Date: / Agri-Analysis LLC
1.800.506.9852 / Job Number AA # (for lab use)
Sampling Directions: Each piece of canewood should be about 6 inches long collected above the standard 2-bud spur. Put five (5) pieces from one vine or up to five different vines into one gallon freezer-grade Ziploc bag upon collection. Label and identify each sample bag. Keep samples cool to prevent drying and microbial degradation. Ship to us for next day delivery to: Agri-Analysis LLC, 950 West Chiles Road, Davis, CA 95618. Please include this form and/or any cover letter. We recommend testing for RBaV for all grapevine materials.
Contact Name / Office Tel
Company Name / Cell Tel
Street Address / Fax
City, State & Zip / Email
Sample symptom description and special instructions:
No. / Sample ID (Variety, field location) / Test ID / No. / Sample ID (variety, location) / Test ID
1 / 16
2 / 17
3 / 18
4 / 19
5 / 20
6 / 21
7 / 22
8 / 23
9 / 24
10 / 25
11 / 26
12 / 27
13 / 28
14 / 29
15 / 30
GV-011 / 9-Pathogen Combo Panel (includes RBaV) / GV-021 / RED BLOTCH VIRUS (RBaV)
GV-012 / 19-Pathogen Extensive Panel (includes RBaV) / GV-022 / Botryosphaeria - Bunch Rot
GV-013 / Leafroll Viruses (Includes RBaV) / GV-023 / Fusarium spp
GV-014 / Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) - Pierce’s Disease / GV-024 / Arabis Mosaic Virus
GV-015 / Young Vine decline - ESCA, Petri Disease / GV-025 / Tomato Ring Spot Virus
GV-016 / Fanleaf Virus / GV-026 / Tobacco Ring Spot Virus
GV-017 / Phytophthora spp - Root Rot / GV-027 / Phomopsis spp
GV-018 / Eutypa Lata - Eutypa Dieback / GV-028 / Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)
GV-019 / Armillaria mellea - Oak root fungus / GV-029 / Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
GV-020 / Agrobacterium Vitis – Crown Gall / GV-030 / Phytoplasmas
No. / Sample ID (Variety, field location) / Test ID / No. / Sample ID (variety, location) / Test ID
31 / 81
32 / 82
33 / 83
34 / 84
35 / 85
36 / 86
37 / 87
38 / 88
39 / 89
40 / 90
41 / 91
42 / 92
43 / 93
44 / 94
45 / 95
46 / 96
47 / 97
48 / 98
49 / 99
50 / 100
51 / 101
52 / 102
53 / 103
54 / 104
55 / 105
56 / 106
57 / 107
58 / 108
59 / 109
60 / 110
61 / 111
62 / 112
63 / 113
64 / 114
65 / 115
66 / 116
67 / 117
68 / 118
69 / 119
70 / 120
71 / 121
72 / 122
73 / 123
74 / 124
75 / 125
76 / 126
77 / 127
78 / 128
79 / 129
80 / 130
Grapevine Disease Testing Order Form