Joshua Gaffen


September 25, 2006

Chap. 5 Summary

Billie Holiday’s style of singing was not the most popular, as it wasn’t in line with what was considered the “modern style.” She, however, was not living in the gutter, or unknown. Much of this chapter comments on how Billie Holiday’s career went from one person to another in matters of record control and club performances. Her career went from producer to producer and she went from band to band. The occasional news headlines commented on her possible success with any one particular group or another. All the way she made money as her songs were put on the radio and also selling. She came to support her mother as well, who wanted to control her social life (based upon her past life, and greed). While the death of her father devastated Sadie, the affect on Billie seemed nothing more than a simple shock, as not too long after she went back to traveling around, and in short time was with another name—Count Basie. Essentially much of Billie’s life is controlled, or at least governed by outside forces, which may or may not have something to do with her love of marijuana and alcohol.

Some outside characters continue to float through her life, such as Lester Young, who she returns to sing with through the 1938-40 years (or at least as far as this chapter is concerned). There is a continued struggle between Billie and Ella Fitzgerald, while actually it is mostly Billie comparing herself to Ella Fitzgerald, it was a created tension that affected Billie, and may have been an actual stimulant on her to work hard (instead of simply drugs and money). Also parallels between her career and Louis Armstrong’s are looked at throughout this chapter including working at Connie’s Inn (Billie was replaced and somewhat forgotten early on, but she returns later) and even the supposedly “biggest black talent agent,” Joseph Glaser. In the end, however, Billie and Young get back together as a relative success.

As a side note much of this chapter looks at the break down of her music based upon musical theory which I do not personally know, and shows the more scientific side of her music. They attempt to show how Billie’s music changed over time in relation to what was “popular” or “radical.”

Also many news articles are used as references regarding success and or failure in regards to popular opinion, which works well to counteract the more “scientific” methodology of following the break down of the music. These articles also can be useful to follow the path of Billie’s career as she continuously moves around.