Using project based instruction; students are introduced to the principles of technology in the 21st century while refreshing their keyboarding skills. Students will use digital cameras and use photo editing (Paint.net) to put together the school yearbook will be presented to the entire student body at the end of the year. Students will also collaborate together to create the end of the year slide show using Movie Editing Software which will be present at the end of the year.

EXPECTATIONS:Students will learn and follow all classroom rules and procedures at all times. Students will consistently work to their fullest potential to fulfill all learning objectives.


Assignments are assessed and categorized as follows:

Formative (10%) Summative (90%) Class work

Class work Tests

Homework Quizzes

Practice Work Projects


Students will are expected to bring to class the following materials by Aug. 26.

1 digital camera. (Include plug source, memory card, etc..) I do have a few school cameras available to checkout. But it is much better if you have your own.

1 USB flash drive (16 or more gigs). This will be used to save images and documents.

1 notebook (non-spiral). Used for note taking, writing stories, interviewing, and to store passwords and usernames.

1 box of pencils

3 black pens

If you would like to help more a box of tissues would be helpful.


Assignments will be posted on Moodle. Moodle isan Open Source Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It has become very popular among educators around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for their students. The class moodle site is: is the student’s responsibility to get assignments from the teacher, absent or present. Most of the assignments with examples, descriptions, are on moodle.

. A sidebar is a standalone supplement to the main document. It is often aligned on the left \


Student work and photograph may be displayed on the network and Internet with parent approval. Personal information, such as a student’s full name, parent’s names, addresses and telephone number will never be published.


Per Board and State policies, students are responsible for use of technology. Failure to follow established policies and procedures or intentionally damaging equipment may result in limited or no access to Ontario Middle School System technology resources. Failure to follow my class procedures may also result in limited or no access to technology; alternate assignments will be given. Additionally, the teacher monitors all student use of technology within the classroom.

Camera and Equipment Checkout

Ensuring the proper maintenance of photographic equipment starts with an organized system to know where the equipment is, who is using it and who had it last. A checkout procedure helps students take responsibility for keeping track of equipment and to understand the cost to replace equipment.

Equipment Checkout Contract