PTO Meeting September 8th

Meeting started at 6:02pm – All board members present by end of meeting.

  1. President – Tara Burmis Twigg: Welcomed everyone to the meeting and started the grant presentations.
  1. 2nd grade requesting 762.30, for Scholastic Weekly Readers. This amount will lower due to books being on sale at this time. This grant will be for the entire 2nd grade level covering all students. This will help with applying thinking and decision-making skills through 4 standards history, civics and government, geography, and economics. Question was asked on what the break down per teacher would be. Answer is around $152 per teacher.

**After the meeting Mrs. Pappas updated (via email) the total for the grant would be $694.30 instead of the original price of $762.30 – due to a special promotion. (And that is divided by 5 teachers not 6.) That works out to $138.86 a teacher.

  1. 4th grade teachers requesting $1,500.00 for Math in Your Feet. This program leads students through problem solving process of creating their own dance patterns. There was a short video showing/explains what the program does for the students. The break down pre teacher would be $250.
  2. Ms. Stewart 1st grade requesting $99.95 for Raz-Kids via Reading This is an interactive tool to help with reading practice and fluency. This will get 36 licenses for the year, so extra will be shared with other 1st grade teachers.

President introduced Chuck from Edward Jones to explain the Indiana 529 program and all its offerings /benefits.

The December 8th PTO meeting will need to be moved due to conflict, this will be decided at the next meeting.

  1. Fundraising – Jen Ford, Crista Moore, and Darcy Spees: at this time $18,219 has been collected from the cookie/Indy books sales. Money is still being counted, so final tally and profits are not known at this time. The team also sent out a flyer for donations last week and $1.085 came back from this. People were very receptive to this donation flyer going out. The goal set by the fundraising is between $10,000 and $11,000 for the fall sale, and they feel that they have reached this.

Goal is next Tuesday/Wednesday for turning in sales.

Will pass out books to all students they sold them.

Once the books are mass ordered, families will get a scratch off code for the app.

Once cookie dough orders are processed, a date for delivery will be made.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Katie Richman shared at the end of the meeting that the budget is on track. The 3 teacher grants that were approved from last meeting, have been reimbursed for their orders.
  1. Secretary’s Report – Rebecca Robinson: Please get any information needed for the new letter in by Friday so newsletter can get out next week. Also send anything needed in Word.
  1. Activities – Julie Doss & Renea Marsh Johnson: Hot Skates event planned on November the 2nd. This date was pick due to no school the next day. I love to read night will need to be changed and a date and time is being considered in March. Pacers Night – only Saturday game is January 30th, it was agreed to move forward with this date and time. The talent show/chili night will take place February 26th, this is still being planned out and more information will be available at a later meeting. It was discussed making sure nothing is the same date as Kids town, and this looks to be planned on the 29th of January.
  1. Helping Hands – Leslie Dukes Tislow: Shared that the front office helped out a lot, so getting e-mails entered into the new app was much easier!
    Helping hands is using the sign up genius and really likes this system and feels is very user friendly, has not had any issues.
    Book fair is coming up Friday and next week.

There are a question asked to the teachers what tomorrow’s event is (connecting Generations). Teachers explained there are 75 Grandparents coming and the intent is to show kids and grandparents how kids learn now vs how grandparents used to learn. There are 15 juniors from the high school coming tomorrow to help out. Everyone is looking forward to seeing how this new event will play out.

  1. Corporate Promotions – Amanda Pickett: there are now 60 people signed up for Target Red Card. Red cards at this time is at $820.96, this check should be mailed in February. Sits still unsure on the Kroger system and waiting to find more out. Fall submission for box tops is November the 2nd.
  2. Principal’s Report – Mr. Kingery was not present due to conflict, Tara spoke on behalf. Discussed when parent teacher conference should take place. It’s new this year, giving teachers more time they should be completed by the second quarter, or November 3rd.

There was a question asked about Mr. Miller’s classroom, and it was shared that Ms. Isabel will be taking over the class, but it is unsure who will take over her class. Helping Hands offered assistance in helping teachers move their classrooms around if needed. Please reach out to helping hands for assistance if needed.

President shared what took place at the PTO Presidents meeting - All schools except River Birch are doing a walk-a-thon as their fundraiser this year.

School supplies kits were sent back. Other schools didn’t get a lot of orders either. One school used Staples and they were happy with them.

Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm. Next meeting: 10:30am, Tuesday, October 6th.