February Meeting Minutes

City of Calgary Goods Movement Strategy

February 14, 2017 7:30 am to 9:30 am

Attendees: Corrie Banks, Jean-Marc Lacasse, Madhuri Seera, Dave Palachuk, Daniel Schatz, David Cheegar, Erica Moxmer, Dave Paxa, Bryndis Whitson, Karla Spilsted, Jim Brown, Cindy Clark, Lisa Thompson, Bob Miller, Sue Fowler, Eric Rasmussen, William Merrill, Kelly Lerette, Jason Copping, Peter Wallis, Karen Blackmur, Darryl Stanier, Jeremy Holland, Alexander Wihak, Keith Baddeley, Kent Rupert, Chris Saunders, Frank Koeksal, Joshua Mackintosh, Dominic Ross, Pactrick Docherty and Shari Fenn.

Meeting Called By: Corrie Banks

Note Taker: Camille Granda

Location: Calgary Economic Development, Terrace View Room, 5th Floor Telus Convention Centre

CONFERENCE LINE INFORMATION: Phone: (587) 743-0439 passcode 4604020

7:30 – 7:35 a.m.


Welcome & Introduction

7:35 – 7:40 a.m.


City of Calgary Project Team Introductions

·  Madhuri Seera

7:40 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.


Project Launch Presentation

·  Introduction to the Goods Movement Strategy
·  Process, Tasks, Timelines and Expected Outcomes

7:55 a.m. – 8:05 a.m.


Survey of Issues

·  Complete survey forms from the City of Calgary

8:05 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.


City of Calgary Next Steps

·  Action plans and City wrap up

8:10 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.


Calgary Logistics Council Updates

·  Member updates
·  Project updates
·  Upcoming events and activities

8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.


Meeting Adjournment & Wrap up

1.  Welcome and Introductions

2.  City of Calgary Project Team Introductions

3.  Project Launch Presentation

3.1.  Goals and Objectives

·  Develop a Good Movement Strategy (GMS) that:

-  Identifies and prioritizes short, medium and long term actions and investments in infrastructure to enhance the GM network in the City of Calgary

-  Support the Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP) and Municipal Development Plan (MDP)

-  Completes other City and regional economic development initiatives

·  Review and consolidate the City’s bylaws on goods movement

·  Multi Modal GM includes: Road, Rail, Air, Pipelines and Marine

3.2.  How the Strategy fits with other City Initiatives

·  Support CTP’s sustainable transportation initiatives

·  Support the MDP’s urban growth policies

·  Review and consolidate the truck route bylaws

·  Articulate the strong linkage between efficient goods movement and the economy

·  Identify investment areas such as: infrastructure, operations, technology and industry operations

3.3.  Key Tasks

1.  Review Existing Information: Establish basis

2.  Overview: Inventory and overall performance

3.  Literature Review: Optimize food and best practices

4.  Jurisdictional Review: What are others doing?

5.  OD Survey (under review)

6.  Economic Analysis

7.  Engagement

3.4.  Process and Timelines

1.  Foundation

February - May 2017

·  Engagement I - Introduction and paper survey

2.  Issues and Challenges

June - August 2017

·  Engagement II - Intake, interviews and web survey

·  Engagement III - Circle back

3.  Opportunities

September - December 2017

·  Engagement IV - Circle back

4.  Strategy and Actions

January - November 2018

·  Engagement V - Circle back and re-look at priorities and engagement of general public

·  Engagement VI - Circle back

·  Presentations and Committee and Council

3.5.  Engagement

·  Engagement through stakeholders: City council, Internal City Divisions, and Truck Route Committee … etc.

A. Engagement Process Overview

·  Initial launch with Calgary Logistics Council, Truck Route Committee and Calgary Economic Development

·  One-on-one interviews with key stakeholders

·  Web survey to provide a broader reach

·  Two parallel advisory groups will be formed to assist in formation of short term operation improvement opportunities and long term strategic plan

B. Role of Advisory Groups

·  Inform - gain insight into issues, solutions through consultation

·  Advise - provide strategic input at key points

·  Review - review analysis and engagement outcomes

·  Report Back - vet and advise on findings

Those interested were asked to reach out to presenters after meeting.

C. Engagement Process

·  Initial public engagement in Q1 2018

·  Will go to public with basic framework, then gather additional feedback to shake framework and any gaps

·  Report to the public, along with final draft of recommended plan

·  Information will be presented to internal audiences, key stakeholders and will be posted online for the general public

3.6.  Expected Outcomes


·  Stand alone and for CTP, MDP, Economic Development.

·  Framework to enable actions and future steps

·  Consolidation truck route bylaws s

Actions and Investments

·  Best practices that would work in and benefit Calgary

·  Business cases: TBL, costs, B/Cs, priorities, timing, who … etc.

·  Performance monitoring measures

Basis for continued engagement and partnerships

·  Keep the dialogue going

·  Collaboration and funding of specific initiatives

3.7.  Deliverables

·  Report that shares the “look and feel” of Route Ahead, Step Forward and the Cycling Strategy

·  GMS, Prioritized list of actions and investments

·  Implementation guide and plan

3.8.  Survey of Issues

·  One-page questionnaire

·  Choose the ‘Top 5’ goods movement issues from a list or add to your own

·  Feel free to write comments and talk to the project team

3.9.  City of Calgary Next Steps

·  Start the foundation

·  Set up advisory groups

·  Prepare report on Status of Goods Movement in Calgary

·  Conduct interviews and web surveys

For further Information, contact: Madhuri Seera - GMS Project Manager


4.  Calgary Logistics Council Updates

4.1.  WISC Events

·  March 14 - Linking Up Group

·  March 16 & 17 - Broadband in Cochrane

·  April 12 - President and CEO presentation at TELUS Spark

·  May 24 & 25 - Inland Port

·  June 21 - WISC Conference: Narrowing the Gaps

·  July 9 - Shifts in Technology within the Warehouse

4.2.  Triskele Logistics

·  Tune in for weekly podcasts regarding Disruptive Technology

This weeks’ podcast: Block Chain

4.3.  May 10th, 2017 - Women in Trucking Event

4.4.  CLC Membership Committee Updates

·  Membership vision

·  Finalized and sent out to members of the council

4.5.  CLC STRAP Committee Updates

·  Passed over from Jean-Marc Lacasse to Jason Copping

Finalized due date: AGM, June 2017

4.6.  CLC Bylaws Committee Updates

·  Jean-Marc Lacasse pending completion

Finalized due date: AGM, June 2017

5.  Meeting Adjournment & Wrap Up

·  March 9, 2017 7:30 a.m. Next Meeting: AMTA

Warehouse Industry Panel – What’s Happening in Warehousing

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