Year 1 - Term 4 Overview 2014
This is a term overview for the teaching and learning for each subject in Year 1 for Term 4.
Please make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Outcomes / Term 4English / Talking and Listening
EN1-1A communicates with a range of people in informal and guided activities demonstrating interaction skills and considers how own communication is adjusted in different situations.
EN1-6B Recognises a range of purposes and audiences for spoken language and recognises organisational patterns and features of predictable spoken texts.
EN1-1ACommunicates with a range of people in informal and guided activities demonstrating interaction skills and considers how own communication is adjusted in different situations.
EN1-2APlans, composes and reviews a small range of simple texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers and viewers.
EN1-3AComposes texts using letters of consisted size and slope and uses digital technologies.
EN1-4ADraws on an increasing range of skills and strategies to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on less familiar topics in different media and technologies.
EN1-5AUses a variety of strategies, including knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences, to spell familiar words.
EN1-3AComposes texts using letters of consisted size and slope and uses digital technologies.
EN1-9BUses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts.
EN1-10CThinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts.
EN1-11DResponds to and composes a range of texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences.
EN1-1A; EN1-4A; EN1-8B; EN1-10C / Talking and Listening -
- News (once a week). Integrated across all subject areas (Directed listening, personal response, research and reporting).
- Students will be talking about a news topic once a week and they will be asked questions about their news by their peers.
- At times, specific concepts or topics the students are learning about will be covered in news. Examples of news topics are: favourite toy, favourite holiday, best birthday present, etc.
- The students will be asking questions to seek clarifications, interact in conversations, listen to events and recall events.
The children are levelled. Reading and writing activities are completed during this time.
- Students will be having reading groups four times a week for thirty minutes. They are also expected to read at home every night for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Students will also be participating in a reading comprehension program once a week in a small group situation whilst the other half of the class is attending computer lesson.
- The students will also be exploring the following:
Phonics – Formally taught and integrated in reading/writing activities. The sounds that the children will cover this term are: ea, ar, ay, ir, or, ld, ai and wh.
Grammar - Formally taught and integrated in reading/writing activities. Some concepts include:
-Adverbs/adverbial phrases
-Time connectives
-Thinking verbs
-Persuasive language
-Past tense verbs
- The text type that will be covered this term is Narrative Writing.
- Narrative: Narratives tell a story with a problematic event that entertains and instructs the reader or listener. The children will be reading a wide range of Narratives leading on to write their own stories.
- Students will be revising how to write sentences using the correct tense and grammar and punctuation rules.
- New list each week using the quota system and integrated with Phonics.
- Students will receive a new spelling list at the start of each week and will be tested on Friday. Each student will have their own set quota. They will move up a quota after achieving full marks over two consecutive weeks.
- The Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method will be encouraged to develop children’s visual memory technique.
- Modelled and independent. The children will focus on writing capital letters and revise lower case letters.
- Students will focus on the letters u, v, w, y, a, c, o, g, q, d, e and s.
In Library the students will:
- engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions
- predict author intent, series of events and possible endings in an imaginative text
- select a widening range of texts for enjoyment and pleasure and discuss reasons for their choice
- respond to a wide range of texts by Mem Fox through discussing, writing and representing.
The Working Mathematically Strand will be incorporated in all other strands of Mathematics. It includes:-
*Applying Strategies
*Reflecting / Number
NS1.1: Counts, orders,reads and representstwo- and three-digit
NS1.2: Uses a range ofmental strategiesand informalrecording methodsfor addition andsubtraction
involving one- andtwo-digit numbers.
NS1.3: Uses a range ofmentalstrategiesand concretematerials for
multiplication anddivision.
NS1.4: Describes andmodels halves andquarters, of objectsandcollections,occurring ineveryday situations.
MS1.1:Estimates,measures, comparesand records lengthsand distances usinginformal units,metres andcentimetres.
MS1.2:Estimates,measures,comparesand records areasusinginformal units
MS1.3:Estimates, measures, comparesand records volumes and capacities usinginformal units.
MS1.4:Estimates, measures, comparesand records the masses of two or more objects using informal units.
MS1.5:Compares the duration of eventsusing informal methods and reads clocks on the half hour.
Patterns and Algebra
PAS1.1: Creates, represents and continues a variety of number patterns, supplies missing elements in a pattern and builds number relationships.
DS1.1: Gathers and organizes data using picture graphs and interprets the results.
Space and Geometry
SGS1.2: Sorts, represents, describes and explores various two dimensional shapes.
Working Mathematically
WMS1.1 (Questioning): Asks questions that could be explored using mathematics in relation to Stage 1 content.
WMS1.2 (Applying Strategies): Uses objects, diagrams, imagery and technology to explore mathematical
WMS1.3 (Communicating): Describes mathematical situations and methods using every day and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols.
WMS1.4 (Reasoning): Supports
conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were
WMS1.5 (Reflecting): Links mathematical ideas and makes connections with, and generalisations
about, existing knowledge and understanding in relation to Stage 1 content. / In the Mathematics strands the students will have opportunities to learn the following:
- Students count, order, read and write numbers up to 999.
- Use a range of mental strategies, informal recording methods and materials to add, subtract, multiply and divide.
- They model and describe objects and collections divided into halves andquarters.
- Students sort, order and count money.
- Count Me in Too: At the end of number lessons the children participate in ‘hands on’ groupactivities. The students are assessed continuously with the Sena 1 and 2 tests to determine the mathematical skills level for each student. This information is then used to decide the activities for the students at their level. The students are put into groups when doing these activities. Mixed ability groups are also used within the year one classrooms.
