You will develop a portfolio of completed assignments that I will periodically review and grade for satisfactory completeness according to instructions provided in class. The portfolio will consist of four sections, each dealing with a specific aspect of human relations skills as related to today’s workplace.

The portfolio needs to be multi-compartmentalized, which means it should have at least five separate sections. A FOLDER IS UNACCEPTABLE. The portfolio will be reviewed for its overall quality. If you want a good grade on the portfolio, then it is highly recommend that you take pride in its construction and completion. Your portfolio is a reflection of you, your career choices, and your ability to create and reach your goals. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DEVELOP YOUR PORTFOLIO. YOU SHOULD BE WORKING ON IT THROUGH OUT THE QUARTER.


You will demonstrate your competence in basic job-seeking skills by completing each of the following:

1.  A one page resume = 45 pts.

2.  A one page cover letter = 30 pts.

3.  A sample application = 25 pts.

4.  A team interview = 120 pts. (Does NOT go in the portfolio)

******Excellent website for resume action descriptions ******





1.  Complete a 1-2 page paper or picture collage re: ‘Who Am I?’ = 25 pts.

1.  Who Am I ?

2.  What is My Purpose? (How do I give back to this world?)

3.  Where Am I Going? (Goals)

2.  Goal Sheets Completed (Chapter 3-4) Based upon the student’s completed inventories and summaries, the student will identify one academic, one career and one personal goal. The student will write an action plan for accomplishing his/her chosen goals. The goals and action plan will be included in the portfolio. = 60 pts.

3.  The student will complete at least 6 personal inventories presented by the instructor. The student may choose any 6 of the inventories for the purpose of this assignment. = 60 pts

a.  Meyers Briggs (Must Use) Website for reference & additional information:


b.  Multiple Intelligences

c.  Right/Left Brain

d.  Learning Channel Preference (Auditory, Visual, Haptic)

e.  Self Esteem/Self Efficacy Inventories

f.  Communication Style ( Inventory in Chapter 3, Emotive, Reflective, Director, Supportive)

g.  Assertiveness

h.  Other surveys provided on HMRL 1010 website and/or from instructor

4.  Self-Awareness Summary Paper = 150 pts.

Based on the Human Abilities Pre-Assessment (completed at the beginning of the course),the Human Abilities Post Assessment (completed at the end of the course), the inventories/self assessments taken throughout the course you are asked to write a 3-5page summary reflection paper.

The main goal of this paper is to discuss your growth, new learning’s, and what you are taking away from this course. You mustdiscuss the5 questions listed below. You must also incorporate 2-3 of the'Keysto Articulate Your Learning' statements in yourpaper.

Course Topics:

Team Building – Ch2

Professional Presence- Ch 3

Communication- Ch 4 & 5

Self-Esteem Ch 6

Attitude- Ch 8

Values and Ethics- Ch 7

Stress- Ch 9

Conflict – Ch 10

Diversity – Ch 11

Directions: Choose 5 - 7 course topics listed above that were of particular interest to you during the course. Incorporate these topics into your paper as you answer the 5 questions below. You are also asked to includeat least 2 of the 'Keys to Articulate Your Learning' statements in your paper. Complete those statements in your own way; personalize them to reflect your learning experience in this course.

1. What assumptions or expectations did I have when I completed the pre-assessmentat the

beginning of the quarter?

2.In what ways did my scores change on the post-assessment in the 5-7areas? What do these changes mean for me?

3. How did the experience of completing the Pre/Post Assessment and the inventories/self assessmentsmake me feel (positively and/or negatively about myself)?

4.Reflecting upon the5-7 course topicsI selected, and theself assessmentsI completed, explain any difficulties in academics, personal life, and the workplace that are related to these areas? In what ways did I succeed or improve?

5.How will this new ‘self understanding’ help me to be successful in my academic life, my personal life, and the workplace?

Keys to Articulate Your Learning (Complete 2-3 of these statements and incorporate them into your paper).

o  "I learned that”.…

o  “I learned this when"....

o  “This learning matters because” ….

o  "In light of this learning” ….


The student will complete an activity for one of the following topics. The student is expected to apply class materials to the topic. = 50 pts.

a.  Team Activity:

A description of the student’s current stresses, typical reaction patterns, and

a description of three coping techniques discussed in class /reading that the student

believes may help to relieve the stress….OR… A description of how the student has previously expressed anger and a plan for dealing with future anger provoking situations. The student will want to describe any trigger points as well as coping techniques… OR address BOTH!! J

Additional Options:

a.  Include your self-assessment of Anger, Stress or both in your final Inventory paper identifying how situations were previously handled and how they will be handled in the future.

b.  Journal stressors and/or anger trigger points for one week and provide written evidence of how they will make changes in their life related to successful coping strategies


Student Instructions

Cultural Awareness Experiential Activity

It is critical that students are required to experience another culture outside the safety and confines of the classroom and the comfort of their neighborhoods. In teams, we would like each student to participate in 2-5 hours of Service Learning (depending on organization needs). Service Learning is combining community service with education.

