Document-34572 / Release No. Draft - 5 / Release Date.: 2011/06/16
TRIUMF / / Document-34572
ARIEL Naming Convention
Document Type: / Engineering Note
Release: / Draft / Release Date / 2011/06/16
Author(s): / Jane Richards
Name: / Signature: / Date:
Author: / Jane Richards
Reviewer: / Rick Baartman
Reviewer: / Yuri Bylinski
Approved By: / Shane Koscielniak
History of Changes
Release Number / Date / Description of Changes / Author(s)2011-01-31 / Initial Draft / Jane Richards
2011-02-16 / Draft – 2 / Jane Richards
2011-3-28 / Draft – 3 / Jane Richards
2011-05-03 / Draft - 4 / Jane Richards
2011-06-16 / Draft - 5 / Jane Richards
1. Summary
This document defines a naming convention for the ARIEL facility. The scope includes the names for geographical areas, operation modes, and service distributions.
The approach is consistent with docushare Document-27934 ISAC Device Naming Convention.
Document-34572 1
ARIEL Naming Convention 1
1. Summary 3
2 Scope 3
3 Device Naming Convention 3
3.1 Area Mnemonics 3
3.2 Logical Device Names 3
2 Scope
This initial draft document encompasses the source, injector, accelerator, beam line, targets, the high level RF systems, cryogenic system, various mechanical systems (air, water) and elements of the high power electrical systems associated with the ARIEL facility.
The primary purpose is to provide consistent names for the system experts, the drawing office and the control system.
3 Device Naming Convention
A fully described ARIEL device name uses the form of a TRIUMF device name as specified in “The ISAC Device Naming Convention” – Document-27934 and the reader is referred to that document for further clarification. Condensing it’s numbered specifications NS1-1 through NS1-3 an ARIEL device name is defined as :
area mnemonic<sep<device mnemonic<device instance<sep<system specific suffix>
3.1 Area Mnemonics
<area mnemonic> is a three to five letter code, optionally followed by a sub-area code.
Some geographic areas of the ARIEL project will contain installations that are specifically confined to a single facility, for example the E-Hall is associated only with the E-Linac, whereas the ARIEL tunnel will be shared by both the electron high energy transport beam line and proton beam line 4N. The ARIEL west target will accept electrons in phase 1 and be dedicated to protons in phase 2 of the project. Thus the targets are not associated with the beam lines but are the initial devices of the ARIEL facility. For clarity, a facility prefix in the area mnemonic is desirable. The three facilities: ARIEL, E-Linac, BL4N will be designated by their initial letters: A, E, B. (Note: using the B is consistent with other 520 MeV facility beam line designations. In the ARIEL scope it must be further modified by its sub-area 4N.)
3.1.1. Beam line Sub-Systems
(Note: The following sections can be seen on design office drawings: TSK0034_revB+48 17jun2011 ehall.pdf and TSK0034_revB+48 17jun2011 tunnel – targets.pdf)
Mnemonic / Area (accelerator section) / boundariesEGUN / Electron GUN / First downstream vacuum Isolation Valve (EGUN:IV0)
ELBT / Electron Low energy Beam Transport / Linear section between EGUN:IV0 and EINJ upstream isolation valve
Mnemonic / Area (accelerator section) / boundaries
ELBD / Electron Low energy Beam Dump / Stub beamline from ELBT bender to fixed FC dump – accepts 300 KeV
EINJ / Electron INJector / Cryomodule following ELBT and between warm IVs
EMBT / Electron Merger Beam Transport / Section between EINJ downstream and EACA upstream warm isolation valve
EMBD / Electron Merger Beam Dump / Stub beamline from EMBT bender to fixed FC dump –accepts 10 MeV
EACA / Electron ACcelerator A / Cryomodule following EMBT and between warm IVs
EABT / Electron Accelerator Beam Transport / Section between EACA downstream and EACB upstream warm isolation valve (before EACB installed the downstream limit will be EHAT:IV0)
EABD / Electron Accelerator Beam Dump / Stub beamline from EABT to fixed FC dump - (30 MeV nominal 40 MeV maximum)
EACB / Electron ACcelerator B / Cryomodule following EABT and between warm IVs
EHAT / Electron High energy A Transport / Section between EACB and bender defining beginning of EHBT and EHDT
EHDT / Electron High energy Dump Transport / Section between EHAT terminal bender and EHD
EHD / Electron High energy Dump / Terminus of EHDT - accepts 75 MeV
EFEL / Free Electron Laser / Bounded by sections of ERBT
ERBT / Electron Re-circulation Beam Transport / Ring beamline from second EHAT bender to EMBT bender
ERBD / Electron Re-circulation Beam Dump (10 MeV) / Stub beamline from first EHAT bender to fixed FC dump – accepts 10 MeV
EHBT / Electron High energy B Transport / Section between EHAT terminal bender and the bender defining the ARIEL target beamlines EHBT1,EHBT2
This section starts with the dogleg and is primarily in the ARIEL tunnel.
