On Monday, July 14, 2003, the Preble Town Board held its monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:00.
Board members present: Nancy Baldwin, Kate Edinger, Peter Knapp and Lynn Webb, Councilmen.
Others present: Don Armstrong, Frank Hogg, Dan O=Shea, John Steger, Joyce Snavlin; Kevin Tompko and Timothy Buhl from Barden Homes and Sandra Perry of Cortland Transit.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #50: To accept the June 9, 2003 minutes as submitted
Nancy Baldwin(aye), Kate Edinger(aye), Peter Knapp(aye), Lynn Webb(aye)
DOG CONTROL: -1 dog impounded
-3 complaints - Dogs at large
-There were no stray cats taken to the shelter in June
JUSTICE REPORT: $10,530. Submitted to the Town of Preble for June
-Cut shoulders, installed a drop inlet (storm drain), extended an abandoned culvert and paved the Currie Road spur
-Currently working on East Hill Road (cutting shoulders, ditching and correcting drainage problems)
-The Preble Rest Area is closed. The construction company is using the East Clark Road for access
-Everything is running ok at this time
-Jeff would like approval from the Board for his attendance at the fall convention in Ellenville.
-Nothing to report
RECREATION: On June 12th, Tom Gath and his friend, Sue, provided music at the Preble Park 7 - 9. On July 26th, Robert MacBlane and his band will provide music for the community, 7 - 9
COUNTY LEGISLATURE: The building has been accepted for the Communication Tower and will start work
shortly. Bids are going out for the waste site.
-5 building permits granted
-Construction value - $156,000
-Fees assessed - $757.00
-1 pending
-2 Certificates of Occupancy issued
-30 telephone inquiries
PLANNING BOARD: Meeting was held July 9th
Anne was absent.
HISTORIAN: Anne was absent
TOWN CLERK: -Fees collected $1071.00; Disbursed - $24.67 to the CC Treasurer; $6.00 to Ag & Markets; $40.62 to the DEC and $999.71 to Elizabeth Pitman
Nitrates in the Water -There have been no meetings yet.
Computel Consultants -Check has not been received yet.
Little York Lake - Hold - Sign still not up. Betty Ann called Joe Eggleston and he stated that the sign had been shipped.
Tractor for park - The tractor has arrived and is being used.
Alarm System -Quotes from ADT and Davis Sprinkler Company were discussed. It was decided to put on hold until budget time.
Mr. Kevin Tomko of Barden Homes - Mr. Tomko explained that due to the lack of space at their Homer plant,
they are looking to move into the Preble area just north of Saulsbury Fire Equipment on
Route 281; (26 to 27 acres). An application has been sent to the Planning Board. Due to the land being classified agriculture, a subdivision, zoning change and site plan review will be necessary. Would like to break ground this fall and move in June 2004.
Don Armstrong stated that he would be unable to represent the Town; Patrick Snyder will be representing the Town.
Betty Ann stated that Dean Smith had contacted her to have the Town Board as the lead agency.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Lynn Webb
RESOLUTION #51: That the Town Board will be the lead agency regarding the Barden Home venture.
Nancy Baldwin(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Lynn Webb(aye)
Cortland Transit - Sandra Perry of the Cortland Transit was present to offer bus service for seniors to the Scott Senior Center on Friday=s. There are survey applications available at the Post Office, Preble & Little York) and the Preble Town Hall. Survey will be picked up in 2 weeks. Surveys should be put in Homer, Tully & Cortland Post Offices.
They currently provide a Dial-a-ride for Preble residents.
Post Office Check -$541.67 received
New York State $600.00 - For children and family services.
County Treasurer Mortgage tax - Check received $10,654.88
Appointment of Peter Knapp - Betty Ann appointed Peter to the Water Protection & Update Zoning, Land Use Plan Committee to replace Tom Fox.
Office of New York State -A letter received stating that the State had calculated the annual deficiency payment for the Town regarding the NYS and Local Employees= Retirement System. The annual deficiency of $7421. will be included for the next 25 years on the Annual Contribution Summary.
State Board of Real Property Service - Received notice that the equalization rate for the Town is $100%.
Red Cross -Have given the Red Cross permission to use the Town Hall in case of an emergency. Have received their certificate of insurance.
Letter from Dean Smith - A letter of resignation has been received - effective after the August Planning Board meeting.
Motion made by Lynn Webb, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #52: To accept Dean Smith=s resignation
Nancy Baldwin(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Lynn Webb(aye)
Special Franchise Assessment -NYSEG - $41,155; Niagara Mohawk $633,587; Verizon $250,408; Time Warner of Syracuse $237,051.
ISO Ratings - 4 for 1 and 2 family; 4 for commercial & industrial property
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Nancy Baldwin
RESOLUTION #53: To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 7, Nos. 129 to 155 totaling $21,689.80
Nancy Baldwin(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Lynn Webb(aye)
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Lynn Webb
RESOLUTION #54: To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No.7, Nos. 52 to 68, totaling $15,336.30
Nancy Baldwin(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Lynn Webb(aye)
Motion made by Lynn Webb, seconded by Betty Ann to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:57.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane W. Davenport
Unofficial 7/14/2003