Characters –
Othello –
Character –
- Tragic hero – Flaw -
-Insecurity (Jealous)
- Controversial
-Becomes racial stereotype
-Is Othello responsible for tragedy or Iago?
- Othello blames Iago ‘perplexed in the extreme’
- Conflict between dualities;
- Black and white
- Inferior and superior
- Arrogant and self-doubt
- General and husband
- Public and private
- Hero (Venetian) and villain (Turk)
- Trusting and suspicious
Becomes Elizabethan racial Stereotype:
- Violent, sex-obsessed, primitive
- Loses control (epileptic fit) – physically and emotionally
- Animalistic
- Redeem himself last speech – sacrifices self
Language –
Reflects personality
Noble - ‘most [potent grave on reverend signors’
Primitive – ‘O! O! O!’
He thinks he is inarticulate – ‘rude am I in my speech’
Won Desdemona through speech – exotic = ‘cannibals’, ‘Anthropophagi’
Mythical references – ‘Prometheus’ – Compares and sees himself as mythical figure.
3rd person – grand majestic figure – distant - ‘Othello’s occupation gone’
Language deteriorates as his morality and personality des – e.g. ‘repetition of ‘handkerchief’ and ‘strumpet’
Language reflects Iago’s language –
- Repetition
- Dual meanings
- Asides
- Sexual innuendos – ‘hot, hot and moist’
- Animals – ‘goats and monkeys’
Sees himself as force of nature – ‘PonticSea’ - III.3
Iago –
Character –
- Expert manipulation – Brabantio, Roderigo, Cassio, Emilia, Desdemona, Othello and Bianca – Audience.
- Manipulates audience – racial stereotype I.1 – feel like accomplice
- Dramatic irony caused by Iago
- Janus – 2 faced God
- Motives? – Believable?
- Power – through language – reputation -, ‘honest Iago’
- Opportunist
- Stage director
- Uses people’s strengths (Desdemona’s kindness) and weaknesses (Cassio drunk) against them
- Astute judge in human nature
- Possible queer – queer reading
- Misogynist – frequently portrays women as prostitutes
- Ends in silence – no motive? – Lacks power or retains power – Denies Othello closure
- Ironic fat – kills wife because she betrays him – stabs her in the back
Language –
Changes language according to who he speaks to – e.g. crude with Roderigo I.2 line 53
Sexual innuendos
Animal imagery – ‘old black ram tupping your white ewe’
Asides – duality – public/private
Play on words – ‘honest’ – ‘lie’ - on Desdemona/ to Othello
Soliloquy – addresses audience
Uses others language – Brabantio I.1 ‘My house is not a grange (farm)’- Inspires Iago’s animal imagery.
Metaphor – garden – reap what you saw I.3
Poinsoner - ‘Poison his delight’
‘I am not what I am’ – irony and layers of reading
Desdemona –
Character –
- Start – strong, sexy, independent woman – defies father – asks Duke to accompany Othello
- End – weak, passive, victim – forgives Othello
- Influenced by plot – believable – inconsistency
- Naïve – Misunderstands Othello
- Colour blind
- Becomes very innocent – do women really cheat in their husbands
- Lodovico comment – ambiguous, innocent? – Sexual desire? (undressing at the time)
Language –
Noble at the start – respectful but decisive
Transparent – says what she means – no match for Iago
Innocent – ‘not by this heavenly light’ – angelic
‘My lord’ – Othello or God – worships Othello like God
Reluctant to say word ‘whore’
Little ‘voice’ – can’t change anyone through her words – no-ones listening
Inconsistency in her character – joins in Iago’s crude jokes II.1
Cassio -
Character –
- Contrast Othello
- Natural suitor for Desdemona – white, respected, charming
- Relationship with Bianca socially acceptable in Shakespeare’s time – modern audience judges him more harshly
- Popular with women
- Abuses Bianca – fulfills Emilia’s idea ‘men devour women’
- Realizes power or reputation – ‘reputation, reputation, reputation’
Polite about Desdemona
Laughs at Desdemona
Dramatic irony – ‘honest Iago’
Contrast to Iago’s – straight forward
Emilia -
Character –
- Practical, realistic
- Loyal to Desdemona – dies for Desdemona’s reputation – and the truth
- Worldly, wise – women being unfaithful ‘for the world’
- Obedient wife – steals handkerchief, asks permission to speak
- Innocent victim
- Handkerchief contradiction – reluctant to give it without knowing the plan
- Feminist character – believes in equality
Language –
Metaphor – men= stomach, women=food
Plays with words – ‘by this heavenly light’
Similarities to Iago’s but uses to reveal honest opinion – Unlike Iago, uses it to conceal.
