Plumley inventory

Cash / 5-7-0
Thomas Biddle bill for / 6-0-0
John Moses bill for / 6-0-0
3 Silver Spoones / 2-6-0
6 Knives and 6 forks with Silver ferrills &c / 1-4-0
1 Pocken knife and forke and 2 Eggs Spoones / 0-8-0
2 flannell Vests / 0-10-0
1 Speckled Linnen Vest and briches / 1-4-0
1 Leather Jackett and 1 pr briches Cullird / 2-5-0
1 Ticken Jackctt 10[s.] 1 old Stuft one 5[s.] / 0-15-0
1 broad Cloth Coat Lined / 2-15-0
1 Kersy Coat Close boddyed Lyned with Red / 2-5-0
1 Loose Kersey Coat Lyned with Redd / 2-5-0
1 New hatt 20[s.] 1 old Ditto 12[s] / 1-12-0
3 pair of Shoes / 0-12-0
2 pair shoes & 1 pr Steel Buckles / 0-10-0
1 feather bedd wt 60 [lb. feathers] at 14[ d.] / 4-0-0
1 feather bedd and bolster wt 55[lb.] at 18[d] / 4-2-6
1 Sea feather bed and 2 old Pillows wt 35 [lb.] at 12 d. / 1-15-0
1 New Tick and bolster Case & 2 [lb.] feathers / 2-10-0
1 old Bedd Quilt / 0-6-0
1 White old Rugg / 0-12-0
3 old Blanketts / 0-10-0
1 Flock bedd & 1 Bagg feathers / 0-15-0
1 Bedd stend Bottom Iron Rodds and Cornishes &c / 2-10-0
1 pr Green Curtains and Vallins / 1-15-0
1 pr blew Printed Curtains fringed / 1-15-0
1 small Sacking bedd stend / 0-15-0
1 pr Ozenb sheets and Two Pillow Cases / 0-18-0
1 pr fine holland sheets & 1 pr Pillow Cases / 1-10-0
1 odd old Sheet / 0-5-0
1 new Cotton sheet 15[s.] 2 old Ditto 10 [s.] / 1-5-0
1 Dyaper Table Cloth and Six napkins / 1-4-0
2 small Table Cloths and Six napkins / 0-13-0
4 Window Curtaines / 0-5-0
1 black Cherry tree Chest Drawers / 2-10-0
I black screettore / 3-5-0
6 black Caine Chairs / 3-0-0
6 leather Chairs / 2-10-0
1 looking glass 30[S.] 2 smaller Ditto 3 [s.] / 1-13-0
1 Close Stool 12[S.] 2 sconces 5 [s.] / 0-17-0
1 fender with brass knobbs & 2 pr Iron Tongs / 0-18-0
3 pictures in frames / 0-4-0
1 folio bible 50[s.] 2 small ditto 6[s.] 6[d.] / 2-16-0
7 small books / 0-3-0
1 Walking Cane 4[s.] 1 dark lanthorne 2[s.] / 0-6-0
36 [lb.] Pewter at 18[d.] / 2-14-0
3 brass Candlesticks 1 brass Ladle / 0-9-0
1 best metle old pott and hooks / 0-10-0
1 Iron pott and hooks / 0-10-0
1 pr Pott Racks / 0-10-0
2 pr andirons 11[s.] 1 frying pann 5 [s.] / 0-16-0
1 box Iron & 2 heaters 5[s.] 2 Iron Candlesticks 2[s.] / 0-7-0
1 Pine Dough Trough 10 [s.] 1 Salt box 1 [s.] / 0-11-0
a pekill of beef and Porke in ye Cellar / 2-10-0
1 hhd [hogshead] of 76 Gallons of mollasses at 20[d.] p. gallo / 6-6-8
5 handsaws / 1-8-0
4 Tennant Saws / 0-16-6
3 beam Saws / 0-7-6
3 small saws / 0-3-0
33 formers and broad Chisells / 1-0-0
14 gowges / 0-6-0
5 mortice chissells / 0-4-2
2 Wyreable bitts / 0-4-6
4 Center bitts, and 1 Dott bitt / 0-5-0
2 Wimble stocks 1 iron 1 wood / 0-4-6
1 drawing knife 15d. 2 hatchetts 5 [s] / 0-6-3
2 long plaines 1 Jack Plaine 2 Swich blocks
3 Smoothing plaines new / 0-12-0
1 Jointer Yellow Jaunders 7[s.] 6[d.] 2 Ditto beach 7[s.] 6[d.] / 0-15-0
3 Long Plaines 7[s.] 6 [d.]: 3 Jack Plaines 4 [s.] 6 [d.]
3 strike blocks 4[s] & 3 Smoothing plaines 3[s.] / 0-19-0
5 Hammers 7 [s.] 3 Raysors 3 [s.] / 0-10-0
1 Morris [mortice?] fraime / 0-6-0
1 chalk Role 10[d.] 1 hand Vice 2[s.] 6[d.] / 0-3-4
3 gimbletts 1[s.] 2 punches 4[d] : 2 saw setts 10 [d.]:
3 compasses 18 [d.] / 0-4-5
4 wooden squares 2[s.] 8 [d] 2 bevells, 1 setting square 2[s] 6[d] / 0-5-2
The best bench 13[s,] 1 Ditto 10 [s.] 1 ditto 7 [s] / 1-10-0
One Wheel and Layth &c / 1-10-0
22 hollows and rounds at 15d. each / 1-7-6
9 OGs at 15[d] 6 belexions 14d] pr asticles15[d.]
1 sash plain 15[d.] & 1 groove plaine / 1-2-0
3 Rabbitt Plaines 2[s] 6[d] 1 Philissers 2[s.] 6[d.],
