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This questionnaire is designed to capture the key information that we need to develop a thorough marketing strategy. Then use thisinformation that we collect, along with other development tools, to build our key marketing strategy.

This Questionnaire is divided into the following question sections:



3.Target Audience




6.Sales and Buying Process


Top of FormBottom of Form


  1. Which social status do you fall into?


Receiving education

Part time job

Full time job


  1. What is your average monthly income?

15000 to 20000

20000 to 25000

25000 to 30000

30000 to 40000


  1. How do you come to know about our offering and what drive you to buy our home theater system?
  1. What have you used in the past? What worked and what didn't? What statistics do you have?
  1. How did you first hear about our (Samsung) Home theater system?







Other: Please Specify ______

  1. What is your current age? (select one)

Less than 18

18 to 29

30 to 39

40 to 49

50 or older

  1. Circle your level of knowledge about the home theater system:

No knowledge 1

Somewhat knowledgeable 2

Knowledgeable 3

Very knowledgeable 4

Expert 5

  1. Market
  1. What do you consider about our target market? What is the market opportunity? What are your suggestions?
  1. What are the key trends that are fueling our success? What industry trends can inhibit our success?
  1. Is our business or market affected by business cycles or seasons? If so, describe how it is affected.
  1. Target Audience

A.What is our customer’s primary reason for buying or wanting to use our product or service?

B.Why would someone prefer our offering versus that offered by the competition? (You might want to answer the section on competition and then come back to this question.)

  1. Are there any issues or concerns that the target audience might have regarding this product?



  1. Competition
  1. Which competitors have the largest market share within our target market segments? Which competitors have the greatest visibility within our target audience?




None of the above

  1. How well we differentiate ourselves from our competitors to best combat competition?
  1. What barriers to entry into the marketplace are we creating for ourselves?
  1. Who would you prefer the most after the Samsung home theater system?




None of the above

  1. Why did you prefer our brand (Home theater system) as compared to competing brands in the market?




Quality & Place

Price & Place

None of the above

  1. Based upon what you have seen, heard, and experienced, please rank the following brands according to their reliability. Place a "1" next to the brand that is most reliable, a "2" next to the brand that is next most reliable, and so on. Remember, no two brads can have the same ranking

__ Sony

__ LG

__ Philips

__ Other

  1. Would you say our Home theater system is:

(7) Very Attractive






Very Unattractive

  1. Offering

A.Using the adjectives and short phrases, describe the product’s desired look and feel. (“Classic, Modern, Traditional, Old fashion.” etc)



Eye catching


Old fashion

B.What features and associated benefits does our offering provide? Identify features and associated benefits for each target audience

C.list some of the features or things that you donot like in our home theater system, and describe why:

D.What improvements can we make to our offering to better meet customer needs?

E.What new offerings and anticipated significant changes would our customers most like us to develop?

  1. How many times a day do you tune onto the home theater system?


One to three times a day

Four to eight times a day

More than eight times a day


A.What is the single most important message that we must communicate to ALL of our target audiences?

  1. What evidence can be used to support the claims for each message listed in item A?
  1. What is the net impression about our company or offering that we want clients and partners to take away after each interaction with our company?



  1. Sales and Buying Process
  1. What is the process for selling our services or products? Do we use any of the following processes?
  • Direct personal sale
  • Direct online sale
  • Indirect through channels
  1. Describe any anticipated changes in marketing strategy, sales territory, or customer base
  1. How is the product been advertised? Are you satisfied with it? Are there any flaws in it?



  1. Which of the following categories best describes your last experience purchasing a product or service on our website? Would you say that your experience was:

Very pleasant

Somewhat pleasant

Neither pleasant nor unpleasant

Somewhat unpleasant

Very unpleasant

  1. Pricing
  1. What method of payment does you like the most?



Credit card

Purchase order

Bill me later


  1. What are our other competitors charging for their offerings?
  1. What method of ordering do you mostly like to use?





None of the above

  1. What service(s) do we currently include in the price of our product? What services can we consider now and in the future?
  1. How do find the price of Samsung Home theater system?

Very high




Very low

  1. Do you have any queries, arguments or suggestions please do not hesitate to let us inform about them

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