Level 5: Weekly Curriculum Outline
Term 1 Week 5
Teachers: 5A Jessica McPherson5B Candy Patamisi 5C Sasha Goss 5D Lucas Dredge
Reading / WritingThis week, in Reading sessions, we will be continuing to focus on ‘Making Connections’ with a text, either Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text or Text-to-World connections.
These skills help the students understand the events and character emotions from a text by linking (making a connection) what they have read to things that they encounter in the real world, such as a historical event, a current event or something they experience in their local community. / During Writing this week, students will be beginning a focus on writing a persuasive text. They will be looking at the features and structure of a persuasive text and other types of persuasive texts like advertisements, letters and speeches for debates. Students will discuss the ways these different types of texts try to persuade the reader of their opinion. Students will also complete a Big Write this week. We ask the children to discuss their writing topic with you on Wednesday night, the night before their Big Write session.
InSpelling, the children are continuing with their ‘Sound Waves’ spelling groups. The phoneme that we will be investigating this week is ‘k’ and the graphemes related to this are words starting with and containing k, c, q, ck, x (ks sound), ch, cl, cr, qu and squ. The spelling program is differentiated according to your child’s needs and all children will be given words at their specific level.
Inquiry / Mathematics
Students will be continuing to develop their understanding of ‘Animal Adaptations’ in Inquiry this week. They are looking at the types of adaptations, such as behavioural, functional and structural adaptations. / Number:
In Number this week students will be starting work on fractions. Children will be working on finding and using equivalent fractions.
FRACTION VOCABULARY: fraction, half, quarter, whole, eighth, percentage, equivalent
In the area of Data, students will be looking at ways to present information. They will be researching data and presenting thisdata in a range of ways including bar graphs and line graphs. They will also be looking at a variety of graphs and answering questions about the information presented.
DATA VOCABULARY : Data, graph, axis, plot, interpret, results, line, bar, column
- The dates and venue for Grade 5 Camp have been finalised. The children will be attending Waratah Bay Camp near Wilsons Promontory from Wednesday August the 31st to Friday September the 2nd.
- Parent/Teacher Interviews are to take place on Wednesday March the 23rd between 2-7pm. Bookings will opening soon so please check the newsletter or parent emails for details.