ATW / ARIEL Target West (protons when B4N complete) / Target module following last IV in EHBT1 – accepts 75 MeV
ATE / ARIEL Target East (electrons) / Target module following last IV in EHBT2 – accepts 75 MeV
3.1.2 Operation Modes : Machine Mode + Beam Mode
This topic was not addressed by the ISAC Device Naming Convention document. However, it is recognized that an operational “modal” nomenclature will be helpful in directing design discussions and identifying necessary beam segments. It may also be necessary for Control, machine protection or Safety access once the facility becomes operational.
An Operation Mode (OPM) definition must include all machine area segments (Machine Mode MM) PLUS some beam characteristics (Beam Mode BM). The definition must include the beam terminus. This first iteration uses the beam energy and power.
The candidate machine modes and their specific beam line section components follow. The specific device designated as the terminal “dump” is not known at this time but will be added in a future revision.
Machine Modes
Mode Code / Machine definition – (reference MPS-2011Feb07)MM0 / No beam permitted
MM1 / ELBD - 300 keV Dump: EGUN, ELBT to bender, ELBD
MM2 / EMBD - 10 MeV EINJ Dump: EGUN, ELBT, EINJ, EMBT to 1st bender, EMBD
MM4 / ATW - 75 MeV, 1 kW: EGUN, ELBT, EINJ, EMBT,
EACA, EABT, (EACB), EHAT, EHBT, EHBT2, ATW – Note: This mode only used in Phase 1, before B4N commissioned. What is the difference between this and MM7A?
MM5 / EHD - 75 MeV, 100 kW Dump: EGUN, ELBT, EINJ, EMBT, EACA, EABT, (EACB), EHAT to bender directed to EHDT, EHDT, EHD
MM6 / ATE - 75 MeV, 500 kW: EGUN, ELBT, EINJ, EMBT,
MM7A / ATW - 75 MeV, 100 kW: This is machine commissioning dependant. Initially the West Target will be used by the E-linac and hence:
MM7B / ATW – 75 MeV,100 kW: B4N to ATW
MM8 / ERBD – 10 MeV
MM9 / ERBT (Recirculating line accelerated??)
The candidate beam modes follow. Specific beam characteristics need to be added to these definitions.
Beam Modes
Mode Code / Beam definition – (reference MPS-2011Feb07)BM0 / No beam
BM1 / Ceramic viewer limited beam
BM2 / OTR viewer limited beam
BM3 / Wire scanner limited beam
BM4 / Faraday cup limited beam
BM5 / 1 kW beam dump limited
BM6 / 50 kW beam dump limited
BM7 / 100 kW beam dump limited
BM8 / 500 kW beam dump limited - Full power mode
MM9 / Special target mode (if any)
The operation modes then follow acceptable matrix values: (Note: until I understand the beam mode characteristics more fully I cannot fill in the table – JER 2011-02-26)
BM0 / BM1 / BM2 / BM3 / BM4 / BM5 / BM6 / BM7 / BM8 / BM9MM0 / OPM0
MM3 / OPMx1
MM4 / OPMx2 / OPMy1
MM5 / OPMx3 / OPMy2
MM6 / OPMx4 / OPMy3
MM7A / OPMx5 / OPMy4
These operation modes can be given more meaningful identifiers as needed.
