24th All Ireland Social Medicine Meeting
Friday 20 March 200918.30- 19.30 / Registration and Poster Viewing
19.30- 20.15 / Keynote Address / Chairperson
Dr Lourda Geoghegan
‘35 Years of Change: Some Reflections’ / Dr Paula Kilbane
20.15 / Buffet Dinner
Saturday 21 March 2009
Session 1 / Theme: Obesity / Chairperson
09.00- 09.15 / Misclassifications of the BMI derived thresholds healthy, overweight and obese in the 1998, 2002 and 2007 Irish surveys of lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition (Slán) / Dr Frances Shiely
09.15- 09.30 / Overweight and obesity in five year old Irish children of the Lifeways cohort study / Ms Celine Murrin
09.30- 09.45 / Prevalence of overweight among 7 years olds in republic of Ireland: results of the who childhood growth surveillance system, 2008 / Dr Aileen McGloin
09.45- 10.00 / The report of the national taskforce on obesity: a review of progress in Ireland to date / Ms MaryClare O’Hara
10.00- 10.15 / Alcohol use patterns of player members of sporting clubs in the republic of Ireland: preliminary data from a cluster randomised trial to evaluate a settings based alcohol intervention programme in Gaelic athletic association clubs / Dr Anne O’Farrell
10.15- 11.00 / Coffee and Poster Viewing
Session 2 / Theme: Health Improvement / Chairperson
Dr Jane Wilde
11.00- 11.15 / The incidence and repetition of hospital-treated deliberate self harm in Ireland from 2002 to 2007 / Prof Ivan Perry
11.15- 11.30 / The Advocacy in Action Study (AIAS) / Prof Ronan Lyons
11.30- 11.45 / The experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual people with health services in counties Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal / Dr Mary Manadhar
11.45- 12.00 / Is any job better than no job in terms of health / Ms Heather Kinnear
12.00- 12.15 / Towards healthier education – the evidence / Ms Claire Higgins
12.30- 13.45 / Lunch
Session 3 / Theme: Maternal and Child Health / Chairperson
13.45- 14.00 / Factors affecting primary childhood immunisation uptake / Dr Anna Clarke
14.00- 14.15 / Absolute and socioeconomically stratified trends in birth rate and infant mortality rate in Ireland 1984-2005 / Dr Anne McCarthy
14.15- 14.30 / Evaluation of post-abortion care services in Northern Ireland / Dr Kelly Anne Eastwood
14.30- 15.00 / Invited Address
Charles Darwin: ‘Beautiful Shapes Nature Never Designed’ / Prof Alun Evans
19.30- 20.15 / Drinks Reception and Poster Viewing
20.15 / Gala Dinner
Sunday 22 March 2009
Session 4 / Theme: Cardiovascular Health and Cancer / Chairperson
09.45- 10.00 / PSA testing – does it affect prostate cancer survival / Dr Anna Gavin
10.00- 10.15 /
Cancer in Ireland 1994-2004: main findings
/ Mr David Donnelly10.15- 10.30 / Can lifestyle and risk factors explain differences in total and cardiovascular mortality in France and Northern Ireland: the prime study? / Dr John Yarnell
10.30- 10.45 / Secondary preventionof heart disease in general practice: a cluster randomised controlled trial of tailored practice and patient care plans / Prof Andrew Murphy
10.45- 11.00 / A narrative analysis of the policy and practice of the secondary prevention of CHD in Ireland / Ms Joanne Wilson
11.00- 12.30 / Coffee and Business Meeting
12.30 / Close of Conference
In addition to the above programme of oral presentations, there will be an extensive poster exhibition across a wide range of public health and social medicine themes.