2011-2012 InterDoptee Scholarship Application for Higher Education

Thank you for your interest in this year’s academic scholarship. InterDoptee is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that recognizes and promotes leadership within the international adoptee community. InterDoptee scholarships are available to any internationally adopted person who is attending undergraduate or graduate school on a full-time basis and maintains a minimum 2.0/4.0 GPA.

Scholarship awards will be sent directly to the recipients’ institute of higher learning.

Proof of adoption will be required prior to final disbursement and in conjunction with acceptance of any monetary award.

Please read instructions carefully and contact us with any questions prior to submission. Failure to follow directions may result in your application being disqualified. It is at the judges’ discretion to accept and review all submissions. Thank you and good luck.


Please write an essay that responds tothe following:

  1. Describeasignificantevent where you were surrounded by other adoptees.
  1. How did that experience make you feel?
  2. How did that experience change your perception of yourself?
  3. How did that experience change your perception of other adoptees?

Essays should be double spaced and not greater than 2,000 words. While 2,000 words is the maximum, you are strongly encouraged to write at least 1,500 words. Please respond tothe question of your choice. Your essay should reflect your ability to read, compose and organize your thoughts into a compelling and truthful representation of what being adopted means to you.

Essays will be evaluated anonymously. Your name should not appear on the essay itself.

Applications must be postmarked by May 31, 2011.

Winners will be notified in July by mail. The selected recipient(s)will be required to submit additional documents prior to awards being dispersed.

Entering freshman who are awarded an InterDoptee scholarship will have funds dispersed in full at the start of their second semester after a grade point averagehas been established and enrollment in the second semester is verified. All other scholarship recipients will have their awards dispersed in fullafter course registration and a transcript is produced. Proof of adoption and enrollment in an institute of higher learning mustbe sent to InterDoptee prior to any funds being disbursed.


Applicant Information

Full Name:

Mailing Address:

E-mail Address:

List any Online Social Networks (FB, LinkedIn, MySpace, etc.) :

Phone Number(s):

Gender: M or F


Age: Date of Birth:

Birth Country:Adoptive Country:

Age When Adopted:

Information (Write N/A if not applicable)

High School You Attended:

Year You Graduated:

College You Attended, Attend, or Will Attend:

Year in School or Year You Graduated:

Graduate School You Attended, Attend, or Will Attend (if applicable):

Year in Graduate School:

School Bursar’s Address:

Student Number (If Unknown, provide Social Security Number):

List majors/minors or areas of interest you are studying or planning to study:

Current G.P.A.:

Personal Information

What your hobbies and interests?

Have you received any awards or special recognition? If so, please elaborate.

List any involvement with the adoptee community.

List any recent involvement with your community at large.

OPTIONAL Supplements or Addendums

Candidates may submit additional information. Such information will not be used as part of the judging. Please limit your supporting to TWO (2) items or less. This may include letters of recommendation, completed works of art, published articles, short stories, etc. These items will not determine your qualification as a scholarship winner. They are meant to get to know you better. Not supplying additional items for consideration WILL NOT adversely affect your chances of winning.

Final Remarks

Please submit in full to Subject: Scholarship Application.

We also accept mailed submissions to:

InterDoptee c/o John Stockbridge, 4527 Keithson Drive, Arden Hills, MN 55112.

Applications must be postmarked by May 31, 2011 for consideration. All applicants will be notified in writing by July 31, 2011.

Please type (e-mail) or sign (mail) your name acknowledging that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this application and that you completed the submission.
