Fountain County EMA Advisory Council Meeting
May 20, 2014
Attended by: Don Hesler, Brad Crain, Greg Robison, Bob Shepherd, Joe Whitaker, Leslie Reed, Joe Whittington, Terry Shields,Troy Finley and Sharon Gerlach (District 4 Coordinator).
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Greg Robison at Fountain County Courthouse.
Minutes of February 11, 2014were approved unanimously on motion by Brad Crain and second by Terry Shields.
EMA Update: Joe Whitaker announced that he had received one of the light towers and had already put it in use. The other light tower should be here in about a month.
Joe also announced that he had received confirmation that he would be awarded a grant to cover one-half of his salary and that of Leslie Reed. Joe received 318 out of a possible 394 points on his assessment for 2013 – 2014. 234 points are required for 50 % reimbursement. The point system is somewhat different this year. The amount is $21,063.04.
Joe has applied for a grant for the VHF receiver for 911 – amount $25,649.39.
The Damage Assessment program has been updated. Brad Crain moved we accept the update and Terry Shields seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
The Advisory Council reviewed the Mitigation Strategy with Joe Whitaker. Sharon Gerlach explained the overall program. Long-term and short-term housing in conjunction with neighboring counties during hazardous events is the latest one addressed. We need to start reviewing our Mitigation Plan soon. Items that have been addressed to this point are: 1. Developing MOUs with critical facilities that could shelter, feed, and care for displaced victims of hazardous events; 2. Developed an evacuation plan for hazardous materials spills; 3. Developed a plan for animal protection and subsistence; 4. Conducted a study to evaluate bidge infrastructure strength; 5. Developed emergency plans for procurement of food and water for existing shelters; 6. Identified a water supply or an area for a new well on the east side of the Wabash River; and 7. Developed a protection plan/ordinance to prohibit new construction within a certain distance from wells.
Joe will be attending the Kentucky Bluegrass session from September 5th through the 19th. He is trying to get others to go also.
There will be an exercise on June 24 where the counties will work with the hospital. People from the Health Department, Fire, EMS, Police, etc. should attend. Joe will work with this exercise and set up an Emergency Operations Center.
No disaster relief money was received for the Mellott devastation. FEMA did supply some low interest loans.
Joe is now a member of the Indiana Emergency Management Board. Congratulations.
The next meeting will be August 19, 2014 at 7 pm at the Courthouse.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.ousHHHHHH