Title / Garnett Print / Fulltext Coverage / Dates of fulltext / Comments / Cost of Print / Cancel Print / Subscription increase from 2016
Advances in Nursing Science / 2006- / Ovid (also CINAHL 1999-2005) / 1995- / One concurrent user / 719.00 / 60.00
American J. of Maternal Child Nursing / 2004- / Ovid / 1996- / One concurrent user / 499.00 / 42.00
American Journal of Nursing / 2004- / Ovid / 1996- / One concurrent user / 704.00 / 61.00
American Libraries / 2010- / EBSCO / 1975- / 85.00
Beijing Review / 2012- / EBSCO / 2006- / 120.00 / 36.00
Bloomberg Businessweek / 2010- / EBSCO, Lexis-Nexis / 1996- / 70.00
Booklist / 2013- / EBSCO / 2002- / 14 days embargo / 180.50 / 6.00
Childhood Education / 1987-96, 2012- / Publisher / 1997- / 211.00 / 9.00
Choice / 2012- / Publisher / 1988- / Choice reviews / 484.00 / 24.00
Chronicle of Higher Education / 6 mos. / EBSCO, Lexis-Nexis / 1997- / 1 mo. embargo / 96.00 / 2.00
Computer Graphics World / 2012- / EBSCO / 1995- / 72.00
Computers in Libraries / 2012- / EBSCO, Gale Bus Insights / 1989- / 117.95
Consumer Reports / 2012- / EBSCO, Lexis-Nexis / 1988- / 37.00
Consumer Reports Buying Guide / 2003- / EBSCO / 1999-
Cricket / 1987- / EBSCO / 1990- / 42.95
Current History / 1973- / Publisher / 2000- / 88.95 / 5.00
Discover / 1981- / EBSCO / 2001- / 33.95
Economist / 1984-96, 2002- / Gale Bus Insights / 1988- / 152.00 / 23.00
Farm Journal / 1975- / Gale Bus Insights / 2002- / 36.95
Field and Stream / 1995-2000, 2012- / EBSCO / 2001- / 26.97
Forbes / 2004- / EBSCO / 1990- / 50.95 / -12.00
Fortune / 2004- / EBSCO / 1992- / 69.95
Good Housekeeping / 1990- / EBSCO / 1996- / 29.97
Health / 1984-2008, 2012- / EBSCO / 2010- / 26.97
Horn Book Magazine / 2012- / EBSCO / 1990- / 79.00
Inc / 2012- / EBSCO, Gale Bus Insights / 1984- / 28.99
Journal of Accountancy / 2012- / EBSCO, Gale, Lexis-Nexis / 1965- / 75.00
Journal of the First Year Experience / 1998- / IngentaConnect / 1989- / 165.00
Language Arts / 1975- / Publisher / 1997- / 90.00
Library Journal / 1965-74, 2012- / EBSCO, Wilson / 1976- / 164.99
Midwest Quarterly / 2002- / EBSCO / 1996- / 33.00 / 5.00
Mother Earth News / 1981-93, 2012- / EBSCO / 1990- / 23.00 / -3.00
National Geographic / 1959- / EBSCO / 1995- / 3 mo. embargo / 49.00
National Parks / 2008- / EBSCO / 1990- / 32.00
National Wildlife / 1975- / EBSCO / 1990- / 32.95
Natural Bridge / 2005- / EBSCO / 2005- / 33.00
Nurse Educator / 2004- / Ovid / 1996- / One concurrent user / 748.00 / 65.00
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy / 2004- / Ovid / 2003- / 436.00 / 37.00
Outdoor Life / 1989-2000, 2012- / EBSCO / 2001- / 26.97
Peer Review / 2012- / EBSCO / 2002- / 55.00
Philological Review / 2012- / EBSCO Humanities Int’l / 2005- / 65.00 / 3.00
Pleiades / 2003- / EBSCO Humanities Int’l / 2006- / 35.00
Poetry / 2010- / JSTOR / 1912- / 49.00
Popular Mechanics / 1978- / EBSCO / 1996- / 31.00
Popular Science / 1960-2001, 2012- / EBSCO / 2002- / 26.97
Psychology Today / 2012- / EBSCO, CINAHL / 1992- / 30.97
Reading Teacher / 2012- / EBSCO / 1990- / 12 mo. embargo / 201.00 / 12.00
Literacy Today (formerly Reading Today) / 2012- / EBSCO / 2015-
Resource: Engineering & Technology / 1995- / Gale Bus Insights / 1997- / 100.00
Rodale’s Organic Life (Organic Gardening) / 1995- / EBSCO / 1990- / Order from publ.
Scholastic Teacher (formerly Instructor) / 1981- / EBSCO / 1999- / 24.00
Science News / 1972- / EBSCO / 1975- / 55.00
Sky and Telescope / 2012- / EBSCO, GeoRef / 1994- / 50.95
Sports Illustrated / 1972- / EBSCO / 1992- / 88.95
Teaching Children Mathematics / 2005- / JSTOR / 2006- / 128.00 / 8.00
Time / 1923-34, 1960- / EBSCO / 1923- / 76.13 / -1.00
Week, The / 2014- / Lexis-Nexis / 2008- / 86.50 / 9.00


