/ MOR 621: Development of Self as a Management Scholar
Spring 2016
Guide: Tom Cummings
Office: HOH 514
Phone: 213-740-0733

Learning Description & Objectives

Ourlearning involves personal development as management scholars. In addition to theoretical and methodological competence, an essential part of being a social scientist and educator is understanding and managing self in the context of a professional life. This includeshaving the skills and courage to assess our strengths and weaknesses, develop ourselves intellectually and personally, and engage authentically with colleagues, students, and practitionersto have positive consequence in their lives.

We will explore and developthe personal side of our professional lives in a learning environment that is psychologically safe and supportive of personal growth. Learning will be personally intensive and self-reflective. It will be invigorating and serious yet nonjudgmental. We will learn together:

  • Better understanding of self as a management scholar
  • Greater personal authenticity as a management scholar
  • Improved behavioral and social skills for positive consequence in the lives of others


Learning materials will be distributed electronically prior to each learning session. We will have plenty of time to complete preparatory tasks and readings before we meet.

Format & Schedule

We will meet 6 times. The first 5 sessions will be around 3 hours each—2 in February, 2 in March, and 1 in April. Our last session will be 12 hours, 9 am to 9 pm, sometime in late April or early May. The sessions will build on each other and involve the following themes:

  • Session I: How did my life’s path lead me to becoming a management scholar?
  • Session II: Howcan I listen to truly understand other?
  • Session III: What is my intellectual bloodstream and heritage?
  • Session IV: How can I be more authentic in relating to others?
  • Session V: How do I manage my career as a management scholar?
  • Session VI: Howcan I better experience others in the moment and understand how they experience me?