Palm-Aire Condo #10

Board of Directors Meeting

Skolnick Center – May 08, 2012

7:00 p.m.

Pursuant to call and upon proper notice, the Board of Directors Meeting was held on May 08, 2012 at the Skolnick Center, 800 SW 36th Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069.

The roll call was taken. Officers present were: Russell T. Adams, President, Samantha Haimes, Vice President, Jay Myer, Treasurer and Nancy Diamond, Secretary. Directors present were: Richard Diliberto, Joseph Barg and Marcelo Harari. Also present were: Brenda Moskowitz, Property Manager and Robert Oulette, Assistant Manager. Absent: Directors Diana Silberman and Jeff Haynes.

Russell Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Roll Call established that a quorum was present with 7 Board Members in attendance.

Questions from the floor were welcomed. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed with minor corrections noted. Joseph Barg made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 10, 2012 meeting as amended. Seconded by Vice President Samantha Haimes. Motion passed unanimously. It was again noted that all approved minutes would be promptly posted in the lobby of each of the five buildings in Condo #10 for residents’ review.


Management Report. Brenda Moskowitz reported that the company performing our Reserve Fund Engineering study – Dreux, Isaac, and Associates – would begin to review the physical condition of all Association #10’s buildings in late June to early July. The fire alarm for building #105 went off at 3:00 a.m. due to a faulty smoke detector on an elevator landing. A-Tech and the fire department came out and the smoke detector was repaired.

A complaint was lodged between apartments #310 and #410 in building #103 due to no sound insulation under the floor of apartment #410. Management will contact the owner. It was also noted that a rental tenant in the same building is renting out rooms in his unit against Association policy. Those owners will also be contacted by Management.

We have two estimates for repair of the backflow preventer for building #102. One company wants to repair it, and the other company to replace it. Russell Adams is asking for a 3rd estimate to be presented at the next meeting, after which a decision will be made.

Ms. Greenberg has dropped off the Association’s “Hold Harmless” Agreement for her dog, just prior to the meeting. The Association has now taken partial title to unit #106 in building #102 due to non-payment and will be administering that unit in the courts.

Treasurer’s Report. As our Treasurer, Jay Myer, was not presentat our last meeting, the Treasurer brought us up-to-date on the past 60 days of finances for Condominium #10. An audit is now underway for our financial condition of 2011, as of March 31, 2012, when that fiscal year closed. As of this moment, we were approximately $33,000.00 over budget for that year. Currently, as of April 30, 2012, we have approximately $290,000.00 in our operations account, and $310,000.00 in our reserve fund account. There is approximately $24,000, total, in the five, $5.00 fund accounts for the association.

It was mentioned that last year’s over-spending was due to an under-funding of the association’s maintenance and repairs line item.

Housekeeping Report. Samantha Haimes, Chairperson reported that all catwalks for all 5 buildings have now been pressured cleaned, and the maintenance crew for A.C.T. was doing a good job cleaning the recreation areas and removing tree sap from tabletops and chairs surrounding the pool. It was noted that yellow striping in the building stairwells should be repainted after they a fully cleaned.

Other Committees. Russell Adams, President, again reminded all owners that the Board welcomes your participation on volunteer committees. Please contact the management office by telephone or e-mail and someone will get back with you.


Jeff Haynes has spoken with several pool maintenance companies and has received bids regarding cleaning and maintenance of the pool. The Board decided to move forward with DCR Pool Services and Shamrock Pool Services as finalists. Both companies are asked to get back with us shortly with a final bid, and a decision will be made via e-mail, in advance of the next meeting.

Russell Adams reported on a website presentation meeting held at the offices of M&M regarding private websites for Associations. The meeting was interesting and Mr. Adams felt that the addition of a website would make condominium information of all kinds more readily available to the membership. This would not only include the most updated copies of By-Laws and House Rules, but also Board memorandums, minutes of the meetings, etc. Also, everyone would have access to their own financial accounts with Condominium #10 by means of a private password. The cost would be $220 to set up and a monthly fee of $89.95. If we are able to administer the site ourselves after training, the monthly cost would drop to $49.95. Marcelo Harari, Director, made a motion to approve obtaining this website, and it was seconded by Director Jay Myer. The vote was 6 in favor and Director Nancy Diamond against. Diana Silberman and Jeff Haynes also expressed their affirmative votes via e-mail.

Recreation Center #29 has two damaged, non-repairable table umbrellas and four badly damaged umbrella frames. M-Lor Casual sent in an estimate to have six umbrella frames replaced along with 7 umbrella cloth tops. The estimate was for $2,273.70. Marcelo Harari, Director voted to approve the repair and it was secondedby Jay Myer, Treasurer. The motion passed unanimously.


An estimate for $3,600.00 was presented by Casella Refinishing, Inc. to buff out scratches and markings inside the elevator doors of buildings #104 and #105 and the stainless steels surrounds on the lobby level only. Samantha Haimes, Vice President, made a motion to approve the estimate, and it was seconded by Joseph Barg, Director. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Adams noted that the suspended elevator ceilings in building #103 were cracked and broken and asked M&M if they would look into getting them repaired or replaced in the next month.

There has been some vandalism in the parking lot of building #102. A car has been vandalized and police were called. The police officers said that this was a deliberate case of vandalism. Based on that information, the Board of Directors sought out two estimates for the installation of security cameras in the parking lot of building #102. The estimates obtained were for $13,000.000 and $16,000.00 respectively. These estimates were passed onto building #102 for their review. The cost for installing parking lot security cameras would be an individual building expense.

We have obtained three estimates for our yearly tree-trimming. Upon review, a motion was made by Jay Myer, Treasurer, to accept the services of Main Branch Tree Services, for $19,000.00. It was seconded by Richard Diliberto, Director. Discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a brief discussion on security. Russell Adams, President, alerted everyone that a vagrant has returned to our Recreational Centers and was found sleeping in Rec #29 a few days ago. It is believed that this vagrant may be mentally troubled. Please do not speak with ANY vagrants in the Rec Centers if you are there in the early morning. Call the police and they will come by immediately.

Some residents – and their guests – have been receiving bright red “tags” on their car windows that they are parking illegally in our lots. If you have guests in for the weekend or overnight, please give them a yellow Guest Pass and ask that they put it on their rear-view mirror while their car is parked in our lot. If you need Visitor Guest Passes, please call the President of your building. Thank you.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Joseph Barg. Seconded by Richard Diliberto. Passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

The next Board meeting will be June 12th, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Skolnick Center.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Diamond

Nancy Diamond, Secretary