MARCH 12, 2013
8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
PRESENTER/TRAINER: David E. Nash, CPPO, CPPB – Procurement Specialist
1st HALF OF TRAINING SESSION I: 8:30 A.M. to 10:10 A.M.
TOPIC: How To Avoid Protests & Using the Appropriate Procurement Vehicle; RFP’s, RFI’s, or ITB’s
2nd HALF OF TRAINING SESSION I: 10:20 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
TOPIC: When Opportunity Knocks, Will You Be Ready?
Learned Difference between “Luck” & Opportunity, Characteristics of Successful People (Positive, Outgoing, Risk-Takers, Lifelong Learners). Learn To View Failure as a Learning Experience, Meet & Network With Large Groups of People, Initiate Conversations With Strangers, Be A Social Magnet Using Eye Contact & Open Body Language.
LUNCH BREAK: 11:30 A.M. to 12:20 P.M.
MARCH 12, 2013
President Jessie Moseley called the meeting to order at 12:20 P.M.
Invocation: Janice Pursley
Pledge: Trish Heinze
President asked for motion to approve the February Chapter meeting minutes, Sandy Rogers motioned, seconded by ______, motion carried.
Motion asked to approve February Board meeting minutes, Donna Smith motioned, seconded by ______, motion carried.
President Moseley asked if any guests were present; no guests were present. Then she asked if any new members were present, and new member Christina Harrell of the Department of Economic Opportunity introduced herself.
Officers’ Reports:
Presidents Report: President Moseley gave an encouraging and uplifting speech on March being Purchasing Month, despite the lack of recognition that we as professionals do not receive from the Public at Large or fellow co-workers, management or leadership in our respective agencies. Ms. Moseley stressed that we must draw from our inner strengths from a job well done, working together to accomplish common procurement goals, taking pride in what we do and the fact that we do our work to the best of our abilities, always striving to do better. She also pointed out that what we do cannot be done by “just anyone” and that our years of experience make us valuable assets to our agencies and we should be proud of ourselves and keep on doing what we do even though no raises, bonuses, or accolades are forthcoming.
President Moseley thanked Diana Trahan for her excellent work on the TAC/NIGP webpage, Donna Smith for her hard work on the Reverse Trade Show, and Nancy Jewett for her job as Treasurer. Next, she thanked Jason Ouzts & Lori Newman for their work in getting Mr. Nash as Speaker/Trainer on short notice, getting him from the airport to the training site, providing our breakfast snacks, and serving lunch. She then thanked Mary Quincy for obtaining the training room for us, Nancy Jewett & Mable Jones for setting up the room for the food and processing people and payments at the door, Don Tobin for his continued, invaluable help and mentoring of Nancy Jewett, and Sandy Rogers for her job as Secretary for the Chapter.
Secretary’s Report: Sandy Rogers - No Report
Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Jewett – reported that the Chapter has $13,606.19 in checking, $112,652.32 in Savings, and $150.00 in cash for total assets of $126,408.51 to date.
Committee Reports:
Membership Committee: Jason Ouzts (at end of meeting)
Reverse Trade Show Committee: Donna Smith (prior to Jason). Encouraged members to request their Directors sign up for the Reverse Trade Show as this is our main fund-raiser for the year and it pays for training, like the training we are having today. There is a floor plan on the TAC/NIGP website and Donna encouraged members to take a look, encourage their chiefs/directors to send at least 2 people, but if an Agency wants more than 2 people at a table to let her know.
By-Laws Committee: Nancy Jewett once again read the proposed change to Article IX, and asked if there were questions; no questions were voiced. She called for the vote and all members voted in favor of the change. Proposed change was unanimously Approved.
Education Committee: Lori Newman reported the results of the survey for courses for certification and recertification’s and that the top 3 were Contract Management, Negotiations, and Management & Leadership. She said she is working on getting training for the Fall to have another Seminar then. There will be no Speaker for April due to the Reverse Trade Show. Next Speaker will be in May. June and July are vacation months with no meetings. Meetings will resume in August and Lori is working on those. There will be breakfast sweets, coffee, & juices, and lunch provided at the Reverse Trade Show by the Civic Center.
Free Luncheon Drawing: Susan Barr won the drawing for April.