Title / Garnett Print / Fulltext Coverage / Dates of full text / Cost of Print / Cancel Print / Subscription increase from 2016
Academic Leader / 2007- / EBSCO / 2004-2006 / 269.00
Agricultural History / 2010- / JSTOR / 1927-2013 / 233.00
Nursing / 2008- / EBSCO, CINAHL / 1975-2007 / 739.95 / 64.00
Teaching Professor, The / 1996-2003, 2007- / EBSCO / 2004-2006 / 122.00


Title / Garnett Print / Fulltext Coverage / Online Indexing / Cost of Print / Cancel Print / Subscription increase from 2016
American Nurse Today / 2009- / None / CINAHL / 285.00 / 71.55
Cape Rock / 2002- / None / Humanities Int’l / 23.00
Crab Orchard Review / 2003- / None / Humanities Int’l / 39.00
Critical Care Nursing Clinics / 2004- / None / CINAHL, Medline / 385.00 / 15.00
Imprint / 2004- / None / CINAHL, Medline / 51.00
Journal of Emergency Nursing / 2004- / None / CINAHL, Medline / 502.00 / 28.00
New Letters / 2002- / None / MLA Int’l Bibliography, Humanities Int’l Index / 43.00
Nursing Clinics of North America / 2004- / None / CINAHL, Medline / 465.00 / 18.00
Parents / 1973-92, 2011- / None / EBSCO, CINAHL / 26.98
Poets & Writers Magazine / 1995- / None / EBSCO, Humanities Int’l. / 31.95
Prologue / 1977- / None / Humanities Int’l. / 39.00
Reader’s Digest / 1964-76, 1989- / None / EBSCO MasterFile, MAS Ultra / 28.98
Teaching English in the 2-Year College / 2012- / None / ERIC, MLA Int’l Bibl / 90.00
Young Children / 2001- / None / ERIC / 114.00


Title / Garnett Print / Online Coverage / Cost of Print / Cancel Print / Subscription increase from 2016
Allegheny Review / 2002- / None / 19.00
Elder Mountain / 2009- / None / 10.00
Graphic Design USA / 1992- / None / 72.00
Home Power / 2000- / None / 44.95
Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care / 2002- / None / 34.00
Missouri Historical Review / 1906- / None / 30.00
Missouri Life / 1973-88, 1999- / None / 34.99
OzarksWatch / 1987- / None / 15.00
Ridgerunner / 1985- / None / 12.00
Show Me Missouri Farm Bureau / 1997- / None / 45.00
Speech & Theatre Assoc. of Missouri Journal (STAM Journal) / 2011- / None / 25.00
3D World / 2005- / None / 151.00


Title / Garnett Print / Online Coverage Full Text / Cost of Print / Cancel Print / Subscription increase from 2016
USA Today / Six months / Lexis-Nexis 1989- / 348.12 / 58.12
Wall Street Journal / Six months / ProQuest 1984- / 413.40

**Changes in coverage since 2016:

Mailbox—Preschool is now online only, so subscription cancelled

Forbes changed from limited full text to full text

Rodale’s Organic Life must be ordered direct from publisher, not EBSCO