Racist terms – ‘most filthy bargain’
Has a voice – is killed for it
(Feminist reading – women speak out threaten male patriarchy so must be silenced)
Bianca –
Character -
- Supports Iago’s portrayal of Cassio
- Represents what Iago portrays Desdemona as
- Powerless
- Victim
- Links to stereotype of Venetian women as courtesans
Language –
Little voice= little power
Angry/jealous – not taken seriously
Themes –
Appearance/reality –
- Whole play based on their contrast
- Emilia most practical and realistic character (sees reality) – ‘the worlds a huge thing; it’s a great price for a small vice’ – Talking to Desdemona about cheating on Husbands for the world.
- Iago appears to be honest, ’honest Iago’ – Dramatic Irony – Audience knows he isn’t
- Iago appears to be faithful to Othello – then refers to him as ‘lusty moor’ and ’the devil’
- Othello’s inability to accept reality – Desdemona chose him but fails to accept she loves him – ‘She did deceive her father marrying you’
- Othello appears to be racial stereotype – but in fact isn’t – ‘far more fair than black’ – Black on the outside, white on the inside
- Desdemona is portrayed as unfaithful by Iago – In reality she is innocent
- Iago refers to himself as Janus – 2 faced God
- Although Bianca is perceived as a ‘whore’ – she has a heart of gold – genuinely loves Cassio
Power –
Iago –
- Most powerful
- Manipulates all other characters
- Uses language to gain his power
- Uses his power to create chaos
- ‘Plague him with flies’ – I.1
- Uses his reputation as ‘Honest Iago’ to gain his power
- Destroys other’s reputation for his own gain (Cassio’s, Othello’s and Desdemona’s)
- ‘From this time forth I never will speak a word’ – Iago maintains his power by denying Othello and the others any closure and continue manipulating them through the end.
Othello -
- Noble, powerful general at beginning
- Loses his power and control as a result of Iago’s manipulation
- Loses control over himself physically (epileptic fit) and mentally (loss of language – ‘O! O! O!’
- Loses reputation and position
- Othello’s power is based on Desdemona and when he loses her he loses everything – ‘The general’s wife is the general’
Men -
- Male dominance
Desdemona –
- Little power, passive victim, forgives Othello – ‘commend me to my kind lord’
Emilia –
- Takes power, dies for it
- Not suitable in this society for women to have power
- Betrays her husband for the truth and Desdemona’s reputation.
Bianca –
- Lack of power and reputation
- Abused by Cassio
Love and Hate –
Love -
- Othello and Desdemona – True love – destroys them
‘Then must you speak/on one that loved not wisely, but too well’ V.2
‘My life upon her faith’ I.3
‘How I did thrine in this fair lady’s love/ and she in mine’ I.3
‘Her father loved me…’I.3
- Emilia and Iago – Faithful
- Bianca and Cassio
- Roderigo has lust not love for Desdemona – wants her to commit infidelity
Hate –
- Iago’s hatred for Othello and Women
- Othello’s hatred for Casio – ‘Thy bed lust – stained, shall with lust’s blood be spotted’ V.1
- Brabantio’s hatred for Othello – Based on prejudice, ‘O thou foul thief’ I.2
- Iago creates hate and replaces love - without him Othello and Desdemona would have had a successful marriage,
Jealousy –
- Othello becomes obsessive and compulsive due to Iago’s manipulation which makes his jealousy more potent - Is Othello naturally jealous?
- Iago is a jealous character – Cassio for his job, Othello for position and status, Desdemona for Othello’s love (Queer reading)
- Handkerchief as a symbol of jealousy – meaning put on it by Othello and Iago and Bianca and Cassio creates infidelity thoughts.
- Roderigo of Othello and Desdemona – Loves Desdemona
- Othello - ‘Must you speak of one that loved not wisely but woo well’ – Denies jealousy, yet jealousy caused him to kill Desdemona.
- Othello - ‘That we can call these delicate creatures ours/ but not their appetites!’ – Jealous of Cassio sleeping with Desdemona when they may not have consummated their own Marriage.
- ‘Tis a monster/ begot upon itself, born on itself’ – Jealousy is an uncontrollable monster that breeds on itself.
- ‘They are not ever jealous for the cause/ but the jealous for they’re jealous.’ –Jealous people often have no reason for their jealousy. Desdemona is oblivious o Othello’s jealousy.
Justice and Judgment-
- Men get justice for their actions – Cassio, Roderigo, Iago and Othello – Women do not receive justice, they are killed unjustly – Emilia and Desdemona
- Misjudgment causes chaos - Othello’s misjudgment of Iago
- Taking justice into their own hands – causes corruption and evil – e.g. How Iago decides to punish Othello and Othello to punish Desdemona and Cassio.
- Justice in the hands of an individual allows evil and manipulation – Advocates democracy and a fair trial.
I.3 – Brabantio puts Othello on trial and misjudges him based on Iago’s information
II.3 – Othello judges Cassio – Misjudges him due to Iago
V.2 – Othello acts as a judge, jury and executioner of Desdemona after Iago’s manipulation.