President Moseley asked for motion to adjourn, motion made, and seconded.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:42 P.M.
3rd PART OF TRAINING 1:00 P.M. to 2:20 P.M.
TOPIC: How About This?
This portion of the training dealt with risk-taking in procurement, and how these risks can pay off. You prepare for the unexpected, know that some risks may fail, and that you can discover the unknown, even in failure. Know that life and processes are always in a state of change; nothing stays the same. If things stayed the same, they would (and we would) stagnate and die. Read as much as possible in many different fields, as this stimulates creativity, which results from joining many seemingly unrelated things together. Most important is to obtain and maintain a POSITIVE attitude! Remember, “this too shall pass”, expect good things to happen to you, listen to your “gut” feelings and hunches. Life is too short to be a "Negative Nell". Negative people will suck life out of you, so steer clear! If they want to go through life criticizing, complaining, finding fault with everything and everybody, whining about what they do not have, or what they no longer have, cut ties with those people. They will only ruin your creativity and positivity, and they will get no better.
Wake Up!!
If you find yourself in a work environment that is going nowhere and you are not being enriched or fulfilled, start thinking and looking for another opportunity. Move on; do not stick with a bad decision or situation if possible. Listen to others, but make up your own mind. Create passion by taking action, be open to other alternatives, develop helpful beliefs, keep away from the negative naysayers, and dream killers, which suck the life out of you! You are only hurting yourself if you stay in the situation.
4th PART OF TRAINING FROM 2:45 P.M. TO 3:45 P.M.
Forging Ahead From Failure:
Look How Far We Have Come!
View failure as a possible consequence. Do not attempt to cover up your "mess ups" or "blow up", these emotions only make things worse. Take positive approach to life and your career. Do not get trapped into believing that "Success" is your Ultimate Goal and that when you get there you "have arrived" and need no more growth or change.
Reasons For Failure:
Poor people skills, negative attitudes, being a "square peg in a round hole" (evaluate your organization; you may be in an organization that cannot handle your outspoken personality). Lack of focus and a weak commitment, being inflexible, changing direction in the middle of the stream, cutting corners, poor information, lack of goals, or depending on talent alone will NOT get you by.
The cycle of FEAR begins with the fear of the unknown, leads to inaction, fear of inexperience, and then to the inability to act. It can take the form of procrastination, paralysis, purposelessness, self-pity, self-victimization, hopelessness, and continued fear causes inaction.
The only way out of the cycle of FEAR is ACTION!!! JUST DO IT!!! Once you get moving, things get easier, but you must get started. "Act" your way into your goals. "He who makes no mistakes makes no progress".
Human beings avoid risk-taking because of fear of embarrassment, second-guessing oneself, having unrealistic expectations, saying the "timing isn't right" or waiting for the "ah ha" moment. Life is not fair - get over it! You must get on with your life and learn to take more risks; risks that are calculated and well thought out. Risk-taking breeds success.
Success tends to breed risk aversion and risk aversion leads to STAGNATION.
Forge Ahead:
Use your failures as stepping-stones to change and growth. If you are not failing some of the time, you are not working. Learn from your mistakes and find opportunities to put what you have learned to use. Challenge the "I can't" thoughts and aim for a "win-win" solution for all. Try, try, try to do your best, but do not fear failure. Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war, be flexible. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill; "Is this the hill that you want to make your last stand on?" Think about it.
Do what you can to help others, and be more concerned about what you give than what you get. If you want to be "right" all the time, don't expect to be happy. If you want to be happy in life, don't strive to be "right" all the time. Manage your thoughts; thoughts drive emotions, so know yourself. If you are depressed, sick, or in a bad mood, put off big decisions until your mood is better. Failure is in the eye of the beholder; challenge that thought.
Be a minimalist; see value even in the smallest things in life. Do not get bogged down in minutia! Invest in yourself, learn a new language, or become certified as a CCPB or CCPO. "When you come to a fork in the road, take it", Yogi Berra. Maybe we should move on to be better off.
This concluded training for the day.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Rogers, Secretary
TAC/NIGP Chapter Meeting & Training Event
March 12, 2013
11/4/2018 4:00:05 AM