Rebecca JacksonDouglas County High School


2016-2017Room 253

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a variety of experiences in economic concepts. At the end of this course, you will take the Advanced Placement examination in Microeconomics.

This course has a state administered End-of-Course-Test. In order to meet Georgia’s graduation requirements, you must pass Economics.

Performance Standards/Objectives

Microeconomics is segmented into five units:

  • Basic Economic Concepts
  • The Nature and Function of Product Markets
  • Theory of the Firm
  • Factor Markets
  • Market Failure and the Role of the Government

Classroom Format

This course will require the student to engage in a variety of activities including, but not limited to, lectures, projects, homework assignments, in-class assignments, quizzes and tests, group activities, writing assignments, guided readings and research projects. Additionally, the student will take tests at the end of each unit to assess learning. Students can expect to have homework 1-2 nights a week. Even when there is no homework, students are expected to review the material covered in class or to preview the upcoming material to assist them in class discussions.

AssessmentsPercentage of Overall Grade

Formative Assessments 30%

Classwork/Homework: 15%Quizzes: 15%

Summative Assessments 50%

Tests: 35%Projects: 15%

End-of-Course Test 20%

Grading Scale:

A: 90-100B: 80-89C: 71-79D: 70F: Below 70

Required Materials

Pencils, Pens Loose-leaf paper Graph PaperCalculator

Strategies for Student Learning

Students will take part in class discussions, take notes during lectures, prepare graphic organizers, complete projects, debate important topics and take part in all other activities that allow them to process and comprehend the material they are presented in class and read from the textbook.

Attendance and Tardies

You will need to be here on a regular basis. If you are absent, you will have a difficult time passing the class. We move quickly and cover a lot of material in one ninety-minute session. In the event that you are absent, the policy in your handbook will apply.

Make-Up Work

It is the responsibility of each student to complete all work missed due to an absence from class. Make-up work is due no later than 3 days after the student first returns to school. If the assignment was assigned before the absence, then the student will be expected to turn it in on the day of return. All make-up work can be found by visiting my blog at – each student is expected to check this regularly and is responsible for finding out about their make-up work through that website.

Late Work

Assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Work turned in late will suffer a 30% penalty to the final grade for that assignment. No work will be accepted more than a week late, unless accompanied by an excused absence form or extreme circumstances. Once a unit is completed, absolutely no late work will be accepted for that unit.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

  • Be on time and prepared for class.
  • Treat your teachers and classmates with respect.
  • Abide by all guidelines, including school dress code and electronic devices, set forth in your student handbook.
  • Keep our classroom clean.
  • Enter the classroom ready to begin learning.
  • Take care of personal business between classes.
  • You must have permission and a signed pass to leave class. Unless there is an emergency, passes will not be written. In no cases will a pass be written during the first or last ten minutes of class.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to be honest in class regarding their work and preparation for class. In accordance with county policy, students are expected to complete their own work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, nor will any form of academic dishonesty. Violation of this policy will result in a grade of zero being assessed for that work, as well as an administrative disciplinary referral.

Required Readings

Textbooks: Krugman’s Economics for AP

Economics by Example

Supplemental readings as assigned by the instructor

Recommended Reading

5 Steps to a 5 – AP Microeconomics – All students in this course will be expected to take the Advanced Placement test in AP Microeconomics. The 5 steps to a 5 workbook will assist you in achieving a successful score.

Extra Help/Problems

If at any time, you are having trouble in this class, it is your responsibility to let me know immediately. I will be willing to help, but you have to ask. You or your parents can reach me at , and I will respond as quickly as possible to any questions or concerns. Unless otherwise noted, tutoring will be held every Wednesday after school from 3:45-4:30.

Website Information

Please visit to access my website. Many assignments, presentations, and other information will be stored there so you can find it easily.

Lost Book Policy

Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD

The student will be charged full replacement cost for any textbook lost, regardless of condition. The amount to be charged for a textbook damaged by a student will be determined by the principal.

Parent/Guardian Notification

Failure to comply with classroom or school rules, or poor academic performance will result in the immediate contact of the student’s parent or guardian.

AP Microeconomics Syllabus

Mrs. Jackson

Room 253

Dear Parents/Guardians:

For your student’s first homework assignment, I request that you e-mail me at from your personal e-mail address. I will use this to send out a weekly e-mail blast with relevant information regarding tests and other important events. Your e-mail address will not be seen by or shared with anyone else.

Please circle to indicate whether or not you have sent the requested e-mail. YESNO

I have read and understand the AP Microeconomics syllabus.

Student Name (Printed) ______

Student Signature______

Parent Name (Printed) ______

Parent Signature______

Parent E-Mail ______

Parent Phone Number ______

Any other information you would like to share with me:

If you have any of the following supplies available or are willing to donate them to the classroom, we are always in need of the following items:




Hand Sanitizer

