DBYS General Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2016

8:00pm at the Villas

  1. Meeting called to order: 7:59
  2. Agenda: approved by JH, RS
  3. Attendance: Dan Welker, Rick Schellinger, Pete Kelly, Brian Miller, Al Hughes, Jay Hall, Matt Gonder, Scott Given, Kurt Graff, Matt DePaul, Dennis Gass, Scott Weller, Levi Peiffer
  4. Officers’ Reports:

·  President’s Report (Eric Detweiller)– help with sponsorship - volunteers

·  Vice President’s Report (Dan Brown) –

·  Treasurer’s Report (Nan Tindall) -

§  Financials are attached

§  Comments: Budgetapproved (DW, JH)

·  Secretary’s Minutes (Brett Scarbinsky) – reading waived (AH, JH)

·  Softball Director’s Report (Greg Whelan) –

·  Winter workouts have begun

·  Baseball Director’s Report (Tom Curley)

·  Baseball spring registration open

·  Logistics Coordinator’s Report (Lori Pence) –

·  Dugouts for MS field – waiting for weather to clear

·  Buddy Ball Report (Traci Huddleson) - registration open

·  Games will be held at MS fields – 3 fields this year

·  New sponsor this year – Reach for the Stars

·  League Representative’s Report (Randy Yenser) – update on new field complex plans at 3/2016 meeting

  1. Old Business:

·  DBCA merger Update

·  Goal is complete merger by September

·  New board elections

·  Executive board of 6 members and 5 directors currently being discussed

·  Field Drainage issue

·  Weather conditions have impeded the work

·  Registration – Need head coaches for all divisions

·  Painting of dugouts – waiting till spring

·  Hill Road Improvements

·  Remove press bos – will be removed and Amity Fire will take it

·  Upgrade speakers – will not exceed $1500

·  Field Hockey update – will have an update on if we won a grant at next meeting

  1. New Business

·  Commissioner Nominations

·  Majors – no new nominations (Rick Schellinger nominated in January)

·  Minors – Matt Gonder nominated

·  Rookie – Open

·  Tball - Open

·  Sponsorship – split the current list and currently reaching out

·  Commissioner Nominations

·  T-ball – open

·  Rookie – open

·  Minors - open

·  Majors – Rick Schellinger

·  Snack Bar Coordinators

·  Hill Road – Jaime Fick

·  Lake – Becky Soto

·  Township – open

·  MS- open

·  Next monthly meeting – March 15th at the Villa at 8pm

Meeting adjourned 8:57 (LP, MG)