Andrew Jackson: A Life Activity SheetName______

Note to students: Each video is about 4:00 minutes. Use the task bar on the left side of the page to help you navigate to each chapter. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, just remember you aren’t having to read 30 pages of text!

I.Please read ‘The Wild Young Man’ text

Watch: Early Years, Tennessee, and Young Congressman Jackson

II.Please read ‘The Hero’ text

Watch: The Battle of Horseshoe Bed

Answer: What did Jackson achieve at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend? How might it have shaped his perspective about Native Americans in his later political career?

Watch: The Florida Invasion

Answer: What motivated Jackson’s actions during the Florida Invasion? How did it reflect his sympathies for the agrarian southern planter?

III.Please read ‘The Candidate’ text

Watch: The Election of 1824


1) How did the Jackson campaign in 1824 show the public that he was not ‘unfit’ to be President?

2) How did the outcome of the election of 1824 resemble that of 1800?

Watch: The Election of 1828

Answer: Explain the campaign strategy of 1828. Why was Jackson victorious this time? How was

this ‘revolutionary’?

IV.Please read ‘The First Modern Presidency’

Watch: First Days in Office

Answer: Describe ‘Old Hickory’s’ inaugural bash. What made it so off the hook? (Just seeing, if you are still awake! ) Why did it scare the Washington, DC establishment?

Watch: The Eaton Affair

Answer: What was the ‘Eaton Affair’?Why did she symbolize the ills of democracy? What were the consequences for those who shunned Peggy Eaton?

Watch: The Cherokee Appeal to the Supreme Court

Answer: What did Jackson tell the state of Georgia in response to the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Cherokee in Worcester v. Georgia?

V.Please read ‘The Defender of the Nation’ text

Watch:Nullification: Part I

Answer: What caused the Nullification Crisis? Why did Calhoun and other southern members of

Congress believe in Nullification? What was Jackson’s opinion on the matter?

Watch:Nullification Part II

Answer: How did John Calhoun & South Carolina almost cause a civil war in 1832? How did Jackson resolve the issue?

VI.Please read “The Prophet”

Watch:Bank Wars

Answer: Why did Andrew Jackson and his supporters wish to take down the 2nd Bank of the United States? How did they achieve their goal?