- Students estimate, measure, compare and record using informal units for length, area, volume, capacity and mass.
- They recognise the need for formal units of length and use the metre to measure length.
- Studentsuse a calendar to identify the date and name and order the months and the seasons of the year.
- Students describe, create and continue a variety of number patterns and relate addition and subtraction facts to at least 20.
- Students gather, organise, display and interpretdata using picture graphs.
- Students identify, describe, sort and model particular 2D shapes.
- Students ask questions and use objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems.
- They link mathematical ideas and use everyday language, some mathematical language and diagrams to explain how answers were obtained.
Religion / Advent and Christmas:
11C8: Getting ready for Jesus.
11C9: Celebrating Jesus’ birthday.
Studies in Religion are based on Christianity and in particular the Maronite faith. The students will study the Feast Days and important times of the religious calendar, whilst also studying the Bible and its teachings.
The topics studied follow the Sharing Our Story document developed by the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Parramatta. / Advent and Christmas:
During the Advent and Christmas unit, students will:
- Comprehend the story of the Annunciation.
- Identify the purpose and meaning of Advent.
- Appreciate the ways in which Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus each Christmas.
- Understand why it’s important to wait and prepare for the birth of Jesus.
- Develop an understanding and appreciation of the birth of Jesus and how it is celebrated.
- Develop an understanding and appreciate of the gift God has given us which is Jesus.
- Understanding the special events in the Christmas story.
- Identify the story of Jesus’ birth in a stable.
- As a class, prepare for Christmas and celebrate the birth of Jesus.
HSIE/Science and Technology / LTS1.3 Living Things
Identifies and describes ways in which living things grow and change.
INVS1.7 Investigating
Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.
BES1.1 Built Environments
Creates, modifies or models built environments to suit the needs of users.
ESS1.6 Earth and its Surroundings
Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend on the earth and its environment.
PSS1.5 Products and Services
Grows, makes or processes some products using a range of techniques and materials.
DMS1.8 Designing and Making
Develops and implements own design ideas in response to an investigation of needs and wants.
UTS1.7 Using Technology
Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake and investigation or design task.
UT S1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake investigation or design task. / Growing Up
This unit explores the growth and needs of living things.
Living Things: Plants and Animals
- This unit provides opportunities for students to explore the needs of plants and animals, ways to help them survive and how they grow and develop over time.
- The students will take part in guided discovery, exploration and hands on experiments leading to a developed understanding of the concepts being explored. These activities include:
-Identifying parts of a plant.
-Comprehend the process of photosynthesis through activities on the smart board.
-Create their own grass head.
-Camouflage an animal within plants and create a plant with all the necessary parts.
-Go to Taronga Zoo.
The students will participate in weekly lessons which develop the following Information and Computer Technology concepts:
My Favourite Things - Kidspiration
- Logging on and off the computers
- Correct mouse handling and control
- Accessing Kidspiration program by double clicking on desktop icon
- Access image library to select images
- Drag and drop and edit images from library
- Make design choices which include images, text, linking arrows and layout of produced work.
Creative Arts / Visual Arts
VAS1.1 Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.
VAS1.2 Uses the forms to make artworks according to varying requirements.
VAS1.3Realises what artists do, who they are and what they make.
VAS1.4 Begins to interpret the meaning of artworks, acknowledging the roles of artist and audience.
* Painting
* Computer
DRAS1.1 Takes on roles in drama to explore familiar and imagined situations.
DRAS1.2 Conveys story, depicts events and expresses feelings by using the elements of drama and the expressive skills of movement and voice.
DRAS1.3 Interacts collaboratively to communicate the action of the drama with others.
DRAS1.4 Appreciates dramatic work during the making of their own drama and the drama of others.
Students play and listen to classroom instruments and play along with fun songs and pieces.
MUS1.1 – Performing,
MUS1.2 and MUS1.3– Organising Sound,
MUS1.4 – Listening
Form and Style / ‘Trad’ Jazz / The students will be working on:
- Nature collage: creating an environment for living things.
- Tree sketching: Focusing on different textures.
- Flower drawings: different techniques used when drawing plants.
- Christmas wreaths and ornaments.
Drama is integrated with other KLA’s throughout various lessons. The students will present role plays of events that took place in the bible. They will also perform drama activities within the Shared Reading program such as hot-seating and role plays.
Playing in our band
Students will identify voices and classroom instruments by sound and discriminate between and identify at least two instruments played simultaneously, classifying classroom instruments into tonal groups (wood, metal, skin).They will also recognise thick or thin textures in music, recognise a solo instrument with a larger group and follow one melodic line played in counterpoint with another.
PDHPE / Personal Development and Health
PHS1.12: Recognises that positive health choices can promote wellbeing.
V4: increasingly accepts responsibility for personal and community health.
*Personal Health Choices
Physical Education
MOS1.4: Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations.
DAS1.7: Performs simple dance sequences incorporating basic movement skills and patterns.
V5: willingly participates in regular physical activity.
V6: commits to realising their full potential.
*Manipulative Skills
*Locomotor Skills
*Dancing Skills
*Sequencing Skills
*Non-Locomotor Skills / Personal Development and Health
- This term the students will learn how to keep their bodies healthy and clean.
- They will further develop their skills in:
-Personal hygiene.
-Looking after their hair, nails, hands, ears, nose, face, teeth and clothes.
-Sun protection.
-Environmental pollution.
Physical Education
- This term the children will participate in a variety of activities to develop their locomotor and non-locomotor skills such as:
These skills will be developed on a rotational basis during the term. E.g. piggy in the middle etc.
Students are also preparing for their Christmas concert item by learning a dance to a Christmas Carol/Song.