Bike Committee General Meeting Minutes

Associated Students

January 15, 2015, 2:00PM

Nati Conference Room

CALL TO ORDER 2:05 by Tiffany Yeh


A-1.  Roll Call

Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name) / Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name)
Tiffany Wu
Chair / Arrived Late / Jamey Wagner / Present
Hilay Farooq
Vice Chair / Absent / Matt Stern / Present
Tiffany Yeh
Administrative Coordinator / Present / Marc Fisher / Absent
Ines Hernandez
Project Manager / Present / Stacy Kowsz
GSA Representative / Present
Constantine Chong
Finance Manager / Arrived Late / Kevin Jin Mei
Associate Officer / Present
Lianna Nakashima
Media Coordinator / Present / Cynthia Jiang
Associate Officer / Absence (Excused)
Sarah Siedschlag / Present / Krystalin Bullicer
Associate Officer / Present
Dennis Whelan / Absent / Kelly Pearman
Senate Liason / Absent
Steve Conner / Present / Ashcon Minoeifar
Senate Liason / Absent


a.  General Announcements

i.  Sarah: Bike share, two efforts going on. Long term, which I am coordinating with UCSB sustainability and Adam, is focused on city bike share with outside vendors and they have certain racks around the city. Want to launch a smaller version on campus, but we want to take time to make sure they match with Santa Barbara City, Goleta, SBCC. So to get it fully fleshed out it would take a couple of years. Need to do location scouting.

a.  Gaucho U, staff people come up with projects they want to do. One group is looking to find funding to let departments fix bikes for just departments and let their members use to bike around campus

b.  In the future have people be attending their meetings. If it is a Bren project, it will have to be submitted by January and we would have to let the Bren students figure out the standards. We could only advise.

b.  Appreciations/Concerns

c.  Request to have item added to today’s agenda


C-1.  Associate Officer(s) Report

C-2.  Administrative Officer Report

C-3.  Education Officer Report

C-4.  Project Manager Report

a.  Looked at air pumps and we only have two in decent condition (girvetz/music and north hall)

b.  Pump by Rec Center is completely broken and the pump in the Library parking lot is broken

C-5.  Media Coordinator Report

C-6.  Finance Manager Report

a.  Account is at $163K. $89K is allocated to bike path expansion and bike racks

b.  This leaves us with $64K

c.  Need to figure the budget (rollover from last year)

d.  Just waiting for A.S. money that needs to be added in from fall winter and spring and facilities and chancellor’s money

C-7.  Vice Chair Report

a.  resigned

C-8.  Chair Report

a.  Gaucho FYI says they will be getting rid of bike safety portion. They will only be showing a video at the beginning

i.  Matt: they are changing the program and this change can’t go through.

1.  More people are injured because of bike and skateboard accident than anything. People who have alcohol and drug incidents.

ii. Yeh: Gaucho FYI is supposed to educate students on how to be safe on campus and biking is such a big part, we need to push back on this


D-1. New Business:

1.  Maintenance for bike path from Stadium Road to Rob Gym

a.  This is the next section of the maintenance for the old bike path that started over break

b.  Waiting for Dennis to have the exact numbers

2.  Bike Lights contribution for IVDBA

a.  Sarah: Looking at the budget for our $7,500 allotted in our budget:

i.  We spent $782 to print stickers for Pardall Carnival

ii. Making 100 t-shirts would be about $1,000

iii.  We also allocated money for the Safety Tips cards that have yet to be printed

b.  Kowsz: IVDBA is looking to buy 2000 bike lights at around$3 a bike light

c.  Kowsz: Student affairs has committed to around $1,000 to $1500 from administration

d.  Motion to Allocate $2,000 for Bike Lights for IVDBA Bike Safety Event

Motion/Second: Kowsz/ Yeh

Bullicer calls to question

Motion approved by consent


E-1. Street Signs for IV Streets along Ocean Road Bike Path

a.  Yeh: Nawar, a senator asked me about putting up street signs for bikers along the Ocean Road Bike path for the streets in IV. During my ride around with Dennis and Steve before winter break, I asked Dennis about this and he said it would be possible to put blade signs (like the ones around campus) on the existing light poles if there is by each street entrance

b.  Matt: We’ve had a lot of those stolen. So you could order two in the initial order to get ready to replace signs.

c.  Jamey: What if we just had vertical adhesive signs to wrap around the polls

d.  Matt: This might be cheaper to replace than horizontal blades

e.  Yeh: I’ll ask Dennis about this possibility

E-2. Bike Path Maintenance

a.  Yeh: Again during my ride around before break, we identified the path between storke circle and HSSB, in need of some maintenance so Dennis is possibly looking into making it a maintenance project like the old path because it is a lengthy stretch and needs to be re-paved and re-striped.

b.  Matt: when I saw the SAASB roundabout we have a more pedestrian problem because they have to go all the way around the roundabout they cut through so that is getting pretty dangerous


a.  Kowsz: They are trying to organize an event (ucpd, Student Affairs and IV foot patrol) on Feb 24, if it rains March 2.

i.  the idea is that it is centered around the pardall center and give out bike lights and give info about safety with the lights around the time it is getting dark

ii. funding is more focused on buying bike lights (as many as we can) student affairs are looking to give some money

iii.  A.S. community affairs has been coming, unsure of what money they can contribute, can maybe find funding from finance board but we can’t do that so contacted public safety commission

iv.  looking to making it an annual event or just giving all freshman a bike light when they enter ucsb

v. we can’t necessarily commit to funding this every single year

vi.  at the bike shop the cheapest is 6.69 for the back light and front light

b.  Sarah: We can ask finance board to match a specific contribution that we allocate

c.  Matt: Apart from this event, if we really want to give bike lights to freshman at the beginning of the year, ask the residence hall to give some money too because it start with the freshman

d.  Stacey: What message do we want to add to the info card they plan to give out with the light? We should have some info related to campus biking safety because we are putting money into this event.

e.  Make a google doc to put in ideas

E-4. Bike Lights/T-Shirts

a.  Cynthia is looking into American companies to comply with A.S. rules

E-5. Bike Friendly University Report Feedback

a.  Wu: This is tied to the bike share program

b.  Stacey: Christine, league certified,

c.  Jamey: league of American bicyclist, planning on doing a training in spring, need to take the class before you learned out to teach it

i.  a question they ask for our certification is if we have someone certified, so it will help increase to platinum certification

d.  Stacey: the best way the committee would benefit is the information given in the certification training could be brought back to the committee to help increase our education process

e.  need better documentation for the cost of this

f.  we need to really focus a lot on the education portion of this certification to be considered platinum

g.  bike culture is really bad in this community so it is a matter how to find a way to educate the school on how to bike safely and responsibly

h.  The program people can pay for instead of paying for the ticket is taught every 1 3,5 Friday of every month the bike

i.  Yeh: We should go to this and see what is being taught and maybe see if there is anything we want to add

E-6. Ucen Bike Parking Lot

a.  the sewage dig up between music/gervitz has been pushed back to summer because of the detour path

F-7. Bren Bike Parking Lot

a.  need to talk to the school about whether they would want to do this and their buy in

b.  ucen road construction would also open up parking spots, this project got pushed back

F-8. Education Event for Hall Council

a.  Nakashima: Hall council is doing an event for bike safety

a.  I want to put up the signs and have people take pictures with the signs and post them for Tuesday tips

F.  Campus Improvement Updates

F-1. Bike Path along Volleyball courts/lacrosse fields


Motion/Second: Yeh/ Kowsz

Bullicer calls to question

Motion approved by consent

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