Risk Manager / Issued: January 2013
Approved by:
Linda S. Watson
Capital Metro is committed to providing a safe and healthy worksite and promoting the health and well-being of its employees. Personal health hazards related to tobacco products are numerous and have been well documented. The health hazards related to tobacco use impact both users and non-users who are exposed to second-hand smoke. We care about the health of each and every employee, and our intent is to provide all employees and visitors with a work environment conducive to good health.
The purpose of this policy is to promote a healthy environment for all employees and visitors by:
o  Protecting employees and visitors from second hand smoke
o  Encouraging tobacco users to quit tobacco use
o  Lowering health plan costs
Tobacco use is not permitted at any time, on Capital Metro owned or leased property, including personal vehicles parked in Capital Metro parking lots.
There will be no designated tobacco use areas on Capital Metro owned or leased property, since no level of tobacco exposure is considered to be safe.
Littering of tobacco-related products on the grounds or parking lots is also prohibited.
Capital Metro strives to be a good neighbor in the community, and as such we discourage the use of tobacco products on the property of nearby businesses and residences.
Tobacco products / Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, snus, chewing tobacco, smokeless tobacco, dipping tobacco and any other non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device.
Capital Metro Property / The following tobacco free workplace policy refers to all Capital Metro owned or leased property.
Note that this includes all buildings, facilities, work areas, maintenance facilities, parking areas and all Authority owned vehicles.
Tobacco use Cessation Education and Assistance / Capital Metro provides tobacco cessation classes, education and literature. Contact your health care provider for available benefits to assist with tobacco cessation and other tools to help you quit. Incentives have been developed as part of the Wellness Program to encourage employees to quit and remain tobacco free.
Several community services are provided by the Texas Department of Health, CDC and other providers. Links to these programs are:
o  Yes Quit
o  1-800-QUIT-NOW
Policy violators will be subject to progressive disciplinary action.
In addition to progressive disciplinary procedures, community and employee violators may be subject to any and all sanctions imposed by the City of Austin as stated in the Austin Clean Indoor Air Ordinance, No. 860116-I, as amended.

Links to Related Policies and Forms:

Performance Management Process Procedure-HRC-701A

Also refer to Tobacco Free Facilities Policy HB #361165