- Iago’s ultimately evil due to hi corruption of justice.
- Divine justice acts – Cassio gets promoted into Othello’s job and Iago and Othello are both given punishment for their crimes.
- Women receive no justice
- Play is about injustice and misjudgment
Othello I.2 – ‘My parts, my title and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly’ – His confidence in justice
Othello I.3 – ‘If you do not find me foul in her report…not only take away, but let your sentence even fall upon my life’
Othello V.2 – ‘When you shall there unlucky deeds relate, speak of me as l am… then must you speak of one that loved not wisely but too well’
Lodovico V.2 – ‘This is thy work’ – and ‘to you, lord governor, remains the censure of this hellish villain’ – Law being enforced
Othello II.3 – ‘Honest Iago…who begun this?’ – and ‘Cassio, I love thee, but never more be officer of mine’ – Confrontation between Cassio and Othello
Race –
- Iago plays racist?
- Iago conjures Elizabethan racial stereotype in I.1 – Othello becomes this in V.1
- Iago most evil – white
- Iago – links Othello and animals – ‘an old black ram tupping your white ewe’
- Shakespeare shows us the stereotype then destroys it – Othello-noble- more sympathy towards Othello
- Is Othello stereotype naturally (racist) or does society/Iago force it upon him (not racist)
- Iago links black with evil and white with good – Othello adopts this – Desdemona pure and right V.2
- Desdemona - whit stereotype – pure, virgin?
- Emilia – racist – ‘most filthy bargain’ V.2 – Othello – Becomes savage
- ‘The moor’ – constantly an outsider
- Initially Othello is exotic, interesting, storyteller
- Duke’s compliment – ‘your son-in-law is far more fain than black!’
- Fair= white – good – Othello Conflict
- Othello says ‘haply for I am black’ – thinks Desdemona unfaithful because marriage was unnatural
- Desdemona – colour blind – naïve
Other Notes –
Conflict – dualities and opposites
- Black – white
- Outsider – insider
- Faith – jealousy
- Soldier – Husband
- Public – private
- Men - women
- Love – hatred
- Words – actions
- Justice – injustice
- Good – evil
- Honest – dishonest
- Powerful – powerless
- Virgin - prostitute
Dramatic Structure –
- No sub-plot – adds effect of claustrophobic, painful tragedy
- Little relief from tragedy
- Other characters provide comparison with Othello and Desdemona – add to dramatic tension - e.g. Cassio and Bianca’s relationship
- Longs scenes – build up tension and are interspersed with short scenes – often violent scenes
- IV.3 – sad scene that builds up Desdemona’s death
- Lots of opposites
- Lots of dramatic irony – Iago is the main source of this.
- Play relies on repetition and reversal
- Reversal e.g –
- Iago’s stereotype reversal – then partially fulfilled
- Iago’s most powerful when Othello is weakest
- Cassio’s reputation lost – then restored as is Desdemona’s
- Iago’s ‘honest’ reputation is reversed by his wife’s real honesty
- Othello is on trial in I.3 and is the judge ( who misjudges as he was misjudged by Brabantio) in I.3 and V.2
- Repetition e.g –
- Iago manipulates confusion in darkness in I.1 and V.1
- Iago repeats his manipulation of Roderigo with all characters building up to Othello
- Repetition f language is used for dramatic effect – persuasion, disbelief or extreme emotion – ‘honest’, ‘think’, ‘lies’, ‘The handkerchief’ and ‘My husband’
- Men abusing women – Iago abuses all three, Cassio abuses Bianca, and the clown abuses Desdemona.
- Othello and Desdemona echo each other – about not betraying the other for all the world
- Iago also kills his innocent wife
Shakespeare’s use of time – Double time scale
Short time –creates dramatic tension
- Desdemona and Othello’s wedding night same day they get to Cyprus
- Desdemona pleads for Cassio’s job back the next day – and Iago suggests the affair.
- AS Othello killing Desdemona has to happen fairly quickly it seems only a matter of days between arriving in Cyprus and the tragedy.
Long time –reflect Othello’s paranoia, also adds to realism
- Emilia comments that Iago asked herto steal the handkerchief ‘a hundred times’
- Bianca complains to Cassio ‘What keep a week away?’
- Othello is convinced Desdemona and Cassio committed the act ‘a thousand times’
Setting -
Venice –
- More of a democracy (compared to England)
- Culture – Cultural sophistication, power
- Wealth
- Civilization
- Powerful military
- Order
- Part of Italy - the Duke
- Passionable setting for revenge tragedies
Cyprus –
- Island – isolation, separate
- Conflict – war- fighting over it
- Politically unstable history
- Chaos
- Represents Othello – he is under attack
- Storm – turmoil, violence, chaos, change, confusion
- Othello and Desdemona removed form familiarity and safety