6:30 P.M. on Monday, December 2, 2013
Additions or Deletion to Agenda
Council Minutes of the November 4 and November 13
Donation from Lions
A. Cigarette
B. Liquor
C. Lions Calendar Raffle
Yard Waste Area
a. Commercial Permits
b. Security Camera
Planning Commission Report
Event Center Advisory Report
Report from Public Utilities-Pickup Tires
Loss Control Visit and Public Works - Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Survey
Election Assistance for individuals with Disabilities (EAID) Grant
Employee Training
a. MN Rural Water Conference – March 4-6, 2014 (DuFrane)
b. MN Clerks & Finance –March 18-21, 2014 (Lammers)
Personnel Committee
1. Acting Liquor Store Manager
2. Part-time position
3. Liquor Store Manager/Deputy Clerk
Mayors Minute
Financial Report
a. Bills Paid Between Council and Council Bills
b. Liquor Store Bills for November 2013
c. Transfer of Funds
League of Minnesota Cities, Loss Control Workshop, March 26, 2014, Fergus Falls MN
Monday, December 2, 2013 6:30 P.M.
The City Council of Vergas met in regular session at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, December 2, 2013, in Council Chambers, Event Center with the following members present: Mayor Dean Haarstick, Council Members Scott Goodman, Paul Pinke and Shawn Day. Absent: Kevin Zitzow. Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Julie Lammers, Steve Peloquin of Peloquin ● Beck, P.A, and TyAnne Jacobson.
Mayor Dean Haarstick called the meeting to order.
Motion by Pinke, and seconded by Day to accept agenda with the following additions: Council Seat. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Pinke, seconded by Goodman to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2013 and November 13, 2013 meetings. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Day, seconded by Goodman to allow calendar gambling permit for Vergas Lions. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Goodman, seconded by Pinke to approve the following tobacco licenses for 2014: Goodman’s Supermarket, Vergas 66, Lakes Area Co-op and Vergas Municipal Liquor Store. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Pinke, seconded by Goodman to approve the following off sale liquor licenses for 2014: Goodman’s Supermarket and Vergas 66. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Goodman, seconded by Day to approve the on sale liquor licenses for 2014: Billy’s Corner Bar. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Goodman, seconded by Day to approve the 3.2% on sale license for the Vergas Lion’s. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Goodman, seconded by Day to approve Lions Calendar Raffle for 2014. Motion passed unanimously.
Discussed commercial yard waste permits and made no changes to current rules. No security camera information was available for yard waste area this will be discussed at next month’s meeting. Discussed changing the permits to 14 months instead of 12, but no changes were made.
Goodman reviewed planning commission report. Peloquin updated Council on criminal charges for dogs running in the City. Motion by Day, seconded by Pinke to purchase a live trap and a kennel for transposition of animals for employee safety. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Goodman, seconded by Pinke to go right to criminal offense on dog owners we have already contacted. Motion passed unanimously.
Lammers reviewed Event Center report.
Discussed the shape of the tires on the City pickup and the two quotes provided by Street Superintendent Mike DuFrane from Vergas Auto and West Central One Shop. Motion by Day, seconded by Pinke to purchase tires for City pickup from West Central One stop immediately. Motion passed unanimously.
Lammers reported on loss control visit and public works –slip, trip, and fall prevention survey.
Motion by Day, seconded by Pinke to apply for the Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Grant for new voting booths. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Pinke, seconded by Day to allow employees to attend following training sessions: MN Rural Water Conference – March 4-6, 2014 for Mike DuFrane and MN Clerks & Finance –March 18-21, 2014 for Lammers. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Pinke, seconded by Goodman to hire Carol Sharp as acting liquor store manager until new liquor store manager is hired. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Day, seconded by Goodman to hire Jennifer Mitchell and Leah Jacobson as part time Liquor store clerks at $8.54 an hour. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Day, seconded by Pinke to have special Council meeting for Monday, December 9, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. for Liquor Store Manager interviews. Voting yes: Day, Pinke and Haarstick Abstain: Goodman. Motion passed.
Haarstick informed Council there is a Mayor meeting tomorrow he may not be able to attend due to the weather and Goodman said he could attend if Haarstick was busy.
Motion was made by Goodman, seconded by Pinke to approve bills presented to Council for a total of $92,626.83. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Pinke, seconded by Day to approve Liquor Store bills totaling $25,815.52. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Day, seconded by Pinke to transfer $4,786.04 from the Money Market General fund account to the general fund for seal coating, to transfer $10,000 from the Liquor Store to general fund and $38,504.15 from water and sewer funds to sewer and water debt service. Motion passed unanimously.
A letter of resignation from Shawn Day was presented to the Council. Motion by Goodman, seconded by Pinke to regretfully accept the resignation of Shawn Day. Motion passed unanimously. The City will begin taking applications for the open Council position and hopefully appoint someone at the January 6 Council meeting.
The business for which the meeting was called having been completed, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Clerk-Treasurer Julie Lammers, CMC