“The Premier Learning Experience”
Benjamin J.A. Mainka, Principal
10635 Dunham Road, Hartland, MI 48353 www.hartlandhighschool.us Phone: (810) 626-2200 Fax: (810) 626-2201
Dear Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s);
My name is Anne Hasseld and I teach Marketing and Computer Science Courses atHartlandHigh School. This semester, my courses include: Entrepreneurship, Wired and Web Design. I’m also a DECA advisor. DECA is a marketing club that provides hands on experience and competition for students interested in a future in business, I hope you check it out!
Let me tell you a little about myself. Education is asecond career for me and I am very passionate about teaching. This is my seventh year as a high school teacher and my third year at Hartland High School. My family and I have lived inPinckney, MI. for the past 21 years. My husband and I have twochildren: our son is a member of the Michigan National Guard and works in the construction industry; his wife is the Study Abroad Coordinator for the school of Kinesiology at the University of Michigan. Ourdaughter is a junior at Hope College, studying Pre-Med, Spanish and Dance. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, gardening,cooking and boating with my family.
Every course I teach focuses on skills students need to be successful in their future educationand career. I have over 22 years of business experience and my goal is to bring thatexperience into the classroom to ensure that my courses are relevant and rigorous. Youwill find my classroom a very active and engaging place. I hope you are prepared to have an exciting, action packed and interesting school year!
I believe that education is a partnership between teachers, students and parents. I encourageyou to contact me at any time either via phone or electronic mail if you have any questions,concerns or feedback to provide me. You will receive regular communication from me in the following ways:
1. Website: www.mrshasseld.com The home page and the pages related to your class will be constantly updated with the schedule, assignments and important links.
2. Email: Check your school email regularly. I will send updates to both parents and students.
3. Remind: This tool will be used to text you important reminders and updates. Parents, you are also welcome to sign up. Here’s how it works. Using your phone, you text the code for your class to the following phone number: 81010. Then, you will receive updates from me via text. I will not know your number but you will stay informed!
a. Entrepreneurship Code: @treps
b. Web Design Code: @webhhs
c. Wired Code: @wiredhhs
On the back of this letter you will find important information about my grading, late work and completion of work policies. Please review this material carefully and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Attached to this letter you will find a form to complete for viewing movies and syndicated shows. Please complete the form and return it to me.
Thank you!
Anne M. Hasseld
Anne M. Hasseld
4-Point Grading Scale Explanation
At Hartland High School we are bringing more consistency and accuracy to the academic marks that we provide for students. This year, teachers are engaging in a simple and easy to understand grading and reporting scale (the 4-point scale), which is consistent with GPA scales and what colleges use.
How it Works:
In class, students will be graded on the following scale:
4.0 – A
3.7 – A-
3.3 – B+
3.0 – B
2.7 – B-
2.3 – C+
2.0 – C
1.7 – C-
1.3 – D+
1.0 – D
0.7 – D-
0.3 – E
0.0 – No Attempt
In MiSTAR, you will notice that all grades in the gradebook are represented by a number as shown above. These numbers represent the grade that the student received on the assignment. If a student received a B+ on a paper, the gradebook will show a 3.3 for the mark.
This standardized scale will help bring much-needed consistency and clarity to the marks that students are given in each course and on each assignment. Furthermore, you will be able to directly compare their classroom grades to their overall historic GPA marks. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact your student’s teacher.
Late Work Policy
It’s critical to make good use of your time in class – if you do, you will rarely, if ever, have homework. I expect work to be turned in on the due date. I recognize that occasionally students encounter an issue with a due date. Below is an outline of my policy for late work.
1. Late work will be eligible for full credit up until a “drop dead” date. After that date the work will NOT be accepted. Due dates and drop dead dates are posted on my website.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor grades. I will not provide reminders for work that has not been turned in.
3. If a student regularly turns in late assignments, we will meet to determine the root cause of the issue and to develop a solution. I reserve the right to not allow late work if the circumstances warrant this decision.
Completion of Work and Incompletes
In order for grades to be accurate, all performance assignments must be completed before a grade can be issued. If not all performance assessments have been completed, an Incomplete (I) will be recorded.
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We will watch a variety of movie clips, movies and syndicated shows in my courses to help illustrate or to reinforce a concept. These could include: The Social Network, Tommy Boy, The Apprentice, Shark Tank, etc. Only appropriate, relevant content will be shared.
I give my son/daughter/ward permission to watch movie clips, movies and syndicated shows that are related to the content of the course Mrs. Hasseld is teaching.
Student Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______