(to be completed, signed and attached to your Dissertation Proposal prior to submission)
Name: Matric Number:
Supervisor’s Name:Programme:
Dissertation Title:
I confirm that my dissertation project DOES NOT include any of the following:TICK (√)
A / Primary research involving vulnerable groups e.g. children, young people under 18 years of age, adults with incapacity, or individuals in a dependent or unequal relationshipB / Primary research involving sensitive topics e.g. participants’ sexual behaviour, their involvement in criminal activities, their political views, their experience of violence, abuse or exploitation or their mental health
C / Research involving deception which is conducted without the participants’ full and informed consent
D / Research involving access to records of personal or confidential information which enables individuals to be identified, or research involving the use of the Edinburgh Napier University Email System
E / Research which would induce psychological stress, anxiety or humiliation or cause pain
F / Research which would potentially cause harm to participants’ esteem, career prospects and/or future employment opportunities.
G / Research involving intrusive interventions which participants would not encounter in the course of their everyday lives
H / Research where there is a possibility that the safety of the researcher may be in question
I understand that if my research includes points A or B above, then I cannot proceed with my proposed research, and must amend my proposal such that my research does not include points A and B.
If my research does involve any of points C- H, then I must discuss further with my supervisor and seek approval from the Faculty Integrity Committee before I can proceed with my proposed research.
Details of the Research Integrity and Ethics procedures and forms are available at
It is my responsibility to follow the University’s Code of Practice on Ethical Standards and any relevant academic or professional guidelines in the conduct of my study. This includes providing appropriate information sheets and consent forms, and ensuring confidentiality in the storage and use of data. If there is any significant change in the question, design or conduct over the course of the research I should complete another Research Integrity Review Form.
Student’s Signature: Date:
Supervisor’s Signature: Date: