Myland Community Council
Planning & Development Policy Committee
Minutes of the Myland Community Council Planning & Development Policy Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 21st May 2014, 7.15 pm @ Myland Community Council Office, 101 Nayland Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN
Present: Cllr Liz Gray (Chair)
Cllr Pete Hewitt
Cllr John Stewart
Cllr John Sutcliffe
There was one member of the public present.
019-14/15 Apologies
Cllr Jean Dickinson and Cllr John Dickson
020-14/15 Declarations of Interest
There were none.
021-14/15 Have Your Say
Mrs White reminded the Committee about her enquiry regarding the monitoring at the previous meeting and wished to see a report regarding Rose Woods, she said she had checked the previous minutes and could find no report for this. She explained that there was a lot going on at the site at that time. The Chairman explained that at that time there was no report on Rose Woods.
022-14/15 Chairman’s Announcements and Correspondence
The Chairman read aloud a copy of a letter addressed to Carl Allen from Vincent Fallon regarding the planning application 144654 – 5 Fieldview Close, CO4 5HD. In the letter he explained the adjustments that had been made to the plans.
023-14/15 Minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2014 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Proposed: Cllr Stewart Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)
024-14/15 Monitoring
There was no report.
025-14/15 Planning & Licensing Applications - To make recommendations, including requests for Section 106 money where applicable, on applications received
144667 - Turner Rise Retail Park, Petrolea Close, Colchester, CO4 5TU - Development consisting of two new Retail Units (Use Class A1); two new food and drink pod units (Use Class A1 and/or A3); relocation of external display area for Unit 6/7; provision of new shared space for use for markets and other community events; alterations to car park layout and servicing arrangements; provision of new cycle parking and improved pedestrian and cycle links; public realm and landscaping improvements and associated works. – Comment
MCC welcome the jobs this application will bring to the area however wishes to express their concerns that this will also exasperate the traffic issues at North Station and the concerns regarding the access and egress of the site its self. MCC feel the traffic survey was not realistic in its assumptions.
Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)
144723 - 26 Peto Avenue, Colchester, CO4 5WJ - Variation of condition 8 attached to planning permission COL/91/0887 Car parking/garaging to allow the change of use of existing garage to utility room, toilet, reception with addition of new rear extension. – Support
Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)
144777 - 18c Thornwood, Colchester, CO4 5LR - Conservatory extension. – Support
Proposed: Cllr Sutcliffe Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)
026-14/15 To receive copies of Planning/Appeal Decisions
140595 - Land at Turner Village Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester - Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission. (091169) Resubmission of 132300. – Permission Granted, 8 conditions, 7th May 2014
142492 - 11 Peto Avenue, Colchester, CO4 5WG - Proposed part conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and other associated works. – Withdrawn, 8th May 2014
142928 - 3 Braiswick Place, Colchester, CO4 5YF - Cover front and side elevation of property with cedral weatherboarding. - Permission Granted, 3 conditions, 14th May 2014
144583 - Colchester North Railway Station, North Station Road, Colchester CO1 1XD - Variation of Condition 10 of application no. COL/92/1297 to allow Three Crowns Road to be utilised on a temporary basis between Monday 28th April 2014 and Friday 13th June 2014 for the delivery of materials to allow essential improvements at Colchester Station to take place. – Permission Refused, 1 Reason, 19th May 2014
027-14/15 Date of next meeting – 4th June 2014, 7.15pm @ Myland Community Council Office, 101 Nayland Road, Colchester.
The meeting closed at 8.00pm
Councillor Liz Gray ……………………………………………………….. Chairman