1 pr Inch, 1 pr 1/2 Inch 3[s.] 4[d.] / 0-8-4
1 Plougs 6[s.] 8[d.]1 Revele Plaine 2[s.] 1 small cornish 3[s.] / 0-11-8
2 Rownd Smoothing Plaines &1 hollow Ditto / 0-2-0
1 Upright Smoothing plaine 3 half upright Ditto / 0-2-8
4 old chizzells 20[d.] 10 augers 15[s.] 3 screws & nutts
9[s.] / 1-5-8
8 Turnings gowges 8[s.] 8 Turning Chissels 8[s.] / 0-16-0
10 Ivory Turning tooles 8 Turning hooks 8 [s.] / 0-16-0
5 Iron Turning Mandrells at 5[d.] . / 0-2-1
1 Looking Glass / 0-16-0
2 Iron holdfasts 4[s.] 6[d]. 6 glew potts wt 41 [lb.] / 0-17-0
1 Small Vice 5[s.] 29 pr. snipe bills 7 [s.] 3[d.] / 0-12-3
12 pr. chest hinges 2[s.] 1 Double Spring Chest Locks 6[s] / 0-8-0
18 Outside box Locks 15 [s.] 30 pr. Coffin handles 37[s.] 6[d.]
33 Square Ditto 2[s.]9[d.] / 2-15-3
30 pr. Duftailes 25[s.] 2 small Chest Locks 3[s.]
1 Desk Lock 18[d]. / 1-9-6
2 pr. H hinges 3[s.] 35 Old fashioned scutcheons 18[d.] / 0-4-6
30 old ffashioned Damnified Dropps 15[d.]: 15 La[rge]
brass Rings 15 [d.] / 0-2-6
112 Dropps 28[s.] 53 Scutcheons 13[s.] 3[d.] 4Sett
Chest Draw Locks 16[s.] / 2-17-3
2 Rules 5[s.] 6[d.] 17708 Spriggs & Tacks at 4[s.] 2[d.]
p[r.] m [1000] / 3-19-3
3 pair box hinges Smooth filed 3[s.] 4 pr. Clock Ditto 6[s] / 0-9-0
6 Clock Cace Locks 6[s.] 4 Dressing box Locks 4[s.] / 0-10-0
1 Sett Screetore Locks 8[s.] 1 pr. Xnett [cross garnet]
Dore hinges brass 2[s] / 0-10-0
8 Turning Strings 16[s] 4 pr fish Skins 10[s]
2 Screetore Joints 3 [s] / 1-9-0
22 new Wimble bitts 11[s] 7 large ½ Round files 7 [s] / 0-18-0
9 Small half Round files 10[d]: 8 hand saw files 5[s] 4[d] / 0-12-10
4 Small handsaw files 2[s]: 12 molding plaine Irons 5[s] / 0-7-0
3 Plow Irons 1[s] 4 Dozn. Table Rivetts 4[s] 4 Dozn Small brass Rings / 0-7-0
2 Oyle Stones 5[s] 1 [lb.] bees wax 18[d.]: 2 pr Chest hinges 3[s] / 0-9-6
2 Screetore hinges 3[s] 10 Long bedd screws 10[s]
12 short ditto 6[s] / 0-19-0
7 New Plaine Irons 5[s] 10[d] 3 Tooth plaine Ditto 2[s.] 6[d.]
1 saw plate 10[d.] / 0-9-2
3 Old Paring chissells, 15[d.] 2 New Varn[ish]ing brushes 2[s] / 0-3-3
3 Dore box Locks 15[s] 7 plaine Irons 3[s] 2 Tooth
Plane Do. 1[s] 8[d.] / 0-19-8
A parcell of wheel worke not finished / 1-10-0
76lb. of Glew [at] 14[d. per lb.] 8 [s.] & 8[d.]
1 pr. Callipers 20[d.] 1 pr. pinchers 10[d.] / 4-11-2
3 Rasps 3[s] 2 wood files 2 [s.] 2 Quarts Varnish 25[s] / 1-10-0
2 pine Chests / 1-4-0
2859 feet Pine and oak boards at 8[s.] p [board foot] / 11-8-8
311 Large Walnutt scantling at 12[s.] 6[d.] / 1-19-3
457 foot Small Walnutt Scantling at 8[s.] 4[d.] / 1-17-1
2738 foot Walnutt boards at 15[s.] p cen [hundred foot] / 20-10-8
734 foot Walnut Plank at 17[s.] p 100 / 6-4-9
2 Mohogany Planks 36 1/2 feet at 16[ d.] / 2-8-8
3 inch board Ditto 48 feet at 6[d.] / 1-4-0
1 Walnut Table frame / 1-0-0
1pine Table / 0-5-0
7 sett Gum bedstead pillows at 2[s.] 4[d.] / 0-16-4
15 Sett [bedstead] Sydes and Ends at 2[s.] 4[d.] / 1-15-0
160 foot pine scantling / 0-11-0
8 parcels of Wallnutt & Pine Ends / 1-5-0
2 black Carved Chair frames / 0-18-0
1 Walnut cace drawers, not finished / 1-16-0
6 Carved Maple Chairs not finished / 3-0-0
1 Large frame saw / 0-9-0
a parcell of olive wood and other Veinarys / 1-16-0
1Grindstone / 0-7-0
6 ffeneaireing Screws at / 0-6-0
2 Ordinary benches in old House , / 0-4-0
Brick House / 100-0-0
Old House / 10-0-0
Wooden House / 50-0-0
Issac his time to serve / 18-0-0
David his time to serve / 12-0-0

The above Inventorie was appraised too Three hundred Eighty nine

Pound. Sixteen shills. Six pence. This 15th of 10br 1708 by us

Joseph Shippen

John Jones