Culture = “Culture…is a shared and negotiated system of meaning informed by knowledge that people learn and put into practice by interpreting experience and generating behavior”. Luke Lassiter

Directions from Service Learning Department: http://www.mccneb.edu/servicelearning/humanrelations.asp

1.  Find an Organization or Community Partner you would like to work with.
2.  You do not have to chose from the below, but these are suggestion if you are having trouble finding a project.
·  Visit the Midwest Service-Learning Website for a comprehensive list of service sites.
·  Mission for All Nations: Courtney Raab at (402) 733-1904 Ext. 10
·  Open Door Mission: Chris Morris (402)829-1522 Ext. 1504 or email
·  City Sprouts: Jeanine Dickes (402) 680-0118
·  MCC Volunteer Corps: Queen Tucker (402)457-2813 or email
·  Girl Scouts: Sheena Kennedy 402-779-8237 or email
2. Use the scripts below to help you in contacting your chosen organization or community partner (Click on the links and the file should download or open. If it does not, the Right-click on the link and select "Save as" to save a copy to your computer.
·  Individual Script for a single person completing a service project
·  Team Script for a team completing a service project
3. After you have completed your service project please e-mail the following information to the Service-Learning Assistant Coordinator Jennie Tullos at
·  The name of everyone in your group
·  Student ID#s of everyone in the group
·  Organization you volunteered with
·  Number of hours served
·  If you have any questions about the information here please contact Jennie Tullos or call (402)457-2637.
If you have any questions about the requirements for your service project please contact your professor.
Other diversity experiences are encouraged throughout the quarter for extra credit & additional information/research for final presentation!
  ICC calendar
  Events mentioned by instructor
  Other colleges’ events: UNO, Creighton, Etc.
Team Presentation
After completing the service learning hours and attending various cultural events throughout the quarter…assigned teams will develop and present a presentation focusing on the shared “cultural” experience, which may include one of the following:
·  Ethnicity
·  Race
·  Religion (Hinduism, Islam, Muslim, Judaism or other religions)
·  Other cultures and their religious beliefs, cultural customs
·  Gender differences
·  Socio-economic status
·  Work life
·  Sexual orientation
·  Classism,
·  Handicapism
·  Ageism
Each presentation may consist of a power point which could include video clips, music clip, class activity, discussion, history of culture, food (optional), skit and/or personal stories from your experience. (There may be more than one event that teams will be sharing if experiences differ throughout the quarter) Each student must share their personal experience in the activity utilizing the “Keys to Articulating Your Learning” objectives from below.
Keys to Articulate Your Learning
For each team member, he/she must answer the following questions about their experience in the presentation:
The statement “I learned that” should…
·  Express an important learning, not just a statement of fact.
·  Provide a clear and correct explanation of the concept(s), as a result of reflection on your experience.
·  Be expressed in general terms, not just in the context of your experience (so that the learning can be applied more broadly to other experiences).
“I learned this when” should…
·  Connect your learning to your specific activities, making clear what happened in the context of that experience so that someone who wasn’t there could understand it.
“This learning matters because” should…
·  Consider how the learning has value, both in terms of your project-related activities and in broader terms, such as:
o  Other organizations or issues
o  Other activities you participate in
o  Other personal interests or professional goals
o  Other courses
“In light of this learning” should…
·  Set specific and assessable goals and consider the benefits and challenges involved in fulfilling those goals.
·  Tie back clearly to the original learning statement.
Remember to include in each Team Presentation:
·  Each presentation cannot exceed 20 minutes.
·  Remember to include key words and higher level thinking using the Keys to Articulate Your Learning (see above) in your presentation…
·  Why is this information important to know for your future in the ‘working world’?
·  Everyone in the ‘team’ must speak NOT read in the presentation
Your instructor will approve topic for final presentation…
Team Presentation Grading Rubric:
Section E / 4 - Mastery / 3 – Competent / 2 – Partial Competence / 1 – No Competence
Presentation / Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. / Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time. / Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time. / Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost.
Sources / Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. All documented in desired format. / Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. Most documented in desired format. / Source information collected for graphics, facts and quotes, but not documented in desired format. / Very little or no source information was collected.
Requirements / All requirements are met and exceeded. [Requirements: 1) interactive class activity, 2) illustrative video or film excerpt, 3) list of relevant films/documentaries, 4) relevant recorded music selection, 5) annotated web links list / One requirement was not completely met. [Requirements: see list to the left of this box] / 2-3 requirements were not completely met. [Requirements: see list to the left of this box] / 4 or more requirements were not completely met. [Requirements: see list to the left of this box]
Content / Covers topic in-depth with details and examples that go beyond the textbook material. Subject knowledge is excellent. / Includes essential knowledge about the topic limited to textbook material. Subject knowledge appears to be good. / Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors. / Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.
Originality / Presentation shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. / Presentation shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights. / May or may not use other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking. / Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit. No original thinking.
Workload / The workload is divided and shared equally by all team members. / The workload is divided and shared fairly by all team members, though workloads may vary from person to person. / The workload was divided, but one person in the group is viewed as not doing his/her fair share of the work. / The workload was not divided OR several people in the group are viewed as not doing their fair share of the work.