Page 3 of Newsletter


Brother Knights,

A HAPPY EASTER week to all of you and your families!

Here is a few COUNCILNEWS ITEMS for all of you since the last meeting on March 15th.

We will be having a council MEMBERSHIP DRIVE this weekend, April 2nd and 3rd. We will have a "pulpit announcement" at the end of Mass, then we will have 2 Knights at each exit to hand out literature.

When you show up at the Mass, check in at the table in the back of church that we will have set up to....1) get some literature to hand out, and 2) be assigned positions. BEFORE the people are excused from Mass, GO TO YOUR STATION and start handing out literature to every man over 18 years of age that is not already a Knight.

If we don't get enough volunteers, we may not do it. It depends on you.You come to Mass, so take a few minutes to help your council get new members.Remember, if we meet our recruitment goals and make Star Council, it means over $700 incentive $$ from Supreme. This is almost as much as we make in a breakfast!


Speaking of breakfasts, there will be a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 17th. Please call Rick Schiedler at 503-845-6003 and volunteer for a shift.Especially you NEW GUYS that have perhaps not worked a breakfast before.Rick can find a spot for you!

There was a discussion at the meeting about new ways to raise funds, and the idea of something to raffle off was discussed. If you have any ideas about something to raffle at the breakfast, please call GK Fred at 503-779-7804.

The proceeds from the breakfast will go to the cleaning and pressingof the Altar Server vestments, as well as the Pennies for Heaven fund for Mt. Angel seminarians.

On April 30th, there will be a fundraiser dinner event for the St. Joseph Shelter. The Knights have been asked to providehelp for setup for this event. Please give us a hand. It won't take more than a few minutes. Call or text Ray Eder at 503-932-2506.


St. Mary Parish HeadSacristan Jerry Lauzon is retiring from that position. A replacement is sought. If you have interest in serving the parish in this position, please call the parish office 503-845-2291.


Chairman Ray Eder announced at the March meeting that Mt. Angel had TWO STATE winners in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw tournament. These kids made it through local, district, and then State competition. William Schacher and Ellie Cantu won their age divisions and are State Champions!


CEREMONIALS: Next 2nd and 3rd Degree Ceremonial...April 9th, Springfield.

June 4th...Beaverton time TBD.

FOURTH DEGREE: April 16th in Bend is the next scheduled exemplification.

The STATE CONVENTION is coming up...April 29th, 30th, and May 1st in SALEM. The Red Lion on Market Street is the official hotel. Masses will be held in a building near Blanchet School. See our council website for details.

Good of the Order: Please keep the following people in your prayers...for their intentions...

Stephanie Stoneking (wife of Brother Robbie Stoneking)

Brother Vince Gersch

Brother Del Youngers

Brother Stephen Schwarzenberger

Bill Sharrar

Congratulations to these FAMILIES of the MONTH for our council!

February: Ron and Jean Smith

March: Jerry and Connie Lauzon

April: Bob and Jean Fessler


Rob Duncan, our KC Field Agent, announced at the meeting that yet one more thing that sets KC Insurance apart other company has insurance policies for UNBORN children. IF you are an expectant couple, and the sounds of that interests to you...please contact Rob at...


We can also reach our council goals for the year if we can get THREE more new insurance members, or 3 members to open an ANNUITY…BY APRIL 30th!!

Please call Rob for a FREE insurance make sure your family is protected.

Also, it takes just $300 to open a new annuity, you can add more funds later, or not. This money has a guaranteed rate of return which is WAY better than parking money in a CD. Call Rob or FS Kent Purdy 503-881-1244.

That's it for now, Brother Knights. See you at the next council meeting, April 19th.

Vivat Jesus,

GK Fred Vandecoevering

FS Kent Purdy