
December 7, 2007 Department of English Volume XLII, Number 6

Baylor University


Dr. William V. Davis published two poems: “Lilacs” was published in The Evansville Review and “First Frost” was published in Lake Effect: A Journal of the Literary Arts.


Mona Choucair presented a paper with Chelleye Crow at SCMLA in Memphis, Tennessee, on Nov. 1. Her paper was entitled, “Answering Emerson’s Call: The Need for Young Adult Literature in Today’s English Classroom.”

Mona also learned recently that her dissertation, “Whose Culture Are You Bearing: Searching for Self in Toni Morrison’s Novels” (2000) was chosen for the “Selected Essays, Articles, and Books” section in the bibliography of a new study entitled The Fiction of Toni Morrison: Reading and Writing on Race, Culture, and Identity, published by NCTE in the spring of 2007.


On the evening of October 24, Dr. Tracy Hoffmangave a lectureon Washington Irving at the Central Library in Irving, Texas. The event, hosted by the IrvingHeritage Society, was the first in a speaker series about the famous author for which the city is named. She was awarded full membership into the society and will assist with plans for"A Washington Irving Christmas" next December and birthday festivitiesalready slotted forApril 2008.

Dr. Hoffman presented “Atlantic andMississippi Undercurrents in Washington Irving's A Tour on the Prairies”at SCMLA in Memphis, November 1-3. She was elected to chair next year's Southwest Literature session in San Antonio.


Adrienne Akins presented a paper titled "'Each of us tell it as we see it': Memory and Storytelling in Intaglio" at the 2007 American Studies Association of Texas Conference.


Reid Makowsky’s article "The Inhabitants of Cosmo's Secret Drawer: Albertus Magnus and Cornelius Agrippa in George MacDonald's Phantastes" has been accepted for publication in VII.


Information has been received from James Madison University concerning its search for a new head. James Madison University is a comprehensive university of 18,000 students, and the English Department plays a vital role in the curriculum and in students’ lives. The department currently has over 500 undergraduate majors, 30 M.A. students and 26 full-time faculty members. More information on the department is available on its website at The advertisement for the position is available on the M.L.A. website and at For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.


Information has been received from the University of Kentucky concerning its search for an advanced Associate or Full Professor of African American Cultural Studies. Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to, music and the expressive arts, popular culture, film, literary theory, and critical race theory. Demonstrated commitment to effective teaching, innovative research, and publication, along with willingness to become involved with campus and local communities, is expected. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2007, and will continue until the position is filled. For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.


Information has been received from the University of Texas at Austin’s Harry Ransom Center concerning its 2008-2009 Research Fellowships. Applications are being accepted for one-month fellowships, two-to-four month fellowships, dissertation fellowships, and travel stipends. Application deadline is February 1, 2008. For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.


The Department of English is in receipt of the 2008-2009 brochure for the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts. Along with information about the LFP’s National Network of Church-Related Colleges and Universities and their new initiative The Lilly Graduate Fellows Program, the brochure announces the Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowships for 2008-2010. The application deadline this year is December 18, 2007. For more information, please see the flier and brochure on file in CS 106.


Information has been received from Southern Methodist University concerning its Graduate Studies in English. SMU is offering the M.A. and Ph.D. in English, and are already accepting applications for fall 2008. For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.


Information has been received from the Summer Literary Seminars concerning its Annual SLS Fiction, Poetry, and Non-Fiction Contest. First prize in each category wins airfare, housing, and tuition to SLS Russia or Kenya and publication in The Walrus (fiction and poetry winners) and Maissoneuve (nonfiction winner). Runners-up and finalists will receive SLS Select Scholarships and consideration for publication in The St. Petersburg Review. Application deadline is February 28, 2008. For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.


Information has been received from Film Auteur, a new journal of film and media studies published by Portland State University and Ooligan Press, requesting submissions for its inaugural issue. The journal will be published twice annually, in both hard copy and online format. The first issue will focus on Portland filmmaker Gus Van Sant. Papers are encouraged from a variety of theoretical and critical perspectives on any aspect of Van Sant’s work, including essays on cinematography and style, music, the socio-critical elements of his work, and the like. Essays should run from 4,000 to 6,000 words, and should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2008. For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.

Echoes of the Aeolian Harp

Dr. Mary Lynn Anderson will participate in the Mellon Foundation Summer Workshop on “Discourse Analysis” at Rice University during May 17-28, 1982.

From Aeolian Harpings 31:31 (April 17, 1982).