Mike Scally


Honors English 3


My argument paper is one of the hardest papers I have ever written. Not being able to put my own opinion in was the easily the hardest part,getting all of the evidence was a real pain in my rear end, and truly I just didn’t have to the will to go to my computer and just make my paper better.

Where do I even start, in just about everything I have ever done I have put my opinion in it, I always want my voice to be heard but in this paper I couldn’t do that (even though sometimes I still did). When I was typing my paper on just about every topic I wrote about I had to restrain myself from hopping in. Next time I do this paper though I need to make sure my warrants connecting the evidence to the claim not put my own personal beliefs in it. I could not tell you how many times I had to go back into my paper and had to change something that I thought was an opinion and I changed to just more opinions: it was starting to really get on my nerves.

When I had to start getting my evidence I thought this will be easy all I will have to do is search random topics into Google and I will have my answer: but that was not the case. I was quickly finding out that ALOT of the websites were not credible and I then could not use any of the information from that website. I think I spend the most time on trying to find good, credible evidence. Next time I need to use better key words when using Google and I should have used the debates more also.

This reason is 100% my fault, I just simple found it hard to get to the computer. Between work, soccer, clubs, and sleep it was hard having the will to get off of my couch when I would get home from those thing to go to my computer and start looking for evidence or just get a draft done. Next time I need to get better management of my time or even get off of work one or two nights and dedicate those nights to just this paper.

So to sum up, I could have done better on this paper and my main struggles were not putting in my own opinion, finding all of the evidence, and just sitting down and typing the paper.