3.1.3 Mechanical Service Areas
Area Mnemonic / Area (mechanical sections) – (reference Curtis Ballard)EWS / E-Hall Water Supply
EWR / E-Hall Water Return
ECAS / Electron Compressed Air Supply
EZA / Electron Hall Zone Air
AZNA / ARIEL Zone TuNnel Air
Mechanical services can span several beam line segments and are to be identified in terms of building plan segments where conduit disconnects may occur – eg Electron Hall, Ariel Tunnel. Branches from the main trunk lines will assume the name of the beam area that it serves. If a trunk branch does not lead directly to a unique beam line device, then this tributary would still be considered part of the main system. It could, if needed, be modified by a unique beam area destination. For example a primary water branch that supplies only EMBT is considered as EWS:EMBT. Branches which supply cooling water for specific beam line devices would be given the name of the device, eg EMBT:Q1.
A need for domestic water is not envisioned. The water supply addressed here is de-ionized, non-active, low conductivity. Measurement instrument signals for flow or temperature will be named by the beam line device that they service in the same manner as in the ISAC convention.
Note that the e-linac is not expected to require nuclear exhaust handling and it is not dealt with in this scope. When the ARIEL Target Hall is added to this specification this will need to be addressed.
The compressed air for the E-Hall is expected to be supplied by the TRIUMF site supply. The ARIEL tunnel is expected to have a separate supply.
The E-Hall and ARIEL tunnel are considered air zones that will have a negative pressure with respect to adjacent sections.
3.1.4 Cryogenic Areas
Area Mnemonic / Area (cryogenic sections) – (reference Alexey Koveshnikov)EHCD / Electron Hall Cold Distribution (He dewars to cryomodules)
EHCDT / E-Hall Cold Distribution Trunk
EHES / Electron HElium Supply (supply tank to cold-box)
EHERC / Electron HElium Return Cold
EHERS / Electron HElium Return Sub-atmospheric pressure
EHERW / Electron HElium Return Warm
ENLS / Electron Nitrogen Liquid Supply (source: Dewar or outside Supply Tank)
ENGE / Electron Nitrogen Gaseous Exhaust (source: cryomodules,coldbox to outside)
Similar to the mechanical services, the primary cryogenic systems can span several beam line segments and are to be identified in terms of their function, eg EHCD, ENLS. In general components take their name from the cryogenic area until a branch serves a uniquely identified beam area. For example, a valve on the main trunk line would be designated as EHCD:HSV1, whereas a valve on a branch that supplies only EACA is considered as EACA:HSV1.
3.1.5 HPRF
Reference – Amiya Mitra
The HPRF nomenclature is expected to follow the pattern established within ISAC II. It uses the beam areas as defined above.
The cryomodules will have some attributes or devices that pertain to the module as a whole and are not related to RF such as vacuum services, attached optic, diagnostic or safety devices, and temperature readbacks. In this case the naming follows the same naming pattern as all other beam areas, eg EINJ:IG1.
The amplifiers will be identified by the accelerator component that it serves: eg EACA:AMP for the klystron serving the first accelerator cryomodule. The LLRF addresses the device at the beam line destination, cavity level eg EACA:CAV1:READY whereas the HPRF addresses the device at the source, amplifier level eg EACA:AMP.
The name separation of physical components of the RF system between the amplifier and the cryomodule will be the RF coupler. That is all RF devices downstream of the EACA:AMP splitter, eg. EACA:CAV1:CPLER, shall be identified as EACA:CAV1, and devices upstream as EACA:AMP.
3.2 Logical Device Names
Logical device names consist of a <logical device mnemonic> followed by a <logical device number>.
Note that device names within an area must be unique. If there is a conflict between systems such as the control system and the site services, the conflict must be resolved either via the logical device number or via the logical device mnemonic.
3.2.1. Logical Device Mnemonics
Proposed initial list of logical device mnemonics (not defined in the existing ISAC Device Naming Convention):
RF System:
CPLR RF coupler
RFSEP RF separator
SPLT RF amp splitter
BPM Beam Position Monitor (non scanning)
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