Meghan cul de sac side of the Pond and one to the Park.
The broken backboard that was located at the Park was replaced with a new one at no charge, as it was under warranty.
New keyed locks were purchased and installed on the timer and electrical boxes as well as the pump house, as the old ones were rusted, and needed to be replaced.
The unstained concrete portions of the front entrance sign were stained and an additional coat of stain was applied to the existing concrete sections of the sign.
The fountain in the Pond, which was originally installed by the Developer required major repairs this year. Both the motor and the pump on the fountain were replaced. (Note: For some reason that the Vendor was unable to explain, the “new” pump that was installed failed during the Holiday season. The pump, is scheduled to be replaced at no charge during the next week)
Pressure washing was done in the common areas, including the sidewalks and swales at the front entrance, the cul de sacs at Erik Court, Joseph Court, Meghan Drive and Homewood Ave, and also along Homewood Ave in front of the Pond.
New concrete Spillways were poured at the Pond. The intent in allowing the concrete debris to be placed there initially was meant to shore up the original spillways due to erosion along the shoreline in those areas and cracking that had occurred to the original spillways. Unfortunately the “debris” that was to be used for this purpose was not placed where it was most needed or useful, so the majority of it was removed.
Due to vandalism, which has been a real problem this year, the information board at the front entrance is awaiting a part in order to repair it, as the “door” was deliberately broken, and the chain link fence at the Park had to have a gate replaced as the wire mesh portion of the gate was destroyed by persons unknown. (Note: the gate is scheduled for replacement in the near future) In addition, the Association had Holiday decorations, vandalized and stolen, lighting receptacles deliberately broken and an abundance of homeowner complaints regarding incidents concerning eggs, one of which resulted in a broken window at a homeowners’ property and another that destroyed a homeowners’ mail. There was also a vehicle belonging to a homeowner that was broken into. The majority of these vandalism issues have occurred since September. The Board has filed complaints regarding the vandalism with the Sheriffs office. Should the person or persons responsible for the vandalism be found, we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Vandalism has cost the Association well over a thousand dollars in repairs this year and will cost even more, if all of the Holiday decorations that were destroyed in 2009 are replaced
SUNRISE Homeowners Association
2010 Annual Meeting
in 2010.
Brevard County Roads and Bridges:
Ms. Fischer would also like to mention that during the latter part of the year we have had numerous complaints from homeowners with regards to the conditions of the sidewalks in the community. Many homeowners walk in the community for exercise and some do so, to walk their pets. We had an incident where a homeowner tripped and fell and broke her wrist, on Homewood Ave. in the vicinity of 1019 Homewood. The County was called and they came out
and made some repairs to the area. It was suggested to the County at that time, that they have a look at some additional areas of concern. A few weeks later, the homeowners association received some complaints about the area located in the vicinity of 6177 Kari Drive. The county was called again to come out and take a look at that area and has been working on affecting repairs there also. Ms. Fischer would like to let homeowners know, that should you see a problem with either the sidewalk conditions and or the road conditions in the neighborhood, any homeowner may contact the Brevard County Road and Bridges Department, to report the problem. If you notify the Board of the problem, they can contact the county as well, but the Board in general has no “control” over the County, concerning repairs to those areas. This year, the Board had also contacted the County to inquire about resurfacing the streets in the community, as some of the original purchaser’s of property in Sunrise felt that the surface we currently have on the roads, was considered a “contactor’s pour”, done by the Developer, and that a final coat was never applied to the roads, as was promised. Unfortunately, the County, in checking their records, determined that all of the necessary permitting required by the Developer had been met. They also informed us that our development had already been evaluated for 2009 and appeared in good condition. They further explained that County roads are generally resurfaced about once every 25 years, so we have a ways to go before our roads are considered for resurfacing, barring any drastic problem that should occur.